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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sleep problem

Dear Learned Doctors:

I am 30 yrs old male.

I do suffer from lot of sleep problem. I can't fall asleep easily. Some days it goes to 3:00 AM in morning. When ever I try to fall asleep, I get a kind of jerk in body and sleep goes away. Next day morning I feel very much tired, thirsty, drowsy etc. This is happening almost 2 years.

Request you to please suggest some medicine for sound sleep at night and a permanent cure.

Thank you very much.


  somukherjee on 2014-08-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try Kali phos 6x cell salt- these are tablets, also called
Dr. Reckewege biochemic-

Take 3 tabs 3 times a day for 4 days and then report on
how this is working.
simone717 last decade
Please take the following medicines:

1.Zincum Met-200 (five drops at night after four days means twice a week)
2. Passiflora-Q (30-50 drops in a little water at bed time)

report after 2 weeks.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you Dr. Mahfooz

I will follow your remedy and let you know.


[message edited by somukherjee on Tue, 05 Aug 2014 12:42:32 BST]
somukherjee last decade
Thank you Simone717.
somukherjee last decade
A.Salam.Dr Mahfooz ur Rehman.Please reply to my post also.I am waiting for your reply from long time.May Allah bless you.Thanks
thenewone99 last decade

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