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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sleep problem please help

Hello doctors,

I am 28 year old male having sleep problems for the last 4 years. I have many aspirations and keep on thinking about them. I have very good sleeping habits till I was 16 year old. After that I changed my self to be awake till late nights. I am nervous and anxious. At present I am able to sleep 11:30pm to 12:00pm. In the past I tried habituating to sleep by 10:00pm and to woke up by 6:00am. But when I woke up the result is same. I never get a feeling that I slept well. Please suggest me...
  venkatm153 on 2015-05-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I can try to find the remedy fr your problem. Kindly answer the following questions.


2.Age / Sex
4.Weight and height
5.Describe your main and associated complaints in details. What things aggravate your complaints and things that ameliorate them?
6.Describe the events before the complaints started. The events can be related to mental or emotional state or it can be any physical event.
7.How exactly it started?
8.How do u feel about it? How does this complaint concerns you? And what comes to your mind when you think about it?
9.Have you taken any treatment or medication for it? List them.
10.Describe your family background, your educational qualification,
11. Do you have any family history of similar complaints. List them.
12.Describe any life event that has made major impact on you. What are the issues in your life that's bothering you. Kindly describe the mental or emotional state in detail.
13.Describe you behavior, your mental state with your family members, and outside the family. (anger, irritability, anxiety, fears etc) Explain how do you react to these behaviors. If possible provide some examples to get clear idea of your mental state.
14) How do you react when you get angry?
15) Does empathy or sympathy affects you? How?
16) How do you overcome your mental stress?
17)Describe your desires or craving for food, and aversion to food.
18)How is your thirst? How frequently you drink water?
19) Describe your sleep, dreams, appetite and general energy level.
Please answer these questions in as much details as possible.
Thank You..
homeodr 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I tried to provide as much as information as I can. Please bear with my language.

1.Name : Venkat
2.Age / Sex : 28/Male
3.Married/Unmarried/divorcee : Unmarried
4.Weight and height : 146pounds and 5 feet 10' inches
5.Describe your main and associated complaints in details. What things aggravate your complaints and things that ameliorate them?
Ans: I am nervous and not social. I am not that confident to sleep with new faces. people can see nervousness on my face. After running many and many thoughts in the daytime I want my mind to relax in the night when I am sleeping. Now a days I am also thinking about my sleep problem.
Because of this sometimes I even get fear to go to bed early. If I go to by after 11:30 no issues.
And because of this irregular sleeping habits I am also in a myth that I got dark circles.
6.Describe the events before the complaints started. The events can be related to mental or emotional state or it can be any physical event.
Ans: This became worse 4 years back and that is the point where I started to realize.
7.How exactly it started?
Ans: When was doing my Engineering I forcefully made my mind to think about many things and habituated to awake in the late nights.
8.How do u feel about it? How does this complaint concerns you? And what comes to your mind when you think about it?
Ans: In the day time I feel tired. I get more energy in the nights.
9.Have you taken any treatment or medication for it? List them.
Ans : no
10.Describe your family background, your educational qualification,
Ans: I am currently persuing my masters in us. Both of my parents are govt servants.
11. Do you have any family history of similar complaints. List them.
Ans: Nope. But sometimes I used to hear from my mom
12.Describe any life event that has made major impact on you. What are the issues in your life that's bothering you. Kindly describe the mental or emotional state in detail.
Ans: I always want to be different. I want to establish a firm. Because of my unstable nature I put of lot of efforts on the research and sometimes I ignore that like anything. On the otherside I get a feeling that because of these so many aspirations I am loosing my normal life.
13.Describe you behavior, your mental state with your family members, and outside the family. (anger, irritability, anxiety, fears etc) Explain how do you react to these behaviors. If possible provide some examples to get clear idea of your mental state.
Sometimes unnecessarily I imagine few things which are more towards spiritual.
I always try to interpret what others are thinking about me.
Sometimes I compare with other people and feel unsatisfactory.

14) How do you react when you get angry?
Ans: I will shout like anything which I have controlled a lot when I compare wih past. But that anger will be for a short term. After that blast I will go to them and ask apologies. And another worst thing is I think about that incident in many directions and I regret why I behaved like that.

15) Does empathy or sympathy affects you? How?
Ans: I am kind of a different person. When I am infront of computers I generally don't think/care about my parents and family. But when the love/affection comes I will think about them very extreme. So I don't have any stability.
16) How do you overcome your mental stress?
Ans: Most of time I spend time on laptop. Again by watching movies, videos and reading some entertainment news.
17)Describe your desires or craving for food, and aversion to food.
Ans: I like fruits and specially juices. I like oranges a lot.
18)How is your thirst? How frequently you drink water?
Ans: I am not at all thirsty. But for the last 1 week made my self to drink atleast 2 litres of water on daily basis.
19) Describe your sleep, dreams, appetite and general energy level.
Ans: I generally don't remember my dreams all the time. But once after I woke up I get a feeling that my mind was running in the background even in sleep and I feel tired.
Please answer these questions in as much details as possible.
Thank You..
venkatm153 9 years ago

Some quick questions ..

1) Other than sleep trouble r u suffering from any other complaints? Kindly explain them.

2) How do you manage when u suffer from sleep problem?

3) How do you usually keep your things at home or at work? What would you do if things are not organised or kept properly?

Kindly answer these questions..

Thank You..
homeodr 9 years ago
Please find my answers below.
1) Other than sleep trouble r u suffering from any other complaints? Kindly explain them.
No: I have dark circles around my eyes.
Sometimes constipation problem but not regularly.

2) How do you manage when u suffer from sleep problem?
Ans: I will force my body to sleep. If I cann';t , I will woke up and watch some movie or read some news. Sometimes I imagine few things which are of my interests(like films and etc) and I keep on thinking about them. After that I fall asleeep.

3) How do you usually keep your things at home or at work? What would you do if things are not organised or kept properly?
I am generally not so organized. So I will just ignore.
venkatm153 9 years ago

Take Sulphur 200C 1 dose at night either before or after dinner.
1 dose means if medicine is available in liquid form, add 2 drops in 10 teaspoon of water (half cup) and take only 2 teaspoon, keep it in your mouth for 10-20 seconds and then swallow it. Refrigerate the remaining water in the cup or discard it.

If medicine is available in pellets form, keep 4 pellets under your tongue and let it dissolve.

Do not eat or drink for 30 minutes before or after the medicine.

Note - Take only ONE dose.. Please do not repeat the dose. The effect of one dose last for 10-15 days.

Report back in 5-7 days.

Let me know if you have any queries

homeodr 9 years ago
Sure.. Just want to make sure I have to take the medicine one dose for 7 days. Is that correct? Please confirm.
venkatm153 9 years ago
Hi venkatm,

Day one- One dose
Day two thru 7- Nothing
Day 5 -7 report in what you are
simone717 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I will report after 5-7 days.
venkatm153 9 years ago
Thank u Simone for the explanation.

Venkatm - As Simone explaine, take one dose on day 1 , do not repeat the dose for next 7 days, then report me the changes in 5-7 days. I will advice u whether to take another dose or just wait and watch.

Let me know if you have any query

homeodr 9 years ago
Hello Doctor,

I have sulphur 30c with me. Please let me know If I need to buy sulphur 200c. Sorry for the confusion.
venkatm153 9 years ago

I would recommend you to take Sulphur 200c instead of 30 C.

Let me know if you have any other query.

homeodr 9 years ago
Hi ,

Did u took the remedy? How r u feeling now?
homeodr 9 years ago

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