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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss at 22 Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Dr Joe.
I've heard alot about you regarding hair loss please advise I am taking the wet dose of Arnica 30c twice since 1 month and success it they way you advised other people but use tap water not boiled spring water not avaliable. I also massage Arnica Q mother tincture with coconut oil mix for the last 3 weeks every night before going to bed but hair shedding has halted only to very little extent and also I am haven't noticed any new hair growth. I get 15 to 25 strands when I am massaging oil and tincture or taking bath in the morining with Baby Shampoo as you advised.
Please advise me If a need to increase the potency or any other means. Because I saw one of your post in which you stated that with Arnica Q hair fall should halt within fortnight.But very little improvement is what I am seeing.
chicslover last decade
You seem to be doing the therapy I have prescribed correctly except for using :
'but use tap water not boiled'

Tap water contains chlorine which antidotes the Arnica. I do not see any problem for you to boil a kettle of water which you can activate with the Arnica after it cools.

Take a capsule of any Fish oil like Seven Seas daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dr Joe,
Thankyou for your guidance to my last query. I also wanted to ask you that is it ok if I take tea with milk during medication once or maybe twice I don't take coffee and soft drinks as you directed. Also does Arnica 30c also helps acne and skin scar? if it does, is it because I was taking arnica 30c with tap water that I didn't see any improvement with my hairs and skin.
chicslover last decade
You are free to take tea during this Hair Loss therapy but you must be warned that it is not a quick fix for your problem which presumably was noticed some months ago. It will usually take this same period for positive results to be noticed as long as you follow my therapy.

Arnica is also the remedy for Acne but it is the 6c potency that is more effective in comparison to the 30c.

Chlorine instantly antidotes the Arnica and you should boil tap water if you wish to use it.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dr Joe,
Many thanx for your reponse.
Please do tell me that aside from taking arnica 30c with tap water. Should I also avoid usual drinking of tap water or bottled water available at stores because Nestle amongst the few big companies produces water abudantly available but it contains high percentage of chlorine.
Also you said avoid cold drinks because it contains caffeine but what about juices and lastly please do tell me that has tap water also antidoted till now the effect of Arnica Q along with Arnica 30c.
chicslover last decade
Hello Dr.Joe,
I wanted to tell you that I have switched to boil water instead of tap water since last week, but I am still getting a lot of hairs when I massage oil and Arnica at night. Also when I shampoo with Johnson's Baby which is very depressing.
Should I also start taking Weisbenden 200 which you have advised others on alternate days. As you may recall I've been taking Arnica for a month but it was with Tap water, so should I stick to Arnica 30c and Arnica Q for another month 'am also taking Seven seas pills as you advised daily.
My regular response is only meant to take full advantage of your experience so kindly please advise.
I had very long illustrious hairs but now I can already see my scalp beneath. Badlness runs in my family so that is something I want to avoid. And do tell if there is anything else which might be hindering the remedy or do I need to increase it's potency.
chicslover last decade
You must understand that Hair Loss is not an ailment that can be instantly corrected. Hair grows at the rate of about 1- 2 Cm per month and any loss of hair will take some months to be corrected. You can however expect to sight some new hair in between your existing hair follicles in a month if you look for them carefully.

I notice that you have used Coconut oil and you can change over to Olive oil which is better and usually without any smell. You can also increase the %age of Arnica Q to 20% and you will agitate the container before you use the oil for massage into the hair roots.

It is possible that your family trait of baldness may be the root cause of your hair loss and we can only hope that my therapy can help you.

Using Weisbaden 200 is just a waste of time and I do not prescribe it anymore.

I presume that at age 22 you partake in some form of exercise which is essential to promote your blood circulation.

Also drink plenty of fluids up to 3 ltrs daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hello Dr.Joe,
It's been over a month since I switched to boiled water with Arnica 30c and Arnica Q with coconut oil and Cod liver oil capsules. I have seen a bit of improvement in terms of hair shedding but it is not drastic and no new hair growth, now I know it's not a quick fix but I will continue with it for about month or 2 more.
I wanted to ask you Dr.Joe that if I have a sudden break out of pimples on my forehead and face and especially after I shave. Could Arnica 30c taken in high percentage could have aggravated the acne break out. Also, a friend of mine a homeopath recomended me Arnica but he insists that I take 200c which is more potent but I am still going according to your prescription i.e only 3 drops of Arnica 30c in 400ml boiled water shaken Hard taken in teaspoonful before breakfast and before going to bed.
chicslover last decade
Glad to note that you have observed some improvement in you hair loss.

I note that you wish to only use this therapy for a month or two but if you wish to ensure that you do not again start losing your hair, you are advised to use this therapy for the rest of your life.

