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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

11 month old sleep issues

Greetings I am seeking help for my 11 month old daughter who has had sleep issues since births. We have been seeing a local natural path but I am very frustrated that we are getting no where with him. Maybe you can help me with my daughter. Her sleep issues are she will breastfed to sleep in the evening very easily. And sleep okay if she is in either my arms are my husbands arms. She does snore loudly. When we put her down in her crib she becomes frantic that she is by herself. We co sleep with her at night so I can on demand nurse her. Around 10/11 pm she becomes very restless. Rolling from side to side, pushing off with her feet and crying out in her sleep. Then she comfort nurses back to sleep. Nursing is the only thing that calms she down and back to sleep. This goes on until 2/3 am where she either wakes up completely and wants to play or she just becomes incredibly restless and the fussing starts every 15 minutes and nurses back to sleep. Back and forth until around 5:30/6 am and goes to sleep for a hour. When she wakes for day she wakes happy but is soon very tired and goes through the day very tired. Her naps cycle is her first nap at 10 am and her second nap btw. 1-3. But she is once again very difficult to keep asleep. She is my second daughter so I don't have the luxury of holding for her whole nap as some have suggested.

Some of her background is she is a very happy, affectionate, social, adventurous baby when not tired. She loves to keep up with her older sister. She is very clingy to me. And unless she has a full belly and well rested she wants me to carry her everywhere. She is exclusively breastfed and wasn't interested in solids until 8 months. She loves to eat and has a great appetite. We eat a very healthy whole foods diet. We all take Juice Plus and fermented Cod liver oil. When she will accept yogurt I will put probiotics in it for her.

From the very beginning she have struggled with oral thrush. And of coarse I had it in my breast. WE have had a thrush attack probably 5-6 times since she was born. No matter what I do. I have found Borax to work for her and Silica to work for me along with GSE and raw garlic for me when it comes on. She ended up with a Labial Adhesion from a diaper rash from a nasty yeast attack in October. The thrush also gave her GERDS but I recognized the symptoms right away( from my oldest daughter having sever GERDS) and put her on probiotics right away and was able to get rid of the GERD before it became a serious problem. She has issues with constipation. We were advised to give her Lycopodium. This works very well for her. She catches every head cold that is out there and has been sick 2 weeks healthy for 2 week. She even had RSV at 3 months. My Dad has sleep apnea and we noticed that she showing the same signs. Stop breathing for a short period of time, Gasp for breath, snore loudly and then wake up or start over again. I gave her one does of Lachesis for this right before bed to help her. For one week. It did help the apnea symptoms but made he just about a complete insomniac to the point she couldn't even nurse to sleep anymore. So I stopped that. Also for the first 5 months of her life the back of her head would sweat so bad at night that the sheets where she slept would be soaked. I have tried Chamomilla for her Coffee Crudea, Pullsatilla, Nux Vomica, all one at a time and have not seen a change in her sleep. Please help I am so sleep deprived that my whole family is suffering and my little one is so sleep deprived that I am afraid it will affect her development.
  AYoung on 2015-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
give your daughter one dose Calcarea Carb 30. do not give her any sour things to eat or drink. update next day.
telescope 9 years ago
PL think of
1. Arsenic Alb30 6 pills twice a day for 10 days and observe the status and inform

Homeo Helper
homeo_helper 9 years ago
I forgot we have also tried cal.carb. I think we will go with the Arsenicum. But isn't 6 pills a lot for a baby?
AYoung 9 years ago
Yes, it is overdosing.

If you want to try Ars Alb-30c.
give one dose- 2 pills mixed
in a couple tablespoons of water and then give One tsp as
the dose.

This is a test dose-
report back after 24 hours what
you notice.

And what potency Cal Carb did
you try? And how many doses?
And what was the response of
that -
simone717 9 years ago
The Arsenicum Alb. has made the biggest difference out of everything we have tried. She napped the best she has yet during the day. And had 2-3 hour stretches during the night. She didn't toss and turn and her sleep apnea symptoms were barley noticeable!
AYoung 9 years ago

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