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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss at 22

Can someone PLEASE help me. Im 22 years old female and i have horrible hair loss. on the top of my head and sides and my hair line has reduced. i guess it started like 4 years ago and you can clearly see how much hair i have lost. I am not taking any medications or doing anything else. however i did start using this herbal shampoo and serum in the last 4 months but i have seen no change. What shuold i do?? i have also lost like 10 pounds over the 4 years but now my weight is stable and i do not have any other illness. is there anything i can take??
  naush on 2006-01-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Naush:
Please do not weep!It will make us all follow you.
Post your demographic profile,lifestyle, food and major ailments suffered.
However, in the meanwhile I suggest following:
WIESBADEN 200 put one drop in ten tea-spoonful water in a small glass bottle.Succuss it before taking it.Take one tea-spoonful twice a day for one week.
Dr.Jecee last decade
Thank you so much for your advice. but i was wondering where can i find this WIESBADEN 200.
The foods that i eat are regular pakistani foods once in a while i will eat salads, junk food here and there. Both my parents have a full head of hair my mom just started losing her hair but she is 50!! im only 22!!! one of my uncle is bald but other than that no one else is. i have never had a major sickness nor do i get fevers often. i used to think my hair falling was due to stress but how stressed can i be?? it has been falling for a couple of years now its not like it just started. i go to college about to finish and i have a boyfriend who does give me some stress but what relationship doesnt. My hair started falling when i started college 4 years ago and i also lost some weight. i reallyy need some helpp!!!!
naush last decade
i forgot to add this on my previous post..but i read in other forun that Wiesbaden should be used every other day not ever day..sooo im confused..!!?? and also what does it mean to "succuss it before taking it"??
naush last decade
Dear naush:
Take it everyday.
"succuss" means strike the bottle on the palm for ten to fifteen times before consuming the contents.
Dr.Jecee last decade
I just turned 21 and I noticed a while back having a quarter size bald spot in the back of my head. I do get stressed easily (although I don't show it). I also had bleached my hair in certain areas of my hair for an individual style. I'm Japanese so I have the full head of thick black hair. It was really nerve racking when I realized that I was losing alot of hair. I also started to lose a bit in the front by my ear as well, but thats more of a thinning out rather than a complete bald spot.
I'm taking hair and nail vitamins on top of regular vitamins.
Does anyone know if that'll do much? It can't hurt right?
TonkaSat last decade
where can i get Wiesbaden 200??
naush last decade
what do i do after i take weisbaden for one week?? stop taking it or continue??? pleasee helppp meeeee
naush last decade
I notice that you have been advised to take Weisbaden 200 daily. You may like to know that this daily dose can cause aggravation and you can risk losing more hair.

You are advised to use Arnica 30c twice daily and Weisbaden 200 every other day.

I shall copy my instructions on preparing the Arnica in the liquid dose:

Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml
Put in 3 globules or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottle of soda.
Sip a teaspoonful as recommended above.
Joe De Livera last decade
It is very likely that you have a condition known as Allopecia. This condition is more difficult to treat with Arnica but I have had some success with this remedy which you can use according to the instructions that I have given Naush above. You may also use the Weisbaden 200 once every other day

Please report response in a month or earlier.

Stop all vitamins and other drugs except on a SOS basis as the Arnica may not work otherwise.

Use only Johnsons Shampoon on your hair as this is the mildest available.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Naush:
1.You can procure the drug from the store on the website itself.
2.Use it as advised for one week.
3.Add Arnica 30 only after one week if and if only no change is experienced.But before you do it please post your condition.
God Bless You.
Dr.Jecee last decade

i used your method of:

Get a 500ml bottle of spring water and successing it everytime.
but this is not effective for me. i started taking 1 drop with little water twice a day and i can see improvmetns in my eczema. will this cause aggravation?
i am also taking arnica for hair loss. i am only 20. i have been taking arnica for 1 month and so far now hair growth. please do advice.