Arnica cannot be blamed for your pimples. I have used it extensively for curing Acne as you can read by typing Acne into the Search box on every page.

I do not recommend the use of Arnica 200c for hair loss and you can inform your homeopath friend that I have experimented with many potencies of Arnica and have settled on the 6c potency for Hair Loss as this is by far the most effective. I believe that you are now using the 30c but you can also use the 6c and report which potency you felt was better. All in the Wet dose of course.

You can use the remedy water directly on your face to help the pimples and you cannot obviously shave the pimples as this will only serve to spread the infection. If the infection is severe you can use a disinfectant like Dettol which you can apply directly in water on your face before shaving to control the infection.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dr Joe,
Thank you for your immediate response. Please advise me the what should I do for my acne and acne scarring on my face. You stated earlier that Arnica 6c is more potent and used for the treatment of acne and also for hair loss please advise me if it would be better If i switch to 6c from 30c.
Also what other homeopathic remedies can you offer me to improve my skin as best as possible along with hair loss therapy. And last question if it is not too much to ask I lost around 15kgs since last year and I am very careful about what I eat. Recommend me something also for weight control.
chicslover last decade
You will soon discover that your Acne will be history as the Arnica will cure it.

Yes you may change over from 30c to 6c as both are good for Hair Loss but Acne is best treated with Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The Acne will also respond quicker if the water is applied directly on the lesions with your fingers as often as possible.

Please type The Ultimate cure for Obesity and read how Nat Phos 6x has helped many to lose weight up to 1 kg per week.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dr.Joe I have been using Arnica 30c precription as you advised since the last 3 months but have not been able to arrest hair loss.
I haven't consumed any taboos and there has been no new hair growth. I will continue with arnica nontheless as long as I could. But you must have come across some very stubborn cases do you think that it will eventually address my hair loss problem and I will see new hair growth. And what else do I should do to promote hair growth as stated earlier by you that Weisbaden 200c is something you don't prescribe anymore.
Please help me out. And also wanted to ask that does different potency doses of Arnica has different effects??
chicslover last decade
If you have follow the therapy I prescribed some months ago and you have not noticed any improvement in your hair loss, I regret that there is nothing further that I can suggest to help you.

I presume that you have taken Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily and also applied Arnica Q in an emulsion with Olive oil on your hair roots daily.

Weisbaden 200c is not of any use to help hair loss.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Friend,

The way you are taking the remedy is a recipe for drug proving. Did you notice any changes in yourself after taking these remedies like this.

These kind of treatment only offer palliative effect and often will render the case incurable.

In lot of cases a dose taken will work for weeks. Here you are taking it daily without giving your body a chance to respond to the remedy.
SheetalJain last decade
Thankyou for your reply. This is what exactly has happened. The Arnica therepy stopped my hair loss to an extent but since the last month the hair loss problem had aggreviated.
What exactly do you mean by not givig the body a chance?
chicslover last decade
What happens is that a remedy starts healing by waking up body's own healing powers. It moves the vital force to focus on the disease and start healing. When you bombard the vital force with too many doses, it does not give it a chance to vital force to act on the medicine.
SheetalJain last decade
Thankyou for your reply. Maybe you are right. I took more that what Joe De Livera prescribed. I intially went according to his method and did helped a lot. Only a few strands of hairs were coming off in the begining after the therapy.
Now I have switched back to his prescription of 3 to 4 drops in 400ml boiled water.
Thanks again for your help.
chicslover last decade
No Problem, The problems you are having now could be proving of the drug. The way you are taking the medicines is against classical homeopathy principles. Here you are taking medicines like allopathy and it will not cure, it will have palliative effect for some time and problem will be moved to another important organ.
SheetalJain last decade
To Sheetal Jain

I have been reading your comments about the use of my therapy aka 'Joepathy' by Chicslover and would like to correct the impression that you are promoting that the Arnica which I prescribed to the patient to be taken in the Wet dose was potentially dangerous.

I presume that you have read my therapy on the Wet dose which the patient has already read and was using as confirmed by him in his first post. I shall copy below the protocol to make the Wet dose for your edification below:

'The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in some countries.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle or a large teaspoonful of the remedy is sipped as directed.'

You stated in 3 consecutive posts as follows:

'The way you are taking the remedy is a recipe for drug proving. Did you notice any changes in yourself after taking these remedies like this.
These kind of treatment only offer palliative effect and often will render the case incurable.

In lot of cases a dose taken will work for weeks. Here you are taking it daily without giving your body a chance to respond to the remedy.'

'What happens is that a remedy starts healing by waking up body's own healing powers. It moves the vital force to focus on the disease and start healing. When you bombard the vital force with too many doses, it does not give it a chance to vital force to act on the medicine.'

