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11 month old boy diagnosed with pertussis Page 4 of 4

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He tends to sleep pretty well, 2 - 4 hours at a time, but when he wakes up, the cough is there with a vengeance. He just woke up now and his struggle was easier, but then it usually is in the morning. His cough just now sound dryer and had a little whoop at first , but then that mucus! I feel so sad for him.
Mkrenzin last decade
Do you have any suggestions now? Shall I still get the kali bic 30c? I feel so lost. I did not give him the kali bic 6c every hour, because he was sleeping and I needed sleep too. Should I have given it to him every hour anyways?
Mkrenzin last decade
Continue with the 6c but get hold of 12c and/or 30c. The low potencies often require frequent repeating as they are not that powerful. Once you have either of those higher potencies start with them. Use 12c first if you have it, or 30c if that is all you can get.
Evocationer last decade
Repeat the dose each hour for 6 doses if 12c, or 3 doses if 30c.
Evocationer last decade
What has happened with your son?
Evocationer last decade

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