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11 month old boy diagnosed with pertussis Page 3 of 4
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I just gave him 1st dose of belladonna 200 mixture per your directions about 20 min ago. He is sleeping now. Usually he wakes up after 1 - 2 hours and goes straight into coughing. Here's hoping. I'll update in a while. I'm going to try and get some sleep!
Mkrenzin last decade
ah good, poor you! I can imagine this has been exhausting. I will keep checking in to see when you have posted again.
♡ Evocationer last decade
It's been two hours. He's still asleep. I should be too, but I still have a nagging question. With his cough gone, how will the mucus be gotten rid of? Won't it just accumulate?
Mkrenzin last decade
You need to talk to your pediatrician about this bc
sometimes mucous has to be suctioned out of
the nose and mouth.
sometimes mucous has to be suctioned out of
the nose and mouth.
♡ simone717 last decade
Now I am very concerned that he is not coughing. I'm afraid of all the mucus buildup or pooling. Please advise.
Mkrenzin last decade
Is his breathing laboured? Can you hear rattling? Is he struggling in any way?
Homoeopathy creates healing by using all the body's natural systems. If there is some way other than a violent choking suffocating cough to rid him of the mucous, it will find it. Mucous can be broken down by the white blood cells in the body as well - I wouldn't worry at this point there is no need. Let's see what he is like when he wakes up.
Homoeopathy creates healing by using all the body's natural systems. If there is some way other than a violent choking suffocating cough to rid him of the mucous, it will find it. Mucous can be broken down by the white blood cells in the body as well - I wouldn't worry at this point there is no need. Let's see what he is like when he wakes up.
♡ Evocationer last decade
He woke up and had a moderate shorter spell. He seemed pretty congested and did seem a little rattly, but I think he worked it out alright. He is sleeping peacefully again and his breathing sounds fine.
Where do I take it from here?
Thank you again for your time and care!
Where do I take it from here?
Thank you again for your time and care!
Mkrenzin last decade
He just slept another 4 hours. He seems to be much better. His symptoms seem more like normal cold type symptoms. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Mkrenzin last decade
Just watch and wait. Repeat the remedy only if he appears to relapse. Otherwise allow his body to heal itself now.
♡ Evocationer last decade
He is doing better as far as the whooping cough goes. But he is very congested now, stuffy nose, but runny too, lots of snot flowing, but still congested. Is that to be expected? Any suggestions, or am I dealing with the much lesser of two evils? Also, my 11 year old daughter must have just been in the beginning stages with a normal bad cough - now she is definitely showing symptoms of whooping cough. Can I give her the same remedy? If so, same dose?
Mkrenzin last decade
Also, do you think I should give my 11 year old antibiotics? She says she thinks she's been coughing severely for about 5 days.
Mkrenzin last decade
Just allow him time to heal. Homoeopathy only stimulates the body's own natural systems, and so now he may be eliminating the remains of the disease. As I said earlier, the body will find some way to rid itself of the rubbish inside.
I never advise antibiotics unless it is an emergency. Make a separate post for your daughter and I can try to prescribe for her as well.
I never advise antibiotics unless it is an emergency. Make a separate post for your daughter and I can try to prescribe for her as well.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Hello again,
My little guys symptoms have taken a turn for the worse again. He had a significant coughing spell this afternoon that he had a hard time coming out of.
He's very congested and appears to be choking on very thick clear stringy mucus. If he can sneeze, it helps considerably because a large amount is expelled from his nose. when he coughs, tears come out of his eyes and when he finally gets through, he looks tired and eyes are pinkish. i can hear his congestion in his nose when he breathes - I've tried thinning it with saline drops and tried removing it with a nasal aspirator, but I'm not getting much out.
I gave him another dose about 4 hours ago and he just recently had another spell that was much worse. I think he is really choking on the mucus.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My little guys symptoms have taken a turn for the worse again. He had a significant coughing spell this afternoon that he had a hard time coming out of.
He's very congested and appears to be choking on very thick clear stringy mucus. If he can sneeze, it helps considerably because a large amount is expelled from his nose. when he coughs, tears come out of his eyes and when he finally gets through, he looks tired and eyes are pinkish. i can hear his congestion in his nose when he breathes - I've tried thinning it with saline drops and tried removing it with a nasal aspirator, but I'm not getting much out.
I gave him another dose about 4 hours ago and he just recently had another spell that was much worse. I think he is really choking on the mucus.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mkrenzin last decade
How did you give him the dose of Belladonna?
♡ Evocationer last decade
I mixed it up a couple of nights ago in the dropper bottle per your instructions. So I gave him 2 tsp of the mixture of 100 ml water + 3 drops from bottle that I mixed up a couple of nights ago.
Mkrenzin last decade
♡ Evocationer last decade
Yes, I did hit it firmly before I mixed 3 drops with water. Today I gave him 2 tsp of what I had already mixed up two nights ago. Should I have started fresh today?
Mkrenzin last decade
It looks like my easiest options for tomorrow are kali bichromicum 30c or 12x md. I will call around to some other places too.
Mkrenzin last decade
You should ALWAYS start fresh. The remedy in that cup is no longer able to affect him. Please repeat the dose from the step where you hit the bottle. Increase the hits (succussions) to 10. Give him 3 doses in a row, one hour apart. Stop if anything worsens or he noticeably improves. Make sure you hit the bottle each time and add new drops to fresh water each time (do not reuse the water).
Kali bich can be used if this does not help him.
Kali bich can be used if this does not help him.
♡ Evocationer last decade
I gave him one dose of kali bic about 5 hours ago and he slept for close to 4 hours, seemed much improved. 30 min ago he Woke up to a bad spell with choking on mucus again. So I have him another dose. Please tell me your thoughts.
Thank you
Thank you
Mkrenzin last decade
Well, he just started coughing again - it started out drier, but then the mucus came again he choked on it a bunch and threw up a little so he might've lost that dose. It seems like the mucus gets stuck in between his sinuses and throat. When this happens I always hope for a good sneeze. No luck this time. He's sleeping now.
Mkrenzin last decade
He tends to sleep pretty well, 2 - 4 hours at a time, but when he wakes up, the cough is there with a vengeance. He just woke up now and his struggle was easier, but then it usually is in the morning. His cough just now sound dryer and had a little whoop at first , but then that mucus! I feel so sad for him.
Mkrenzin last decade
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