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erection problem report to dr kadwa Page 3 of 3
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please doctor sorry for again disturb
last question then I am going to docto
then difference in homeopathy and advanced homeopathy I am taking appointment of dr uday naik
it is okay for my treatment
The medical director , Dr.Uday RamChandra
Naik fo NAIK HOMOEOPATHY is in the medical
field for past 28 years , practicing successfully
since 1984.
More than 5.5 Lakhs parients treated.
Running Homoeopathy Hospital where
critically and terminally ill patients treated
successfully like Kidney failure, Lumbar canal
stenosis ,bronchial asthma various schizophrenic,
depression, paralysis patients and many more
incurable diseases are treated by hospitalizing
Lots of patients could avoid their Surgeries
like fibroid voters, hyderedomy , tonsillitis,
appendicitis, various non malignant tumors.
He completed his D.M.&S medical course
from Directorate of medical education &
Research. Center, Bombay (Government of
He holds registration of Maharashtra Medical
Council. Apart from this he has completed his
M.D.(Alternative Medicine) from Indian Institute
of Alternative Medicine (Calcutta).
He also possesses M.R.H.S. qualification.
He is registered consulting Homeopath.
The Medical Director has successfully handled
numerous patients in his day-to-day practice.
The success rate of his work is excellent with
accuracy around 98%.
He has also worked with world famous
International Doctors like Dr.Sharad Kumar Dixit,
M.S. (plastic surgery) from America while
conducting camps for the patients in rural areas.
In homeopathy he is strong follower of world
famous Dr.Rajan Sankaran.
The Medical Director lives a considerable
social life presiding over prestigious Charitable ,
Social International Clubs such as lions club
(President of Lions Club of Akola M.I.D.C for the
year 1998-99).
He was work in a Director of Sanmitra Urban
co-op Bank Ltd.Akola and also nominated for the
post of the director of Shri.Dattatraya Sahakari
Patasanstha, Shivani, Akola.
He is founder president of Sanwad
Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha , Akola, registered NGO ,
he is vice president of Shri Tripati Balaji
Education Society Pune.
He is rendering services in various
Homeopathy camps, various diagnostics camp,
various homeopathy camps in rural area, urban
He has given various seminars, on
homeopathy, How to live life powerfully, Blood
group Homeopathy, Healthy
relationship,Hypnotism,Personality Development .
He is writer of 7 Books
last question then I am going to docto
then difference in homeopathy and advanced homeopathy I am taking appointment of dr uday naik
it is okay for my treatment
The medical director , Dr.Uday RamChandra
Naik fo NAIK HOMOEOPATHY is in the medical
field for past 28 years , practicing successfully
since 1984.
More than 5.5 Lakhs parients treated.
Running Homoeopathy Hospital where
critically and terminally ill patients treated
successfully like Kidney failure, Lumbar canal
stenosis ,bronchial asthma various schizophrenic,
depression, paralysis patients and many more
incurable diseases are treated by hospitalizing
Lots of patients could avoid their Surgeries
like fibroid voters, hyderedomy , tonsillitis,
appendicitis, various non malignant tumors.
He completed his D.M.&S medical course
from Directorate of medical education &
Research. Center, Bombay (Government of
He holds registration of Maharashtra Medical
Council. Apart from this he has completed his
M.D.(Alternative Medicine) from Indian Institute
of Alternative Medicine (Calcutta).
He also possesses M.R.H.S. qualification.
He is registered consulting Homeopath.
The Medical Director has successfully handled
numerous patients in his day-to-day practice.
The success rate of his work is excellent with
accuracy around 98%.
He has also worked with world famous
International Doctors like Dr.Sharad Kumar Dixit,
M.S. (plastic surgery) from America while
conducting camps for the patients in rural areas.
In homeopathy he is strong follower of world
famous Dr.Rajan Sankaran.
The Medical Director lives a considerable
social life presiding over prestigious Charitable ,
Social International Clubs such as lions club
(President of Lions Club of Akola M.I.D.C for the
year 1998-99).
He was work in a Director of Sanmitra Urban
co-op Bank Ltd.Akola and also nominated for the
post of the director of Shri.Dattatraya Sahakari
Patasanstha, Shivani, Akola.
He is founder president of Sanwad
Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha , Akola, registered NGO ,
he is vice president of Shri Tripati Balaji
Education Society Pune.
He is rendering services in various
Homeopathy camps, various diagnostics camp,
various homeopathy camps in rural area, urban
He has given various seminars, on
homeopathy, How to live life powerfully, Blood
group Homeopathy, Healthy
relationship,Hypnotism,Personality Development .
