The ABC Homeopathy Forum
erection problem report to dr kadwa
I am 24 year old unmarried not have erection i masturbate for 8-9 year . In patangali clinic of ramdev baba vaidya cheked my blood testerone and cbc the testerone is 460 ng / dlplease give me remidy this not duplicate
[message edited by akale on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 06:28:22 GMT]
akale on 2015-02-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Phosphorus 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
thanks sir for respond me
sir i take STAPHYSAGRIA 200 last three days 5 drop in two spoon water in cup and drink at evening can i stop this and take Phosphorus 200
little improvement with stap. can i stop it and take phosphrus 200
my cbc , calcium are normal and testerone 460 ng/ dl
[message edited by akale on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 06:25:37 GMT]
sir i take STAPHYSAGRIA 200 last three days 5 drop in two spoon water in cup and drink at evening can i stop this and take Phosphorus 200
little improvement with stap. can i stop it and take phosphrus 200
my cbc , calcium are normal and testerone 460 ng/ dl
[message edited by akale on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 06:25:37 GMT]
akale last decade
STAPHYSAGRIA 200 dose fourh day i got erection but is very short time bit improvement shows can i continue it or take phosphrus 200
akale last decade
dr i m take 5th dose STAPHYSAGRIA 200 i get erection also stay it so how it can take next doses or stop it please tell me if i take stap. so how use phosphrus 200
i bought phosphrus 200
i bought phosphrus 200
akale last decade
Please stop taking Staph as you have already taken 5 doses. Please see how that affects over 15 days. The remedy will continue to act internally.
♡ kadwa last decade
There are no clear cut solutions for any real issues. Issues are always resolved in the course of time with the proper mindset. If one gets uneasy or adamantly demands something then this attitude won't resolve the issue. Life doesn't guarantee anybody perfect conditions to live but it does guarantee everybody the right to choose response for the prevailing conditions.
You may continue with the ayurvedic treatment. You should also continue to homeopathic remedies. Resolution of this issue may take it's own time.
You may continue with the ayurvedic treatment. You should also continue to homeopathic remedies. Resolution of this issue may take it's own time.
♡ kadwa last decade
akale last decade
dr i use stap and 12 days after my back pain was stop i was fresh in morning fatigue is minimized and dr the soft erection occurre when mind stimulate but not in normal next 15 days which medicine i take
akale last decade
You have healthy testosterone levels. The state of mind affects profoundly all the bodily functions. Positive thinking is of paramount importance. Please don't repeat staph if you are doing well. Staph may be repeated if you find that your symptoms worsen.
♡ kadwa last decade
dr 15 complete of taking staph which medicine can i take after that can i take caladium or take phosphrus
the body pain back pain stop and soft erection occure some times
the body pain back pain stop and soft erection occure some times
akale last decade
Please take Belladonna 30 every alternate day for 10 days and report back. You should take 5 doses over 10 days. One dose means 2 pills.
♡ kadwa last decade
dr after i am taking belladona the erection occure but it takes to long time after mind stimulation soft erection occure and hand stimulation for maintain it hard stay but erection gone after removing hand.
[message edited by akale on Mon, 23 Feb 2015 04:21:27 GMT]
[message edited by akale on Mon, 23 Feb 2015 04:21:27 GMT]
akale last decade
Please take a single dose of Thuja 1M and report back after 15 days. Only one dose, not daily.
♡ kadwa last decade
dr please dont mind but i read on google about thuja it is that copy below
I am a 26 yrs boy, suffering from side effect of
homeopathic medicine "THUJA 10M". From last
5yrs, i was suffering from chronic amebiasis, and
frequently suffered from abdomen cramps
followed by soft mucoid stool.
The Doctor asked me about my personal habits
and prescibed to me, "THUJA 10M". Since I
masturbated, regularly he (the doctor) told me
Thuja will cure my chronic amoebiasis. According
to his prescription, Thuja 10M - 10drops in 1oz
aqua dist mark IV- to be taken 10 mins interval.
