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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

High Needs 10 month old sleep issues

I'm looking for advice for treating my high needs(super sensitive!) 10 month old son. My dr has suggested reflux meds for possible silent reflux but I am looking for a natural alternative. Since 4 months of age he is up every hr most nights to feed. (He is mostly on formula with some breastmilk). He will occasionally do a two-three hr stretch and will typically do 2/3 naps daily. I give him 1 dose of probiotics nightly. Here are some of his issues:
1. Eczema
2. Ongoing yeast rash (has improved but not completely better)
3. Aforementioned poor sleep habits
[message edited by Mushka on Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:36:31 BST]
[message edited by Mushka on Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:38:06 BST]
[message edited by Mushka on Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:39:22 BST]
  Mushka on 2014-10-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can try to find a suitable remedy for you. Before doing that, please click on my username to know about me.

Please answer the applicable questions below so that I may be able to select a remedy. Answer under the questions leaving them in place:

1. Age, weight, height
2. Physical appearance of the child e.g. thin, chubby, tall, short
3. Describe the nature of the child (shy, headstrong etc. give details)
4. Have the growth milestones (e.g. teething, standing, walking, talking etc. )achieved early, on time or late
5. What are the symptoms of the health problem
6. What makes the problem better without using medicines
7. What makes the problem worse without using medicines
8. How is the child behaving emotionally during this problem
9. How long the problem has been there
10. What is the reason of the problem in mother’s view
11. How is the child’s thirst & appetite
12. What does the child like to eat
13. What does the child dislike in food
14. Is there any strong preference of taste e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter
15. How is the stool & urine
16. How is the child’s sleep
17. What is the child afraid of (animals, insects, darkness, alone etc.)
18. Where does the child sweat normally
19. How much does the child sweat (little, moderate, a lot)
20. Any problems with nose, throat, ears, chest
21. Is the child normally cold or hot
22. Was it a planned pregnancy, if not, how did you feel on finding about it
23. How was the pregnancy of the mother (morning sickness, bleeding, happy, sad, tense etc)
24. How is the relationship of mother & father
25. What diseases run in your family (mother & father)
fitness last decade
1. Age, weight, height
10 months, 22lbs, appr 26'
2. Physical appearance of the child e.g. thin, chubby, tall, short
chubby, solid, stocky, robust (also if relevant, blood type A)
3. Describe the nature of the child (shy, headstrong etc. give details)
extremely headstrong, willful,loving,very demanding (demands to be held, must be bounced for hours to put to sleep, refuses anything restricting eg carseat, stroller etc), intelligent, both playful and serious, intense, knows what he wants, impatient
4. Have the growth milestones (e.g. teething, standing, walking, talking etc. )achieved early, on time or late
teething started very early at 2+ months but only getting his first tooth now at 10 months, the rest he is on time with crawling, standing etc.
5. What are the symptoms of the health problem
eczema patches, yeast rash, loose stools, awakes hourly at night to eat
6. What makes the problem better without using medicines
we use oatmeal in his bath as well as aveeno eczema cream, yogurt applied nightly to rash and acv rinse in the morning, was using an antifungal cream (lotrimin)for weeks, has helped but still there, also gets 1/4 tsp UDOs probiotics nightly.
7. What makes the problem worse without using medicines
possibly the powder formula we were using made things worse, switched to organic babys only lactorelief, skin has improved a bit
8. How is the child behaving emotionally during this problem
was colic until 4 months, he can still be very fussy
9. How long the problem has been there
eczema started very early on, yeast rash within the last few months, sleep regression since 4 months
10. What is the reason of the problem in mother’s view
possibilities include food allergies (dairy, wheat, eggs?), I am on a gluten free diet at the moment, also tried going off dairy for a while), also silent reflux, he spit up excessively when he was younger but not anymore, being high needs
11. How is the child’s thirst & appetite
great appetite and loves to drink water as well. Eats appr 25 oz every night + an addtional 10 or 12 oz or so during the day)
12. What does the child like to eat
the majority of his diet consists of his formula with about 10 oz of breastmilk. he loves organic cereal puffs, fruit purees, will try anything it seems
13. What does the child dislike in food
14. Is there any strong preference of taste e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter
both savory and sweet
15. How is the stool & urine
stool is always runny, usually brownish green, frequent urination
16. How is the child’s sleep
rough! up hourly at night and sleeps 1-3 naps during the day ranging from 1/2 hr to 2 hrs
17. What is the child afraid of (animals, insects, darkness, alone etc.)
loud noises, startles very easily, does not like to be alone, very effected by textures, hates to have his shirt or jacket put on, puts up a fight every time
18. Where does the child sweat normally
hairline, upper lip
19. How much does the child sweat (little, moderate, a lot)
20. Any problems with nose, throat, ears, chest
he has a habit of scratching his ears till they bleed, i think due to teething, also has a habit of what seems like fake coughing preiodically
21. Is the child normally cold or hot
usually hot
22. Was it a planned pregnancy, if not, how did you feel on finding about it
yes planned
23. How was the pregnancy of the mother (morning sickness, bleeding, happy, sad, tense etc)
extreme morning sickness first 5 months (was hospitalized once) but otherwise happy
Also I feel I should add the birth was very rough. Was in labor 22 hrs, pushed intensely for 4 hours, episiotomy and forceps delivery, third degree tear sustained, as well as separated pelvis (pubic symphysis)
24. How is the relationship of mother & father
excellent, very supportive and loving relationship
25. What diseases run in your family (mother & father)
Mother: grandfather had parkinsons.
Father: mother and grandmother diabetic
[message edited by Mushka on Sat, 25 Oct 2014 04:13:07 BST]
Mushka last decade
Your remedy is: Calcarea Carbonica 30c.