'No Problem, The problems you are having now could be proving of the drug. The way you are taking the medicines is against classical homeopathy principles. Here you are taking medicines like allopathy and it will not cure, it will have palliative effect for some time and problem will be moved to another important organ.'

I would like to reassure you that using Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as prescribed CANNOT by any means conform to your fears as expressed by you above. The Wet dose is far too diluted to be of any danger to the body and can only help it to recover from any ailment as proved by me and many thousands of patients who use my therapy and have been CURED.

You may like to know that I have disproved the stock classical FALLACY that 'no remedy should be taken on a daily basis.' I have done so personally as I have often indicated on this ABC and other Homeopathic Forums that I visit daily on a purely voluntary basis.

I have taken one dose of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose nightly since 1996 and at age 81 I am convinced that I owe my present state of health and wellness to it. My BO is
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

FYI, Arnica is considered as Homeopathic Aspirin. It thins the blood.

Each and every body is different and responds differently to a remedy taken. Looks like Arnica is your constitutional medicine and it has helped you but you can not assume that it will have the same effect on another person like allopathic medicines.

The remedy you take is purely energy with unique signatures/pattern of the individual drug( in this case, Arnica), no chemicals in it. So the effect of it is not predictable on the other person. If you keep on taking the same remedy/energy repeatedly, then your vital force starts to prove the remedy meaning that it will bring upon the symptoms which it treats.

Homeopathy treats a person instead of giving a remedy to a disease( like take tylenol for pain) that means it has individualistic and holistic approach. Set of mentals and physical symptoms are taken from the person and then a decision is most suitable remedy is chosen.

I don't know if you know Hering's law of cure. You can palliate the symptoms in this approach but will not get a complete cure as the problem will be moved to more important disease. There are lot of cases documented in our literature where a person is treated locally and then will have other problems. For Ex. a person had severe constipation and pain in the stomach, he was treated locally with a remedy. Later on, his complaint got fixed but he has a completely new problem now, which is anxiety. This is an example of suppressive treatment where a disease moved from less important organ(stomach) to more important organ(brain/mind).

Poor People will get the benefit initially with this kind of therapies but do not realize the bigger problems that come up without knowing the reason for it.

Chiclover, there are more than 100 remedies in materia medica for hair loss. Why you are taking one of them, think about it, why not one of the other 100+ remedies.
SheetalJain last decade
Some corrections :

Dear Joe,

FYI, Arnica is considered as Homeopathic Aspirin. It thins the blood.

Each and every body is different and responds differently to a remedy taken. Looks like Arnica is your constitutional medicine and it has helped you but you can not assume that it will have the same effect on another person like allopathic medicines.

The remedy you take is purely energy with unique signatures/pattern of the individual drug( in this case, Arnica), no chemicals in it. So the effect of it is not predictable on the other person. If you keep on taking the same remedy/energy repeatedly, then your vital force starts to prove the remedy meaning that it will bring upon the symptoms which it treats.

Homeopathy treats a person instead of giving a remedy to a disease( like take tylenol for pain) that means it has individualistic and holistic approach. Set of mentals and physical symptoms are taken from the person and then a most suitable remedy is chosen.

I don't know if you know Hering's law of cure. You can palliate the symptoms in this approach but will not get a complete cure as the problem will be moved to more important organ. There are lot of cases documented in our literature where a person is treated locally and then will have other problems. For Ex. a person had severe constipation and pain in the stomach, he was treated locally with a remedy. Later on, his complaint got fixed but he has a completely new problem now, which is anxiety. This is an example of suppressive treatment where a disease moved from less important organ(stomach) to more important organ(brain/mind).

Poor People will get the benefit initially with this kind of therapies but do not realize the bigger problems that come up without knowing the reason for it.

Chiclover, there are more than 100 remedies in materia medica for hair loss. Why you are taking one of them, think about it, why not one of the other 100+ remedies.
SheetalJain last decade
To Sheetal

The problem with a person like you, whom I presume is a classically trained homeopath, is that you just refuse to see the 'Wood for the Trees'. You prefer to fault my therapy aka 'Joepathy' by warning Chiclover that he will suffer from some a more serious disease than merely his loss of hair.

You state:
'Chiclover, there are more than 100 remedies in materia medica for hair loss. Why you are taking one of them, think about it, why not one of the other 100+ remedies.'

You do not however have the courage of taking his case over and prescribe just ONE single remedy which you are convinced will cure him and will conform to Hering's Law which you presume I have never read.