He is writer of 7 Books
akale 9 years ago
dr I goes to homeopathic doctor doctors taken Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
(QMRA) in which the vitamin b1 and amino acids deficiency and prostate hyperplasia 5..936 , pitutary secretion index decreased blood viscocity increases slightly lung vital capacity increased. can it cured
(QMRA) in which the vitamin b1 and amino acids deficiency and prostate hyperplasia 5..936 , pitutary secretion index decreased blood viscocity increases slightly lung vital capacity increased. can it cured
akale 9 years ago
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
hi doctor after five month I contact you
I am going to sexologist he told that repeated
ejaculations over a prolonged period could reduce
the density of opiate receptors on neurons a
condition that is called ‘down regulation’ due to a
process called ‘post-synaptic modulation of
that he told sexual burn out syndrome and give start tratment please you me for that problem
after one month of treatment I get erection very late but hard please you prescribed medicine for my problem
I am going to sexologist he told that repeated
ejaculations over a prolonged period could reduce
the density of opiate receptors on neurons a
condition that is called ‘down regulation’ due to a
process called ‘post-synaptic modulation of
that he told sexual burn out syndrome and give start tratment please you me for that problem
after one month of treatment I get erection very late but hard please you prescribed medicine for my problem
akale 9 years ago
Please take a single dose (2 pills) of Bufo Ran 200 and report back after 15 days..
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
dr I am taking buffo ranna 200 after 10 days
opium 200 in amonth from last month .
csn repeate use of this remedy is safe or take another similar remedy similar to opium please prescribe.
I also taken thr sexual burn out syndrome treatment from sexologist .
opium 200 in amonth from last month .
csn repeate use of this remedy is safe or take another similar remedy similar to opium please prescribe.
I also taken thr sexual burn out syndrome treatment from sexologist .
akale 9 years ago
You should take remedies if they cause relief in your symptoms. If there is no relief don't take the remedies.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
what is meaning of relif dr
I am taking buffo ranna 200 and opium 200 in a month so I can get erection for a one month so
you tell me can take this remidy
I told to sexologist he said take single dose of each in month.
but yhease dr is not homeopathy
therefore I asked to you can I take or not or suggest another remidy
I am taking buffo ranna 200 and opium 200 in a month so I can get erection for a one month so
you tell me can take this remidy
I told to sexologist he said take single dose of each in month.
but yhease dr is not homeopathy
therefore I asked to you can I take or not or suggest another remidy
akale 9 years ago
please dr dont ingnore me
dr I am taking Gelsium 200 from last month i am take two doses in 15days interval
I got erection can I repeat this remidy
whenever I used lot of medicine but effect of Gelsium 200 is lot of better
please advice me doctor
dr I am taking Gelsium 200 from last month i am take two doses in 15days interval
I got erection can I repeat this remidy
whenever I used lot of medicine but effect of Gelsium 200 is lot of better
please advice me doctor
akale 8 years ago
You can repeat Gels 200 on need.
♡ kadwa 8 years ago
Dont take other remedy if Gelsemium is working.
♡ kadwa 8 years ago
repeat use of Gelsium 200 is safe because after 15 days the effect of Gelsium is decreased .
iused it three times every 15 days interval.
iused it three times every 15 days interval.
akale 8 years ago
Homeopathy is like this only. You have to go by trial and error. If the remedy works with less efficacy you may see whether Gelsemium 1M works better.
♡ kadwa 8 years ago
I am taken gelsium 200 every 15 days interval
and opium 30 dose every 3 days interval
taken for last two months
after last 20 days that I get erection with out any medicine but require to much time for getting erection
erection remain short time
can I go for higher doses of Gelsium
and opium?
and one more thing that after 16 month my blood pressure tablet is stopped completly ( stamlo 5 ) blood remain normal without any medicine.
I lost 15 kg weight by regular gym
I hope I can cure completely in ed problem please
help and suggest the next medicine I am taken gelsium 200 and opium 30 as mentioned above
please suggest
thank you
I am taken gelsium 200 every 15 days interval
and opium 30 dose every 3 days interval
taken for last two months
after last 20 days that I get erection with out any medicine but require to much time for getting erection
erection remain short time
can I go for higher doses of Gelsium
and opium?
and one more thing that after 16 month my blood pressure tablet is stopped completly ( stamlo 5 ) blood remain normal without any medicine.
I lost 15 kg weight by regular gym
I hope I can cure completely in ed problem please
help and suggest the next medicine I am taken gelsium 200 and opium 30 as mentioned above
please suggest
thank you
akale 8 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.