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wanted to update you, the discharge has turned pink meaning there is blood but not red , it is pinkish white, the odor is no longer there, the abscess and fistula feels very sore and painful.
from my vagina am able to feel a very small distended mass as if the abscess has more matter, I do still have a low grade fever with chills but it is not that bad.
I await your response.
many blessings to you
from my vagina am able to feel a very small distended mass as if the abscess has more matter, I do still have a low grade fever with chills but it is not that bad.
I await your response.
many blessings to you
dempress last decade
Thanks to our creator.
Did you take Rhus Tox 200C as suggested?
Your changing symptoms are calling for Merc Sol 200C.
What is the exact color of Vaginal Discharge, if any?
Many prayers for your pain free life.
Thanks to our creator.
Did you take Rhus Tox 200C as suggested?
Your changing symptoms are calling for Merc Sol 200C.
What is the exact color of Vaginal Discharge, if any?
Many prayers for your pain free life.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Hi, right now there is no vaginal discharge, but my anal abscess is still draining what appears to be pus with very light blood it looks pink .I ordered Rhus Tox and it did not arrive yet, so I took echinacea yesterday after the abscess drained, and had no fevers since so I am fever free , Thank God !
I would like you to prescribe me a remedy to clean and drain the abscess completely before it closes so hopefully this can be cured,
I thank you with all my heart
Many blessings
I would like you to prescribe me a remedy to clean and drain the abscess completely before it closes so hopefully this can be cured,
I thank you with all my heart
Many blessings
dempress last decade
dempress last decade
Dear Nawazkhan
please I await your reply, too much time has elapsed since drainage and I am at square one again The abscess has stopped draining but there is still fluid inside it did not clean out properly and it will be just a matter of time that the abscess will form again. please before its too late tell me what to take to clean this. should I take the calendula?
I don't know what to do .
I truly appreciate you taking your time to help . you are very kind God Bless You
please I await your reply, too much time has elapsed since drainage and I am at square one again The abscess has stopped draining but there is still fluid inside it did not clean out properly and it will be just a matter of time that the abscess will form again. please before its too late tell me what to take to clean this. should I take the calendula?
I don't know what to do .
I truly appreciate you taking your time to help . you are very kind God Bless You
dempress last decade
Dear Nawazkhan
please I await your reply, too much time has elapsed since drainage and I am at square one again The abscess has stopped draining but there is still fluid inside it did not clean out properly and it will be just a matter of time that the abscess will form again. please before its too late tell me what to take to clean this. should I take the calendula?
I don't know what to do .
I truly appreciate you taking your time to help . you are very kind God Bless You
please I await your reply, too much time has elapsed since drainage and I am at square one again The abscess has stopped draining but there is still fluid inside it did not clean out properly and it will be just a matter of time that the abscess will form again. please before its too late tell me what to take to clean this. should I take the calendula?
I don't know what to do .
I truly appreciate you taking your time to help . you are very kind God Bless You
dempress last decade
'so I took echinacea yesterday after the abscess drained'
What potency? Why did you take this remedy?
What potency? Why did you take this remedy?
♡ nawazkhan last decade
no did not take in homeopathic remedy, I took echinacea / goldenseal tincture it is herbal antibiotic, I took it because wanted to keep infection at bay.
also just noticed that I started bleeding from vagina again.
also just noticed that I started bleeding from vagina again.
dempress last decade
No I had my period last Monday and went away 2 days ago, I have been bleeding off and on continuously I have no idea why, I do not know if the abscess /cyst is related to this bleeding problem, I still feel the lump from my vagina it never completely deflated.
dempress last decade
♡ nawazkhan last decade
dempress last decade
HI, this morning I checked and the cyst is back, it is big again and I feel it in my perineum area.. I am very depressed .
I did take the merc so; as by you prescribed,
I feel bad to bother you this way, but I know I will be cured under your care.
God Bless You , I await for further instructions
I did take the merc so; as by you prescribed,
I feel bad to bother you this way, but I know I will be cured under your care.
God Bless You , I await for further instructions
dempress last decade
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