The ABC Homeopathy Forum
side effects of masturbation
I masturbated for 8 years exccessively and 3 years ago got rid of this habbit. Now I am feeling its side effects like exhaution with slight work,weakness,fatigue,chest tightness,palpitation,pain around kidneys,constipation,gas,underweight,anxiety,fear,low confidence,breathlessness,pre seminal discharge with little excitement etc plz help mefmsryp on 2014-06-23
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Staphysagaria 200 one dose daily evening time for three days then one dose after 7days for one dose is 8globules or 4 drops of med in two table spoon of water.
♡ akshaymohl last decade
After taking your precribed medicine i am feeling better mentally but still physically i feel exhaustion with sight work,basically I want to achieve what I lost physically over the years of masturbation. I want to see myself fit and fine both physically and mentally and get into perfect tone.Bcoz of these issues I'm neither able to do job nor marry.Give me some magical thing that can cure my worn out body and generate lots of energy
fmsryp last decade
Acid phos 30 three times daily for three days twice daily for next three days one dose daily for three days in total 9days weekly dose of staphysagaria to be stopped .
♡ akshaymohl last decade
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