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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

infant gerd

My son is 14 weeks old, 15 lbs and 26 inches, he suffers from GERD and was taking Prevacid and Zantac. I stopped both 4 days ago. At which time I started giving Nat Phos 6x - 1 pellet after each feed dissolved in 2 ml's of water (4-5 pellets a day).

While on the Nat Phos 6x he has been spitting up after feeds. The spits are curdled. He is also having bowel gas, which at times is very painful and problems passing stool. Two weeks ago he started sleeping during the day for 30 minute at a time ( he was sleeping 1.5-3.0 hrs at a time during the day). At night he wakes to feed every 2-3 hrs to feed but only eats for 5 minutes and goes right back to sleep.

I only breastfeed, no bottles at all. I have eliminated all recommended items from my diet (no gluten, dairy, legumes, grains, limited sugar).

Thank you s much for any recommendation!
  kdrozd on 2015-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nat-phos is causing side effects. These will get worse the longer you use it. You must stop and allow him to fall back into his normal symptom state. Then one of us here can attempt to find a proper homoeopathic medicine for him.
Evocationer last decade
Ok thank you! I will also stop taking it. How long until I report back his new symptoms?
kdrozd last decade
How long has he been taking it?
Evocationer last decade
Since Sunday so yesterday was the 4th day.
kdrozd last decade
ok, my son has been off all meds for 5 days. i am hoping his body has gotten back to its natural state.

He spits up after each feed. sometimes it hurts and sometimes it does not. his pooping has gotten better because i am now giving him approx 2 oz of prune juice a day
(half prune juice and half water).

his daytime naps are only 35-45 minutes and he still wakes a lot at night.

Any suggestions?
Thank you!
kdrozd last decade
◦When did the problem start?
◦Describe the exact symptoms.
◦What the baby/child does when the symptoms occur (position of the body, applying pressure, needing food/drink, crying etc)?
◦If crying, what sort of cry is it?
◦How often it occurs?
◦If there are time modalities (when does it happen, worsen, improve etc)?
◦Any change in bowels or urination when the problem is present? Frequency, colour and texture of stool
◦Any change in behaviour generally?
◦What time the child goes to bed
◦Whether they fall asleep quickly, without company or need someone there until they drop off
◦Whether they wake in the night
◦What happens if they wake – are they crying, or just awake, or do they seem afraid. This is really important to judge whether the child has perhaps been frightened by a dream, or if he/she is hungry or just wants to play.
◦What time they wake in the morning and what mood they are in on waking
◦Bowel and bladder activity in the night
◦Need for feeds during the night
◦Sleeping position
◦Daytime sleeps – where they prefer to sleep and for how long
- Talk about their appetite – when are they hungry? What foods do they prefer if on solids?

It is useful to get an idea of the baby’s health from conception, through pregnancy, birth and early months to the present day. Describe everything you can remember. The move on to the following specific questions. The questions are posed from the point of view of the mother writing the post as this common, but of course it may be the father (so no offence intended).

Father’s reaction to pregnancy?
What was the pregnancy like for you (the mother)?
What problems occurred during the birth?
What was your state during the birth (the mother)?
Were you separated from the baby after birth (mother)?
What were the first few days after the birth like, both for you (parents) and the baby?
Were you able to breastfeed? What problems occurred there?
What is the relationship between the father and the baby like?
Has the baby reached all its normal developmental milestones for its age?
Has the baby been vaccinated? Was there any reaction to a vaccination?
Is there anything the baby seems particularly afraid of?
[message edited by Evocationer on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 01:46:20 GMT]
Evocationer last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.