Like a good patient, I obeyed. This was the
After 2 days, i began to feel that my desire for
masturbation is going away. I thought it might
be due to some other coz. After a week, I had
lost all my power. Morning Erection gone. No
desire for sex or masturbation. Stool - No
Improvement. As the doctor had asked me to
wait for a month before reporting...... i waited
impatiently, thinking it will pass off. But no
miracle happened, But failed to make any
improvements. 3 months past and my money
flowed like water. Nothing happened.
Then again, i sought the help of another
homeopath, who prescribed to me Sulphur 1M
and after that Camphor 200 to antidote Thuja.
Nothing happened. Then he gave me
Phosphorous 200, to which partial erections
came but no sensation. After 2 months of
treatment, the case came to standstill. This
Doctor also failed to bring up my lost sensation.
Now I am a dissappointed person, and would like
to ask or rather beg to any Good Homeopathic
Doctor, to help me. Plz anyone from homeopathy
will kindly help me, and return to me what
homeopathy has taken away, from me!
can it is true so i read so asked you
and you not recommed the dose
please tell me can i take thuja it is safe
I am a 26 yrs boy, suffering from side effect of
homeopathic medicine "THUJA 10M". From last
5yrs, i was suffering from chronic amebiasis, and
frequently suffered from abdomen cramps
followed by soft mucoid stool.
The Doctor asked me about my personal habits
and prescibed to me, "THUJA 10M". Since I
masturbated, regularly he (the doctor) told me
Thuja will cure my chronic amoebiasis. According
to his prescription, Thuja 10M - 10drops in 1oz
aqua dist mark IV- to be taken 10 mins interval.
Like a good patient, I obeyed. This was the
After 2 days, i began to feel that my desire for
masturbation is going away. I thought it might
be due to some other coz. After a week, I had
lost all my power. Morning Erection gone. No
desire for sex or masturbation. Stool - No
Improvement. As the doctor had asked me to
wait for a month before reporting...... i waited
impatiently, thinking it will pass off. But no
miracle happened, But failed to make any
improvements. 3 months past and my money
flowed like water. Nothing happened.
Then again, i sought the help of another
homeopath, who prescribed to me Sulphur 1M
and after that Camphor 200 to antidote Thuja.
Nothing happened. Then he gave me
Phosphorous 200, to which partial erections
came but no sensation. After 2 months of
treatment, the case came to standstill. This
Doctor also failed to bring up my lost sensation.
Now I am a dissappointed person, and would like
to ask or rather beg to any Good Homeopathic
Doctor, to help me. Plz anyone from homeopathy
will kindly help me, and return to me what
homeopathy has taken away, from me!
can it is true so i read so asked you
and you not recommed the dose
please tell me can i take thuja it is safe
akale last decade
please doctor sorry for disturb you i read about thuja so i copied about this i am afraid about that so please tell me and the dose you not recommeded above
[message edited by akale on Wed, 25 Feb 2015 03:19:50 GMT]
[message edited by akale on Wed, 25 Feb 2015 03:19:50 GMT]
akale last decade
please doctor one more thing that i can not told you that the in aug 2014 my right testis and glans penis swells and glans of penis very sensitive not to touch and very depression for about six month but after taking aurvedic medicine it cures.
can i take thuja what is dose quantity dr i read that side effect of that used thuja.
[message edited by akale on Wed, 25 Feb 2015 06:27:48 GMT]
can i take thuja what is dose quantity dr i read that side effect of that used thuja.
[message edited by akale on Wed, 25 Feb 2015 06:27:48 GMT]
akale last decade
please dr sorry for disturb you again but i askd that use of thuja is safe
and what is the dose quanity of it that not given above so tell me dose quantity
and what is the dose quanity of it that not given above so tell me dose quantity
akale last decade
Please take a single dose (2 pills) of Bufo Ran 200 and report back after 15 days. Please don't take Thuja for the time being.
♡ kadwa last decade
thanks doctor i take bufo ran 200 i report you after 15 days
[message edited by akale on Mon, 02 Mar 2015 14:53:39 GMT]
[message edited by akale on Mon, 02 Mar 2015 14:53:39 GMT]
akale last decade
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