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11 month old boy diagnosed with pertussis Page 2 of 4
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also, I do have drosera and antimonium tartaricum that I got just in case you might advise me to use. The nearest store I can purchase at is an hours drive so I can get other things but it is a ways away.
Mkrenzin last decade
He just woke up from a 1/2 hour nap and had a terrible coughing fit. Gagging, choking, wretching, until he threw up a little clear stringy mucus. Hope this is not an indicator of the next 12 hours. :(
Mkrenzin last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
Mkrenzin last decade
130pm actually, and I am here :)
Give him a dose of Drosera.
I do feel like I am operating on a limited amount of information here. We are in danger of just giving him 'whooping cough remedies' and this might be limiting us to the wrong remedies (or only partially correct ones).
I will look at the original information again.
Give him a dose of Drosera.
I do feel like I am operating on a limited amount of information here. We are in danger of just giving him 'whooping cough remedies' and this might be limiting us to the wrong remedies (or only partially correct ones).
I will look at the original information again.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Thank you. I just have him a dose of ipecacuanha because I didn't know how much to give him of drosera and his last fit was one of the worst. Shall I try drosera next? In 3 or 4 hours? Would it be the same dosage? Please let me know what more information you might need and i will be glad to tell you!
Mkrenzin last decade
Oops. That should read: I just gave him a dose of ipecacuanha.
Mkrenzin last decade
Ok I did some more careful repertory work on your son's case today. I looked at these rubrics:
Stomach, vomiting, whooping cough
Cough, choking
Cough, violent, night
Cough, croupy, night
Cough, hacking
Cough, hard
Cough, paroxysmal, night
Cough, suffocative, night
Cough, whooping, violent
Face, discolouration, red, during cough
Respiration, gasping, during cough
Mouth, mucous, ropey + Mouth, mucous, string, pulled off in a string
Out of these 12 rubrics, this is how remedies scored:
Belladonna 11/12
Ipec 9/12
Coccus cacti 8/12
Cuprum 8/12
Drosera 8/12
Carbo-veg 7/12
Kali-bi 6/12
Interestingly Belladonna is very highly indicated. Keynotes for Belladonna in this analysis were Hard cough, Paroxysms of coughing at night, Violent whooping cough, Red face during coughing
Looking over the others, I actually think that after Belladonna I would be considering Coccus cacti.
However I believe you have Belladonna 30c at home is that right? Give him 3 doses of that, one every 1/2 hour. Let me know what that does. I will keep checking in regularly today.
Stomach, vomiting, whooping cough
Cough, choking
Cough, violent, night
Cough, croupy, night
Cough, hacking
Cough, hard
Cough, paroxysmal, night
Cough, suffocative, night
Cough, whooping, violent
Face, discolouration, red, during cough
Respiration, gasping, during cough
Mouth, mucous, ropey + Mouth, mucous, string, pulled off in a string
Out of these 12 rubrics, this is how remedies scored:
Belladonna 11/12
Ipec 9/12
Coccus cacti 8/12
Cuprum 8/12
Drosera 8/12
Carbo-veg 7/12
Kali-bi 6/12
Interestingly Belladonna is very highly indicated. Keynotes for Belladonna in this analysis were Hard cough, Paroxysms of coughing at night, Violent whooping cough, Red face during coughing
Looking over the others, I actually think that after Belladonna I would be considering Coccus cacti.
However I believe you have Belladonna 30c at home is that right? Give him 3 doses of that, one every 1/2 hour. Let me know what that does. I will keep checking in regularly today.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Belladonna from Kent's Lectures:
An intense cough
Cough at night
Cough when lying down, more at night than at daytime
The cough is spasmodic, barking, short
It is a remedy for whooping cough
Finally after long coughing the expectoration ... of a little thin white mucous
The Belladonna cough is peculiar - as soon as its great violence and the great effort have raised a little mucous he gets peace for a little while and he stops coughing
Whoop, gagging, sometimes vomiting
He gets up a little mucous and the cough subsides
After another interval he has another spell
Belladonna is a remedy that takes hold of the system with great violence
The pains and suffering come on suddenly and with great violence and subside suddenly
An intense cough
Cough at night
Cough when lying down, more at night than at daytime
The cough is spasmodic, barking, short
It is a remedy for whooping cough
Finally after long coughing the expectoration ... of a little thin white mucous
The Belladonna cough is peculiar - as soon as its great violence and the great effort have raised a little mucous he gets peace for a little while and he stops coughing
Whoop, gagging, sometimes vomiting
He gets up a little mucous and the cough subsides
After another interval he has another spell
Belladonna is a remedy that takes hold of the system with great violence
The pains and suffering come on suddenly and with great violence and subside suddenly
♡ Evocationer last decade
I do not have belladonna, but I could get it after the store opens again in about 7 hours. Would the dosage and method be the same for administering it?
Mkrenzin last decade
I do not have belladonna, but I could get it after the store opens again in about 7 hours. Would the dosage and method be the same for administering it?
Mkrenzin last decade
Ah I thought I saw you post you had it. Get Bell 200 then not 30. Is it possible to get a small bottle and dropper to make the dose properly. Stirring in a cup has certain limitations.
Can I ask when this cough started exactly? Was there anything that happened just before?
