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Low grade fever came back, not feeling well , cannot get thus tux till next Wed.
should I take antibiotics
Please help
God Bless
dempress last decade
Low grade fever came back, not feeling well , cannot get thus tux till next Wed.
should I take antibiotics
Please help
God Bless
dempress last decade
'should I take antibiotics '

Please take Rhus Tox 30C, 3 times a day, for 3 days.

More prayers....
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawazkhan , Thank you so much for your reply, I will do that right now.
God Bless you always
Thank you

Will keep you posted
dempress last decade

You are welcome. Stay Blessed!

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawazkhan, wanted to update you on my condition, the cyst is very painful but very hard, it does not seem to ripen any time soon yet. tomorrow is the last dose for the calc sulph.it is giving me pain but it is ripen or becoming bigger.
I still have fevers they are low grade and fluctuate between 98.7 - 99.5 +.
What should I do do I continue ?
Please I await for your continued directions.
Thank You
Many Blessings to you,
dempress last decade
Hi Nawazkhan wanted to let you know that Sunday I started menstruating and I am still bleeding the blood is very dark and stringy, and there is a little odor not much, I do not know if this is related to the cyst,
dempress last decade

Thanks for the update.

Please stop all remedies. Take one dose of Staphysagria 200C tonight.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
thank you for your patience
dempress last decade
So, how do you feel now?
nawazkhan last decade
I took the staph yesterday evening . The pain intensified to the point I cannot walk or sit but the cyst did not yet drain, it feels bigger but it is not draining do you want me to take another dose ?
dempress last decade
Yes, please take another dose asap.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawazkhan wanted to ask could I take ibuprofen for the pain?
dempress last decade
Please take Tylenol 1000 mg as needed for pain.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 17:26:05 GMT]
nawazkhan last decade
Thank You , will keep you posted
Blessings to you
dempress last decade
Hi Nawazkhan, wanted to update you, I did take the second dose this morning and the cyst remains the same, it is still hard on one side i fell a soft pocket maybe the size of a dime , but it is not ripe yet., in case the condition remains the same do you want me to repeat the dose with staph?
I await your reply
Thank you so much for your help, I truly appreciate all that you are doing for me.
dempress last decade
' in case the condition remains the same do you want me to repeat the dose with staph? '

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi, the situation remains the same, the access is still hard, painful and fevers.
what do I do ? It doesn't look like there is any changes.
I await your post...please
dempress last decade
Hi, the situation remains the same, the access is still hard, painful and fevers.
what do I do ? It doesn't look like there is any changes.
I await your post...please
dempress last decade
What remedies have been taken for the last 5 days?

How many times per days?

How do you prepare your dose?

What do you usually take for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks?
nawazkhan last decade
Do you have Calc fluor 6x?
nawazkhan last decade
only the ones prescribed by you.
was taking calc slush 12x since last Monday and then switched over to staph 200c one dose per day.
4 pellets dissolved in a tblsp of water.
I had toast with jelly, soup salads I eat very light because since wed I am unable to have a good bm because this abcess is causing blockage.
I do have calc flu but in a 30c and maybe the healthful store might have it in a 6c. the pain is throbbing with a bruised feeling I am taking tylenol so the pain and fevers are under control...
dempress last decade

Please get Calc Fluor 6x from the health store and take 4 tablets, 3 times a day, for 4 days.

Also, get Natrum Phos 6x and take 4 tablets, after each meal, for 5 days.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawazkhan, GREAT NEWS !!!!!!
The abcess JUST broke and I am draining as I write , Thank You Thank You, I am so relieved and Happy

I know you want me to take remedies to clean this out completely. the discharge is dark green/brown very very foul odor unbearable to smell.

Many Many Many Blessings to you Always.
You are truly gifted and remarkable !
Thank you for your patience I know i have been a burden Forgive me.
dempress last decade
Hi Nawazkhan since the previous post want to update you
[message edited by dempress on Tue, 28 Oct 2014 02:29:56 GMT]
dempress last decade
wanted to update you, the discharge has turned pink meaning there is blood but not red , it is pinkish white, the odor is no longer there, the abscess and fistula feels very sore and painful.
from my vagina am able to feel a very small distended mass as if the abscess has more matter, I do still have a low grade fever with chills but it is not that bad.
I await your response.
many blessings to you
dempress last decade

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