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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

masturbation side effects

I have been masturbated for 4 years alot from age 15 to 19 and very adversly effected me !!!!
My age is 20 now .
I have sever pain throughout body
It has made me so weak my weight is 48 kg !!!
Effected my brain .
Sever eyes pain and burning sensation always watery along with twiching in left eye
Bad pain in head ..
Very dull mind !!!
My head burns !!!
Weat dreams!!!
My forhead burns and i feel something stuck in mid of my brain !!!!
Lost concentration !!!
I cant focus on studies .
I can gain anything!!!!!
I have sever memory loss problem .
I cant face someone wanna live isolated!!!!
Very weak body
Always feel sleepy and dizzy
Please help me sir else i suicide !!!!
[message edited by Saqib jalal 10 on Fri, 02 Dec 2016 17:35:35 UTC]
  Saqib jalal 10 on 2016-12-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi saqib... if u r in pakistan... use masood homeopathic medicines, these r cheap and v. Good quality... else if u want imported german medicines... go for schwabe... but masood medicines are equal to schwabe and in half price...

I recommend go for the course suggested by dr reva v 2nd draft masturbation effects... do complete course... it will take time for full cure....dont worry...
ajayxp99 8 years ago
Ajay xp

Kindly share your own experiences with this problem for the benefit of others.
Teupne 8 years ago

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