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erection problem report to dr kadwa Page 2 of 3
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thanks doctor i take bufo ran 200 i report you after 15 days
[message edited by akale on Mon, 02 Mar 2015 14:53:39 GMT]
[message edited by akale on Mon, 02 Mar 2015 14:53:39 GMT]
akale last decade
thanks doctor for helping me i think i am recover slowly that you precribed medicine
dr after tajking belladona 30 and bufo rana 200 i am getting erection but the process of erection slow and for maintai it hard hand stimulation require for getting hard erection. the problem is same that erection gone after hand removal.
but improved erection after taking bufo ranna single dose can i repeat after 7 days. or other remidy for next 15 days
dr after tajking belladona 30 and bufo rana 200 i am getting erection but the process of erection slow and for maintai it hard hand stimulation require for getting hard erection. the problem is same that erection gone after hand removal.
but improved erection after taking bufo ranna single dose can i repeat after 7 days. or other remidy for next 15 days
akale last decade
Don't repeat Bufo before 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
dr which remidy taken after bufo ranna 200 the problem is same that erection occure but require to much time after mind stimulation. please doctor help
akale last decade
Please take Opium 200 and report back after 15 days. Only one dose, not daily.
♡ kadwa last decade
thanks doctor i am taken opium i report you after 15 days
akale 9 years ago
dr after taken opium i am getting erection much fast but after 2 days there again same problem that erection occure but it require to much time after mind and hand stimulation for short time. dr you prescribed medicine that bufo is most effective as per erection so what can I do
[message edited by akale on Wed, 18 Mar 2015 17:49:25 GMT]
[message edited by akale on Wed, 18 Mar 2015 17:49:25 GMT]
akale 9 years ago
Please take a single dose of Bufo 200 and see how that affects over 15 days.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
dr problem is that erection require too much time and hand stimulation and mental stimulation for erection and get very difficult for etrction please dr help me
akale 9 years ago
dr i am my heart beat is fast and sweating at normal temp. i am checking all cbc , sugar in blood , and urine thyroid hormone but all report are normal.
i am not said that doctor about sexual weekness but problem is that blood pressure 160 . doctor start lonzep 0.25 at once day.
my question is that blood pressure affect on erection
and that doctor checking blood pressure 5 day daily day and night .then he decided to take how many days to take that medicine after met 5 days the doctor is dr sayyed M.D Dnb( cardiology)
dr cheking ecg and 2d echo but report are mprmal
i am not said that doctor about sexual weekness but problem is that blood pressure 160 . doctor start lonzep 0.25 at once day.
my question is that blood pressure affect on erection
and that doctor checking blood pressure 5 day daily day and night .then he decided to take how many days to take that medicine after met 5 days the doctor is dr sayyed M.D Dnb( cardiology)
dr cheking ecg and 2d echo but report are mprmal
akale 9 years ago
the doctor is dr sayyed M.D Dnb( cardiology)
dr cheking ecg and 2d echo but report are
normal but bp160 /100 i again tell you after 5 day
can blood pressure affect on erection
dr cheking ecg and 2d echo but report are
normal but bp160 /100 i again tell you after 5 day
can blood pressure affect on erection
akale 9 years ago
dr here is the doctor Bhogale md in homeopathy can i met him for this problem please doctor give me advice or this treatment is continue because homeo medicine positive effect on my body.
akale 9 years ago
Yes, you can contact any homeopathic doctor in your locality. You should report him all your problems. Lonazep is a sedative and it has it's side effects.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
at date 3 april the blood pressure is morning 150/86 and evening 144/90 after takong medicine for two days can blood pressite affrct on errction and this high bp is due to masturbation for serveral years my bmi is normal
akale 9 years ago
dr my question is that high bp affect on erection and the can high bp can be controlled by homeopathy
akale 9 years ago
dr stamlo 5 mg started by doctor for blood pressure for compulsary
and paroxetine (Paxil) 15 tablet for 15 days .
can neurologist treat that wekness of sexual problem
and paroxetine (Paxil) 15 tablet for 15 days .
can neurologist treat that wekness of sexual problem
akale 9 years ago
There are no specialized branches like sexology, orthopedics, pediatrics, cardiology, neurology etc in homeopathy. Please see your nearest homeopath and tell him everything. He will give you the medicine with necessary directions. Your bp is not very high and it should not be a matter of any concern.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
thanks doctor for reply me I am going to homeopathic doctor if any problem I ask you that time please help again thanks for you prescribed medicine improvement. and due to that I hope I am cure by homeopathy and thanks for get back in normal from depression thank again
akale 9 years ago
dr the neurologist give me treat Epilepsy and Seizures it is way to treat
akale 9 years ago
these are symptoms
excrss sweatining
high blood ptessure
irregular heart beat are tell me to neurologist but I not speak about ed very embarrassing for me
these give me clonazepam.25 and paroxetine (Paxil) 15 tablet for 15 days
excrss sweatining
high blood ptessure
irregular heart beat are tell me to neurologist but I not speak about ed very embarrassing for me
these give me clonazepam.25 and paroxetine (Paxil) 15 tablet for 15 days
akale 9 years ago
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
please doctor sorry for again disturb
last question then I am going to doctor
then difference in homeopathy and advanced homeopathy
last question then I am going to doctor
then difference in homeopathy and advanced homeopathy
akale 9 years ago
please doctor sorry for again disturb
last question then I am going to docto
then difference in homeopathy and advanced homeopathy I am taking appointment of dr uday naik
it is okay for my treatment
The medical director , Dr.Uday RamChandra
Naik fo NAIK HOMOEOPATHY is in the medical
field for past 28 years , practicing successfully
since 1984.
