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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erection problem

ihave erection problem past 7 years.now i am 39y old.used allopathy but no use n also avurved.now iam using baryta carb 30 twice three drops in a glass of water.all medicines r effective only one week,after one week repeat the same problem,i am very upsetting,wat can i do please help me n save my sexual life.Libido also sinked n my wife searching for others,I have two babies..I have no any bad habits.please save my life
[message edited by ram69 on Mon, 26 Jan 2015 23:11:21 GMT]
  ram69 on 2014-11-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1. Lycopodium CM

after 3 days

2. Cladium 200


1.Take only one dose
you can take it from nearby homoeopathic dispensing doctor/store

after 3 days

2. 8 drops in half cup of water once day for 1 month

Feedback after 1 month
Dr. Umar Farooq last decade
thanking you sir,one dose means plz tell me clearly
ram69 last decade
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mani_jee last decade
One dose only
Don't Repeat it.
Until advised
Dr. Umar Farooq last decade
thank u sir.I have another problem like PE .when given 2 or 3 Stokes discharged and comes normal position.no further interest to do and size is shrinks while on erections.I want to increase time limit approximately 2 to 3 minutes.please help me.I have no any bad habbits.
[message edited by ram69 on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 23:00:47 GMT]
ram69 last decade
It is working sir, waiting for your next suggestions. Thanking you sir.
ram69 last decade

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