Tommys last decade
I note that the method that I prescribed has not helped your Eczema. I have used this same method in many cases with excellent results but since you have already used a more potent formula of the same remedy which you state has shown better results, I cannot object to your doing so.

Please confirm that you are using Arnica 30c in the liquid form and that you use 1 drop in water which you sip twice daily.

I do not think that this can cause any aggravation and it may also help your hair loss.

Please report response from time to time as this is another use of Arnica which I have not so far used before.
Joe De Livera last decade
thanks for the reply joe.
i have the following problems:

1) hair loss
2) eczema
5)Erectile Dys.

I fill the glass with water about 5ml and then i drop 1 drop of arnica in it. i repeart the same procedure for the second dose. but eveyrtime i use arnica i suceess the the remedy bottle itself. so far my dandruff is good, eczema there is no ictching but the eczema is still there, there is no acne and my ED is improving too.

i have not yet seen any new hair growing. it would take long right?
Tommys last decade

Report response weekly.
Joe De Livera last decade
sorry but i dont understand what im suppose to do. either im just reading it wrong or 2 different people are telling me 2 different things. this is what i understand. take weisbaden for one week twice daily. if i see NO changes then take arnica twice daily and weisbaden every other day. My question is do i take weisbaden twice or once in a day? and if i do see changes after taking only weisbaden for one week then what do i do? and should i start out by taking weisbaden for one week by its self or should i start with both arnica and weisbaden? sorry im not understanding anything and i want to be 100% sure what to do before i start. i want to get married soon and i dont want to be a bald bride or have no one accept me because i have no hair!!!!!!!!!!!!
naush last decade

You cannot fool around with Weisbaden 200c. No one told you to take it twice daily. This may only be used as a last resort and used ONCE only every other day.

You may however take Arnica 30c twice daily in the liquid dose.
Joe De Livera last decade
You SHOULD be able to purchase this Weisbaden at any natural health food store. One on particular just incase you have trouble is "Clarks" you can look it up :)
deadmanwalking last decade
i was told to take weisbaden twice daily...from dr. jecee on 2006-01-03.
naush last decade
I don't meen to be rude but it seams like this site is just for selling your products.
cougar last decade
Well this is a homeopathy site, and we do sell homeopathic remedies, so yes, there's a synergy. But on this forum, people are free to suggest products we don't sell, or even non-homeopathic remedies.

The people posting advice here are not on the payroll of ABC Homeopathy.
moderator last decade
Dear Naush:
You have had enough of postings on this forum.Please stop it and take the medicine as advised on 3rd January.
Moderator is correct in his opinion.Get medicines from anywhere you like failing which this site is always available to help you out. The choice is yours only.
Dr.Jecee last decade
ok so there is a limit to how many times i can post something? if i dont understand what im being told then what am i suppose to do? u told me to follow the directions that are given on jan. 3 that say that i should take the remedy everyday..but if u check on jan 15 i was told NOT to take it everyday..that is my questionnn
naush last decade
i have been asked to take wiesbaden 200(two drops) twice daily for hairloss...please comment
moddy last decade
Is there any side effects of weisbaden as i had taken weisbaden for a month alternate day .And as i know it effects genitals is it true .and waht are its effects on genitals.plz let me know.ONLY doctors reply
aanant last decade
Dear Dr Joe.
I've heard alot about you regarding hair loss please advise I am taking the wet dose of Arnica 30c twice since 1 month and success it they way you advised other people but use tap water not boiled spring water not avaliable. I also massage Arnica Q mother tincture with coconut oil mix for the last 3 weeks every night before going to bed but hair shedding has halted only to very little extent and also I am haven't noticed any new hair growth. I get 15 to 25 strands when I am massaging oil and tincture or taking bath in the morining with Baby Shampoo as you advised.
Please advise me If a need to increase the potency or any other means. Because I saw one of your post in which you stated that with Arnica Q hair fall should halt within fortnight.But very little improvement is what I am seeing.
chicslover last decade

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