Please take two doses 12 hrs apart. Just two doses. Not daily.
Report back in 7 days with changes observed.

If remedy is Pills/Pellets:
One dose is one pill.
Dissolve the pill in your mouth.

If remedy is liquid:
Put one drop of the remedy in half glass of water, stir and take one tea spoon from it.
That’s one dose.

If the child can't safely suck on the pill/pellets then one dose is made by dissolving one pill of the remedy (or one drop, if you have liquid remedy) in half a glass of cooled, boiled water. Stir it and take one tea spoon from it.

First dose: At night before sleeping.
Second dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.
Don’t take any more dose or any other remedy unless I tell you.

If there is significant worsening of symptoms (called homeopathic aggravation) after the first dose, then don’t take the second dose.
Don’t take any other homeopathic remedy during this treatment.
Give a break of at least 10 minutes before eating/drinking anything before or after taking the remedy.
During the treatment, don’t eat anything which you have never had all your life.

Sometimes the symptoms for which treatment is being done can worsen after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is homeopathic aggravation and a good sign. It usually dies down within 24-48 hrs. During this time you can use any non-medicinal means to keep yourself comfortable. If the aggravation seems excessive, you can use any & all means necessary (including taking allopathic medicines) to keep yourself comfortable. Keep your homeopath fully updated if this happens.

A good example of how to report your progress is by giving %age improvement for all your health problems e.g.
Headache: 30% better
Low energy level: 50% better
Anxiety: 40% better
Sadness: No change
Depression: Worse
And so on list all your complaints.

If you don’t hear back from me within 24 hrs, it is likely that the forum’s email didn’t work. You can send me an email by clicking my username.

If someone is giving several remedies, without waiting to see the effect of one remedy, then it is totally against the core principles of homeopathy. Such an approach is unlikely to give permanent cure, rather it may distort actual symptoms making subsequent cure even more difficult.

You can get the remedies from this site or various other online sources, use Google search for it.
fitness last decade
Thank you for your advice! Do you recommend that I dissolve the pellet as I cannot ensure that he will suck on it but may just swallow?
Mushka last decade
Dissolving would be better.
fitness last decade
I gave my son the first dose last night and he has had a rough night, worse than usual and extra sleepy this morning, very unusual for him, he usually wakes up very alert.. Should I give the second dose this morning? He is due to take it at 9..(in 45 min)
Mushka last decade
Don't give the 2nd dose. Now just observe.

If you have given it, that's ok. Now just observe.
fitness last decade
Ok will do, thank you! (Kindly disregard the email I sent you as well).
Mushka last decade
I'm afraid I don't have much changes to report aside from the first harder than usual night. Since than he has been sleeping his usual, getting up hourly most nights except for one night where he had a three hr stretch and some two hr stretches on a few nights. Last night he was up every hr. His eczema does not appear to have improved at all and in one spot (the inner left arm crease) it looks worse. His yeast rash has not worsened and looks the same (just some slight redness present). He has been acting his usual self as well, playful, willful, demanding, curious, affectionate and getting better at standing/walking while holding on. We have been using all the same treatments, incl creams, ointments, oatmeal, coconut oil, yogurt and probiotics. Tia
Mushka last decade
Please give him one dose of Cal-C, just one dose and report back.
fitness last decade
I am a bit reluctant/nervous to try it again after last time..would you mind expounding a little on what the reasons are for trying again and reasonable expectations? Is it fairly typical that I haven't noticed much change over the past week? What is this remedy actually supposed to do if it's working properly?
Thanks for your help and advice.
Mushka last decade
Sometimes symptoms don't resolve with just one dose so repeat is necessary. Its atypical to not notice change. Imo, the remedy is right, but in the end its your choice.
fitness last decade
Hi there, I finally gave my son the second dose last night before bed. Not long after, he woke up crying from what seemed to be a nightmare. This is the first time I've heard him cry like that, sounded completely different than his usual and like he was scared. Other than that his night progressed as usual with a few 2 hr stretches. I am wondering if the bad dream is related to the calc carb. Would like to hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Mushka last decade
Its likely that the nightmare was caused by Cal-C though I can't be certain as there are tons of other variables.

We will know for sure if his sleep improves in the coming days.
fitness last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.