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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

9 year old enlarged adenoids/tonsils

My 9 year old son has suffered from chronic congestion since as far back as I can remember. Probably since 3 or 4 years old. When he talks you can tell he is stuffed up. He breathes with his mouth open during the day. I can tell it does affect his sleep. Sometimes his breathing will pause for a few seconds and then he will take a deep breath in. Sometimes I will adjust his position while he is sleeping and it seems to help with his breathing. He does snore at night and I have noticed his head is drenched in sweat even with it being cool in the room or a fan on. The sweating is not every night. Maybe a few times a week. He seems to sweat a lot more then other kids in the summer also while running around. He has had croup, strep, laryngitis, multiple times. Most of those came between the ages of 5 and 7 years of age except one time he got croup around 2 years old. The past couple years he doesn't seem to really get sick or catch any colds or anything. I have noticed his ears are beat red sometimes. Every time I took him for strep or other illness involving his throat the dr. Did mention an ear infection. The past year he has been complaining of his stomach hurting pretty much every day. And also complains of his legs hurting. He does complain of headaches but not everyday. At least 3 times a week. He also says sometimes it's hard to poop. His teacher and nurse at school say he complains almost every day that he doesn't feel good. I recently got a call from the nurse to let me know he has been to the health room 25 times this year. He never has a fever when he goes to the health room so they usually just send him back to his classroom. I have noticed he tries to clear his throat multiple times throughout the day and when he eats he coughs sometimes between bites. He also coughs soon after waking up every morning and 80 percent of the time it leads to him having to throw up. There have been times (rarely) that he throws up during the day from coughing. A couple of those times was at school while eating lunch. He complains of his chest hurting also. Not every day but enough to make me start researching and trying to figure out what I can do to help him get better. He went to the doctors a few months back and I told her all my concerns and she did Notice he had bags under his eyes and could tell this is affecting his sleep. They want him to do a sleep study. Dr said most likely they will recommend the tonsils to be taken out. He was also prescribed flonase, miralax, and prilosec. I have not started giving him any of the medicines because I would like to try some natural things first. They also want to make an appointment to have an endoscopy done. Is there anything I can do to make him better and treat all this myself? I don't want to get his adenoids/tonsils removed or mask all his problems with medicine unless there is absolutely nothing else that will help him.
  jessell88 on 2015-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can consider your case but you need to give many answers, copy the questions list in notepad,
write answers in same way with questions and then paste in post reply, NO SHORT answers explain MAXIMUM you can.

1. Age,sex,weight,body and face appearance, country.

2. Main complaints and other associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc; duration of trouble.
b)What exactly do child feels, Sensation as pain, how pain feels or burn etc, according to you.
c)What are the factors that causes this trouble according to you.
d)Condition under which the complaint is reduced or child feels better like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
e)Condition under which the complaint is increased like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
f)Any other complaint any where in the body.
g)Onset time of troubles in detail, i.e which came first, after that what problem and so on.
h)Treatment method adopted and its result.

3. History of diseases in family.

4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
b)Academic performance.
c)Any major incidents in life and the effect of it on life.
d)How is child satisfied with friends, family members, etc.

6. How is child's Appetite and Thirst.

7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-drink Ice Ice cream Chocolates Tea Coffee.
b)Anything else about like and dislike of any activity with child or surrounding.

8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency, satisfactory or not.
b)Any discomforts associated with stool.

9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature, volume.
b)Any discomfort before, during or after urination/odour

12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the quietness or restlessness of sleep,
position of sleep, times of waking and reasons for waking,
need for cover over various parts of the body,
whether the window must be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar sounds or gestures during sleep, etc.

13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts, staining, Odour.

14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and cold, dryness, humidity, weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts, closed rooms, etc.

15. Mental Status
a) Were there any complications at birth?
b)At what age did the child: crawl, walk, talk, teethe, toilet train ?
c)How did the child react to the following situations: vaccinations, birth of younger sibling, starting day care, starting school, spending night with a friend, going away to camp, traveling with the family
d)Did the child have an especially severe childhood illness--measles, mumps, croup, etc.?
e)When ill or upset does the child want to cling or be left alone, or something else altogether?
f)How would you describe the child's behavior when playing with other children?
g)What feedback do you get from the child's teachers?
h)How does your child treat animals?
i)What fears does your child have?
j)How affectionate is the child when not sick?
k)How sympathetic is the child (concerned with the suffering of others)?
l)How is the child affected by games, studying, music and dancing?
m)Is the child fastidious? Please explain.
n)Is the child sensitive to criticism? Please explain.
o)Describe the child's eating habits, for example: picks at his food, or eats voraciously, or is full after 2 bites, or can't sit still to eat, or must be fed or he won't calm down, and so on.
p)Are there any digestive complaints--waking with stomach pains, or a lot of gas and bloating or burping, or constipation, etc.?
q)How cooperative is the child?
r)What does the child really love to do?

