The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dr. De La rava help with mild autism for seven year boy
My seven years old son was born 27-1/2 weeks premature resulted in hospitalization for about 4 months after he was born. He had some other complication resulting into a surgery to remove 75% of his intestine. As when he was born his heart was not beating the way it should be so he was given ibuprofen 90% of children react to 1st dose, but he was among the 10% who dont and was given 2nd dose. Which damage his intestine and he had a surgery to remove damage part in order to avoid further damage.He is still going through PT/OT on a weekly basis as he is behind 2 years of his age in mental development according to the last evaluation that was done a year ago. He is gone through lot of hospitalization and procedures. He has been traumatized by hospital and Dr. He was mostly fed on Pedi-sure for year and half as he was gaining almost a gram a day. He had G-Tube until he was 2 and then by bottle. He was born with teeth didn't have sufficient enamel and were yellowish.
On his last evaluation he was evaluated at age five, that is causing some challenges for him. As if he try to communicate with his age group he cant communicate at their age level. It does not go well. He has been suspected to have autism on a borderline. Some of the typical sign are he dont like to change the environment, i.e. setting of the room, or place where he is if you do it he gets very upset. New things are challenge for him. He is very social most of the time, occasionally he can be not social at all. Main issue for him is the articulation, he cant articulate appropriate to his age. That is causing problem in making friends etc. We have been trying to keep him busy in physical activities, as such swimming, gymnastics, and trampoline at home etc. He like to spend more time watching TV shows for audience much younger than him. When he sleep he folds his knees towards stomach. Someone has to sleep with him, and keep holding him until he goes to sleep.
I would appreciate your help with the diagnosis and please let me know if you have any specific questions.
Danial98 on 2014-07-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
We have no Dr. De La rava on this forum.
I would suggest you use the edit function
button to the right bottom of your post
and ask for Rishimba in your headline.
He is a homeopathic dr. and has done
Autism cases. His email is vital.forceAt, you can email him to see
if he can look this over for you and
We have no Dr. De La rava on this forum.
I would suggest you use the edit function
button to the right bottom of your post
and ask for Rishimba in your headline.
He is a homeopathic dr. and has done
Autism cases. His email is vital.forceAt, you can email him to see
if he can look this over for you and
♡ simone717 last decade
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