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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help needed on infant reflux

My baby is 7 weeks old and is suffering from severe reflux. I'm looking for a remedy to soothe my baby and if possible completely cure the reflux. Please advice.

Let me give a little background:
This started during week 4 and he started crying in the evenings. My pediatrician said it is colic and prescribed simithicone but it didn't help. Then she prescribed Hyoscyamine sulfate drops but I was hesitant to give as it contains 5% alcohol. Then based on the below symptoms she said my son has reflux and prescribed pervacid. I gave 3 dose of it but after reading its side effect I stopped it. I called a homeopath in India and she asked to give carbo veg for 2 days and then Aethusa 30 for 3 days. When i gave carbo veg my son seemed to react positively and was quite but Aethusa 30 is not working.
Now I'm desperate seeing my son in pain and crying. Please suggest remedy. His symptoms are:

I hear his stomach growling.
He pulls his legs up to his stomach.
He mostly spit after every feed.
He cries a lot in pain and is worse in the evening and night.
Arches back after feeding.
He couldn't sleep on back.
When laid elevated, he wakes up after 30 mins showing disturbed sleep.
He is very gassy.
He sleeps well over my shoulder and on his tummy.
Expecting your reply.
Thank you.
[message edited by newmom1 on Sun, 02 Nov 2014 12:33:07 GMT]
  newmom1 on 2014-11-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can try to find a suitable remedy for your case. Before doing that, please click on my username to know about me.

Please answer ALL these questions and I may be able to select a curative remedy. Leave the questions in place:

1. What is the age, weight & height of child
2. Physical appearance: Thin, Medium, Chubby
3. How is the child mentally & emotionally normally
4. How is the child mentally & emotionally during reflux/gerd
5. What are the symptoms of reflux/gerd
6. How is the child’s stool
7. Does the child have gas (flatulence), if yes, a lot or less
8. How is the child’s desire to feed
9. Is the child teething
10. How is the child’s sweat (perspiration), answer all these points
• Any Smell
• Where mostly
• How much (little, a lot etc.)
fitness 9 years ago

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