NOTE-- if proper reporting will not be done by you, then i will close the case, you can take advice from others.

homeo.mzp 9 years ago
9 years old, Male, 75 lbs. ,Face Appearance- dark bags under eyes, sometimes red ears. Body Appearance- in between thin and chubby. Has a little bit of pot belly. Country- USA

2. Main complaints and other associated troubles. 
a)Where is the trouble; The exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc; duration of trouble. 
Chronic stuffy nose, snores at night, sometimes breathing pauses and also sometimes sweats a lot while asleep. Breathes through his mouth during the day. Complains of not feeling good during the day. Trys to clear throat multiple times a day. Says stomach hurts everyday and also legs hurt alot. Complains of headaches and also chest pain. Chest pain is in the center of the chest. Coughs shortly after waking up and 80 percent of the time leads to having to throw up. Also coughs sometimes in between bites while eating.

Changing position while sleeping sometimes helps with his breathing and helps with breathing pauses.

I feel like he doesn't get enough sleep at night so that makes him not feel good during the day and could possibly also have something to do with the headaches, legs hurting, chest pain. I believe he has sleep apnea from adenoids/tonsils being large.

says it is hard to poop sometimes and that his but hurts.

g)Onset time of troubles in detail, i.e which came first, after that what problem and so on. 
ANS. First was chronic stuffy nose. I noticed that he hasn't had a runny nose since before he was 3. And that he would talk with a nasal sound and breathe with mouth open during the day. Then came the snoring. After that I noticed the pauses while breathing during sleep. Next was the sweating while sleeping. After that it was coughing in the mornings which would lead to throwing up.most recently within the last year the legs hurting, chest, headaches came and also the stomach hurting.

No known history of diseases.

Has had a fine childhood.
Doesn't seem to want to do homework or listen in school. Teacher says he puts his head down alot.

No major incidents.

He is satisfied with family and friends.

Seems to being hungry alot and also thirsty. When thirsty he will make a glass of water and drink it fast right away.

He is pretty picky eater. His favorite thing is toast with butter.

Bowel movements don't seem to be regular. Says It's Hard to go sometimes. When he does go they are solid.

He urinates fine. Doesn't complain ab out anything with that.

seems to not get enough sleep. Moves around more then normal at night. Loud snoring. Can reduce snoring by changing positions. Breathing pauses. More if in a certain position.
Sucks thumb at night. Likes to put cover over head. I usually take it off his head when he falls asleep.
Talks in his sleep frequently.

Sweats a lot on his head when playing and running around outside. The weather drips down his face. Also sweats sometimes while sleeping. Not really dripping just head is all wet and pillow.

If running in the cold it seems to make him cough a little. Summer heat makes him sweat more then all the other kids.

Mental status is fine. No complications during birth.
He was 2 weeks late and weight was 9 lbs when born.

started crawling at around 6 or 7 months. Started walking around 9 or 10 months. Started talking around 1 year. Was fully potty trained by 3 years old.
was nervous for vaccinations and turned his head. Cried when younger but the last ones he didn't cry.
He is fine when he stays over at other peoples houses. Was excited for school.

He had croup around the age of 2. Went to the hospital in an ambulance. Has also had strep,
laryngitis and mono.

Wants to be alone when mad.

teacher says he doesn't pay attention. Puts head down. Says he doesn't feel good.

He treats the animals great.

No fears that I know of.

He is concerned when others suffer. He also gets teary eyed when our dog who died is brought up.

He plays a lot of video games, watches shows on Netflix. If it's not too cold out or hot he will choose playing outside over video games.

He is a picky eater. Sometimes he is a slow eater. Was Everything As Long As He Likes it.

Stomach ache during the day. Drinks a lot of water after eating.

He likes playing with legos, playing outside with friends. Also plays video games and watches shows on netflix.
jessell88 9 years ago
KALIUM SULPHURICUM 30c liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, 3 times a day for 2 days,

{if buying pills then 3 pills, 3 times 2 days, chew it, dnt swallow with water}

dnt eat or drink anything 30 minutes before or after medicine,

report how felt in stuffed nose, snoring, sleep, cough, stomach pains, patience and mental freshness after 15 days of stopping the course,

in ayurveda this technique helps in stomach issues,

no water or anything 1 hour before meals,
not to drink much water just after meals, you can take very little amount, then to drink 1 glass water 90 minutes after meal, dnt take cold water, warm fresh foods to be taken in meals.

homeo.mzp 9 years ago
Thank you for the reply.

I found kali sulphuricum 30c pellets on vitamin shoppe website. Brand is Boiron.

Is that the correct item I need to purchase?

You said with the pellets it would be 3 pellets 3 times a day for 2 days? You said not to swallow with water. When chewed can he drink water after chewing the pellets?

jessell88 9 years ago
yes your remedy is correct,

no water or anything before and after 30 minutes of medicine.

homeo.mzp 9 years ago

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