More than 5.5 Lakhs parients treated.
Running Homoeopathy Hospital where
critically and terminally ill patients treated
successfully like Kidney failure, Lumbar canal
stenosis ,bronchial asthma various schizophrenic,
depression, paralysis patients and many more
incurable diseases are treated by hospitalizing
Lots of patients could avoid their Surgeries
like fibroid voters, hyderedomy , tonsillitis,
appendicitis, various non malignant tumors.
He completed his D.M.&S medical course
from Directorate of medical education &
Research. Center, Bombay (Government of
He holds registration of Maharashtra Medical
Council. Apart from this he has completed his
M.D.(Alternative Medicine) from Indian Institute
of Alternative Medicine (Calcutta).
He also possesses M.R.H.S. qualification.
He is registered consulting Homeopath.
The Medical Director has successfully handled
numerous patients in his day-to-day practice.
The success rate of his work is excellent with
accuracy around 98%.
He has also worked with world famous
International Doctors like Dr.Sharad Kumar Dixit,
M.S. (plastic surgery) from America while
conducting camps for the patients in rural areas.
In homeopathy he is strong follower of world
famous Dr.Rajan Sankaran.
The Medical Director lives a considerable
social life presiding over prestigious Charitable ,
Social International Clubs such as lions club
(President of Lions Club of Akola M.I.D.C for the
year 1998-99).
He was work in a Director of Sanmitra Urban
co-op Bank Ltd.Akola and also nominated for the
post of the director of Shri.Dattatraya Sahakari
Patasanstha, Shivani, Akola.
He is founder president of Sanwad
Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha , Akola, registered NGO ,
he is vice president of Shri Tripati Balaji
Education Society Pune.
He is rendering services in various
Homeopathy camps, various diagnostics camp,
various homeopathy camps in rural area, urban
He has given various seminars, on
homeopathy, How to live life powerfully, Blood
group Homeopathy, Healthy
relationship,Hypnotism,Personality Development .
He is writer of 7 Books
last question then I am going to docto
then difference in homeopathy and advanced homeopathy I am taking appointment of dr uday naik
it is okay for my treatment
The medical director , Dr.Uday RamChandra
Naik fo NAIK HOMOEOPATHY is in the medical
field for past 28 years , practicing successfully
since 1984.
More than 5.5 Lakhs parients treated.
Running Homoeopathy Hospital where
critically and terminally ill patients treated
successfully like Kidney failure, Lumbar canal
stenosis ,bronchial asthma various schizophrenic,
depression, paralysis patients and many more
incurable diseases are treated by hospitalizing
Lots of patients could avoid their Surgeries
like fibroid voters, hyderedomy , tonsillitis,
appendicitis, various non malignant tumors.
He completed his D.M.&S medical course
from Directorate of medical education &
Research. Center, Bombay (Government of
He holds registration of Maharashtra Medical
Council. Apart from this he has completed his
M.D.(Alternative Medicine) from Indian Institute
of Alternative Medicine (Calcutta).
He also possesses M.R.H.S. qualification.
He is registered consulting Homeopath.
The Medical Director has successfully handled
numerous patients in his day-to-day practice.
The success rate of his work is excellent with
accuracy around 98%.
He has also worked with world famous
International Doctors like Dr.Sharad Kumar Dixit,
M.S. (plastic surgery) from America while
conducting camps for the patients in rural areas.
In homeopathy he is strong follower of world
famous Dr.Rajan Sankaran.
The Medical Director lives a considerable
social life presiding over prestigious Charitable ,
Social International Clubs such as lions club
(President of Lions Club of Akola M.I.D.C for the
year 1998-99).
He was work in a Director of Sanmitra Urban
co-op Bank Ltd.Akola and also nominated for the
post of the director of Shri.Dattatraya Sahakari
Patasanstha, Shivani, Akola.
He is founder president of Sanwad
Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha , Akola, registered NGO ,
he is vice president of Shri Tripati Balaji
Education Society Pune.
He is rendering services in various
Homeopathy camps, various diagnostics camp,
various homeopathy camps in rural area, urban
He has given various seminars, on
homeopathy, How to live life powerfully, Blood
group Homeopathy, Healthy
relationship,Hypnotism,Personality Development .
He is writer of 7 Books
akale 9 years ago
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