The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Wife suffering from PCOS.- want to conceive 2nd baby
Hi AllPresently we have 4 yrs old daughter and we are thinking about second child. We tried for 3 months however nothing fruitful. My wife is 29 yrs old and gynae told after several tests that she is suffering from Poly Cyst Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Her periods are irregular due to this . Sometimes period comes in 1.5 month sometimes 2 months. From last two times, period has come only by taking allopathic drug (Meprate). Currently also suffering from 2-3 mm very little stone problem. Gynae has also suggested AMH test
We want to have second child soon. Could you please help us and suggest a good homeopathic medicine to cure PCOS
More details :
Age - 29 yrs
2. Sex - Female
3. Status - Married
4. weight - 66 Kgs
5. country - India, Climate - North India, cold as of now
6. Diabetic or non Diabetic - Mother has diabetes
9. Desire sweets/sour/salt - Sweet
10. Thirst - Normal
11. Tongue - Normal
12. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) - NO BP history
13. How do you feel ? She was quite happpy and cheerful and healthy until PCOD was detected, she wants to get back to her healthy self, she wants to reverse this disorder
14. How does this affect you ? She has become a little depressed
15. How does it feel like ? same as answer 13
16. What comes to your mind ? She is desperate to reverse the PCOD since she has always been healthy, want to conceive ASAP
17. current medicine you are taking - Metformin Hydrochloride and Cystone for stone
18. family back ground - NO history of diseases
19. qualification of patient - Housewife
20. Nature of working -House works
earthangel on 2015-03-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please give her one dose Calcarea Carb 200 preferably at night. ask her not to eat or drink any sour articles. update every 7 days. she may need to take medicine for around 4 months. do not repeat medicine on your own.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Calc card 200 in globules form or in water 4-5 drops at night ?
earthangel 9 years ago
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