Also, if possible I would get Coccus cacti 200c as well.
Can I ask when this cough started exactly? Was there anything that happened just before?
Also, if possible I would get Coccus cacti 200c as well.
♡ Evocationer last decade
I will get both belladonna and coccus. I have a nice bottle and dropper I can use. It holds 30 ml and I think the dropper holds 10 drops.
How shall I mix it when I get it?
The cough started about 8 days ago. My girls (age 11 and 7) both have had a 'very bad cough' for a couple months. It is a choking cough for them, but much milder and they were managing. I had 7 year old checked for pertussis about a month ago. She tested negative, but they used the culture method which I've just learned is not as effective for the stage she was in. I have a strong feeling that pertussis is what the girls were dealing with after all. Another thing that preceded it was that we were at the beach, and spending a lot of time at the ocean. We came on a Wednesday and his cough started on the following Saturday. My son loved it and he would crawl right out to the edge of the water and sit in my lap and play. A couple of times a big wave would come and he did swallow a small amount of ocean water, not concerning though. But I try to think of every factor in situations like this to determine significance. When he started the cough, I tried to pin point exactly when my daughter had first started coughing. When I looked at the calendar I realized it was shortly after we had made a previous day trip to the ocean. I thought that was a curious coincidence. It may be insignificant, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
How shall I mix it when I get it?
The cough started about 8 days ago. My girls (age 11 and 7) both have had a 'very bad cough' for a couple months. It is a choking cough for them, but much milder and they were managing. I had 7 year old checked for pertussis about a month ago. She tested negative, but they used the culture method which I've just learned is not as effective for the stage she was in. I have a strong feeling that pertussis is what the girls were dealing with after all. Another thing that preceded it was that we were at the beach, and spending a lot of time at the ocean. We came on a Wednesday and his cough started on the following Saturday. My son loved it and he would crawl right out to the edge of the water and sit in my lap and play. A couple of times a big wave would come and he did swallow a small amount of ocean water, not concerning though. But I try to think of every factor in situations like this to determine significance. When he started the cough, I tried to pin point exactly when my daughter had first started coughing. When I looked at the calendar I realized it was shortly after we had made a previous day trip to the ocean. I thought that was a curious coincidence. It may be insignificant, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
Mkrenzin last decade
Wow, I'm really having a time with getting a hold of remedies. I was only able to get belladonna 6c. To get Coccus cacti, I will have to order online and wait for it to come in the mail. Could you instruct me on a dose for Belladonna 6c?
Mkrenzin last decade
Would be the same as the first instructions on the other--If you can only get pillules or pellets, dissolve 3 of those into 250mls of clean water. Stir very thoroughly. Give 2 teaspoons of this. Stir thoroughly (whisk the water) before every dose. Only place the pillules/pellets in once, not each dose. Just use the same water each time.
♡ simone717 last decade
6c is extremely low. I am not sure how much effect that would even have.
Because of that, you will need to give him one dose each hour until something happens.
I am very surprised - Belladonna is one of the most commonly prescribed children's remedies for acutes.
Because of that, you will need to give him one dose each hour until something happens.
I am very surprised - Belladonna is one of the most commonly prescribed children's remedies for acutes.
♡ Evocationer last decade
I gave it to him almost 2 hours ago. He still had a moderate coughing fit.
Unfortunately I live in the U. S. where many doctors are just part of the system that only believes in prescription medications. I live in an area where holistic doctors and alternative medicine are rare. I'm literally paving the road here for myself. Which is why I am so grateful for your help. I can drive a bit further to get a stronger bellatona if I need to. I was just so tired today that I stated closer to home. But seriously, if it is best for my son, I will go and get it.
Unfortunately I live in the U. S. where many doctors are just part of the system that only believes in prescription medications. I live in an area where holistic doctors and alternative medicine are rare. I'm literally paving the road here for myself. Which is why I am so grateful for your help. I can drive a bit further to get a stronger bellatona if I need to. I was just so tired today that I stated closer to home. But seriously, if it is best for my son, I will go and get it.
Mkrenzin last decade
Here they are-
Please obtain 200c, in liquid form.
If you instead have pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.
If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.
1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand
2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water
3. Stir very thoroughly
4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.
This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses,
Please obtain 200c, in liquid form.
If you instead have pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.
If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.
1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand
2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water
3. Stir very thoroughly
4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.
This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses,
♡ simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone.
For the moment, use the 6c and dose him every hour if possible, stopping if any symptom appears to worsen or he gets markedly better (70%).
For the moment, use the 6c and dose him every hour if possible, stopping if any symptom appears to worsen or he gets markedly better (70%).
♡ Evocationer last decade
Mkrenzin last decade
I use brandy usually because children (and adults) don't mind the taste when mixed with water. You could use Vodka since that doesn't taste too strong, or anything as long as it doesn't contain other substances (like cream, milk, chocolate etc.).
♡ Evocationer last decade
I just gave him 1st dose of belladonna 200 mixture per your directions about 20 min ago. He is sleeping now. Usually he wakes up after 1 - 2 hours and goes straight into coughing. Here's hoping. I'll update in a while. I'm going to try and get some sleep!
Mkrenzin last decade
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