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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature Ejaculation


I have been suffering from premature ejaculation around 5yrs ago. I masturbated since I was around 15. Been masturbating at least 1 time every day or less. I have tried to stop and is hard for me but now I am trying my best. Haven't done it over a week. Past several girlfriends I had sex I would ejaculate quick the first time 15-20 minutes later 2nd round I will last longer also with erection.

-Age 37 Male
-Height 5'11'
-Weight: 160 pounds
-I do exercise lift weights take vitamins + supplements for working out.
-Don't drink or smoke.
-Currently single.
-Don't eat barely red meat.
-I eat healthy a lot of protein in my diets + juice veggies and fruit.
-Bald spot on the crown of my head over 14yrs and now starting in front area little by little.
-Drink a lot water.
-No soda

Can I please get some help? Thank you
  gio123456 on 2014-10-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Any help?
gio123456 last decade
As per the details you given in the form describes that you don’t have such big problem in sexual contrast. Concentrate on healthy nutrition food & try to have sex within a few days but not routinely.
piyu11 last decade
I believe I do is embarasing because all my previous ex have told me I ejaculated too fast.
gio123456 last decade

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