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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dandruff in Hair

Hi ,

I am 30 years old male and having too much dandruff in my Hairs and also scales behind my ears. Every time when I scratch it, it gets red and will be large flakes of dandruff. Please help how to remove dandruff from my hairs, thanks.

Please advise.
  shahidpk on 2005-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
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deoshlok last decade
One of a learned homeopath on this forum suggested phytolaca tincture ,just a few drops in a little water and just few doses will remove the dandruff.Try that.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks for reply,

Information as under;

1. Age: 30
2. Sex Male
3. country: India
4. climate: Winter/Hot
5. current complain: Dandruff
6. current medicine you are taking : No except Antidandruff Shampoo
7. sign & Symptom of disease: Dandruuf with scale in head and behind ears.
8. Slight back history: Dandruff from Childhood.
9. family back ground. Nothing
10. qualification of patient: M.A Economics.
11. Nature of working; Computer Working 8 Hrs a day.
12. desire and aversion of food: Vegatable grain Wheat, Chicken etc.
13. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient: Anger mood .

I hope the above said information is enough for remedy of Dandruff. One thing more ***** phytolaca tincture **** is used for reduce weight is ??.

Please advise me and help me in my cure.

shahidpk last decade
Dandruff is caused by a fungus known as malazzesia globosa.
Studies have shown that with only 90 minutes of continuous scratching by the fingernails, it is possible to remove all of the cuticular scale, a protective covering on individual hairs, off of a hair shaft.
[spammed url removed by moderator]
munish last decade
Dandruff is due to lack of blood supply in to scalp.It is due to impatient,Anger, Anxiety is the main cause.

Please continue the following medicine
Argent Nit 1m weekly one dose and Pix liquida 30 4 tab thrice in a day.
and report to the forum
deoshlok last decade
1. Age: 34
2. Sex Male
3. country: India
4. climate: Winter/Hot
5. current complain: Dandruff only in central part of scalp
6. current medicine you are taking : No except Antidandruff Shampoo
7. sign & Symptom of disease: Dandruuf with scale in head.
8. Slight back history: Dandruff from age 20.
9. family back ground. Nothing
10. qualification of patient: BSC.
11. Nature of working; Computer Working 8 Hrs a day.
12. desire and aversion of food: Vegitarion.
13. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient: Anger mood .
shivam last decade

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