You must realize that Homeopathy today is far more advanced than it was when Hahnemann first wrote his Organon over 200 years ago in the same manner that medicine has advanced from what it was 150 years ago to what it is today. I do not think that you are aware that the Joepathy I use is also the same therapy used by the two eminent Homeopaths Drs Prasanta and Pratip Banerji who are Father and Son who own and operate the Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation and you can read their statement on their method of using Homeopathic Remedies copied below:

Banerji Protocol of Treatment


The Banerji Protocol is a new method of treatment using homeopathic medicines. Specific medicines are prescribed for specific diseases. Diseases are diagnosed using modern/state of the art methods. This is done because modern diagnostic approaches incorporate and help in the selection of medicines so that specific medicines could be easily prescribed for specific diseases. This is not practiced in classical homeopathy.

The concept of specific homeopathic medicine for a disease based on symptoms was first perceived and practiced by Late Dr. Pareshnath Banerji. With the passage of time and the availability of new diagnostic tools like Ultrasonography, MRIs, cancer markers and other advanced tests, we were able to further streamline the treatment protocols accurately. The efficiency of this streamlining is reflected by the encouraging results of The Banerji Protocol.

In The Banerji Protocol of treatment, mixtures of remedies or frequent repetitions of the remedies are used when required. This is not practiced in classical homeopathy. The combination of two potentized medicines, we use, are made in a meaningful way based on years of clinical experiments and observations by us. They are mixed for special advantages in treatment, so that the aggravation due to drugs can be checked, side effects of the medicines can be abated, quick and uneventful recovery can be ensured in a much shorter time.

Specific homeopathic medicines are also used for supportive care. Homeopathic medicines prescribed on constitutional grounds may play a useful role in supportive and palliative for patients with malignant disease.

The Banerji Protocol is scientific, logical and is based on all modern diagnostic tools and is very realistic.

I would like to also refer you to a post I made yesterday to the Jewish Homeopath who like you prefers to criticize my Joepathy but does not like you, prescribe a remedy to help a patient on:


I copy my statement to him below as it pertains also to your own concern of my use of Arnica and other remedies as I do with my Joepathy which has invariably worked in a manner that your classically identified remedies do not. It will also allay your concern on my Joepathy which patients on this Forum respect and accept as it has in almost every instance lead to a cure.

I shall deal with your statement below in a later post:

'FYI, Arnica is considered as Homeopathic Aspirin. It thins the blood. '


To Jewish Homeopath

I have noticed in the recent past that you have been unnecessarily cynical of the therapy that I and others who are not CLASSICALLY trained Homeopaths like you, prescribe to patients on this Forum.

You must clearly understand that the treatment of a case presented by a patient on a Forum cannot be compared to a personal face to face consultation when the Homeopath can evaluate the nuances of the case and suggest the remedy accordingly.

This is a patient who was at the breaking point and he has expressed his feelings a year ago as copied below:

'I'm at the end of my tether with this debilitating condition, I really think I'm about to start loosing it soon, I've been having suicidal thoughts in increasing frequency lately, though I'm sure that I'd never do anything that drastic, my will to live is severely diminished to none existent as of late. '

I read this case and for the purpose of record stated that as far as I am aware there was no homeopathic remedy that can help a case of Scabies which is cause by a mite for which the standard treatment was Permethrin 5% or Lindane both of which are mitecides and kill the mites.

You jumped in twice yesterday and proceeded in your standard bombastic manner to belittle the advice that I and others had made and tried to show off your superior classical attitude:
'Does anybody know anything about homeopathy? Have any of you read the organon? Homeopathy can very easily cure scabies, especially a fresh case, and the main anti-psorics including Sulph. are the primary remedies for this. '

I believe that you are located in some Scandinavian country where the incidence of Scabies has to be rare and yet you dare to pontificate on the relative merits of Homeopathic therapy versus Medical therapy without ever having treated a case of Scabies.

It is not the categorization of the disease 'Psora' that is pertinent in the treatment of any disease. It is the use of the knowledge and experience of the Homeopath to identify and diagnose the cause of the disease and he then prescribe the remedy which hopefully will not be clouded by references to the Organon and other technical terms of which the average patient is totally unaware. You and I have studied not only the Organon but other more interesting texts and in my case I also use Radar if I wish to have a second opinion on my choice of the remedy.

The patient awaits a cure with some remedy. He/she is not impressed by the bandying of technical terms and the more you persist in showing off your classical knowledge, the more the patient will scorn you, especially since you do not have any proof of the pudding, at least in the successful treatment of the many thousands of cases that I and other dedicated homeopaths have on this Forum.

I resented your last post yesterday which reads:
'Scabies is a form of PSORA!
Learn your basic homeopathy. A fresh case of scabies is very easily cured with homeopathy!

AVOID any kind of external rubs or cremes. They suppress the psora and are the primary cause of most of the secondary conditions we cure with homeopathy.'

Then again your last post:
'Yes, I see that. However, a homeopathy will NEVER suppress psora with an external treatment. The advice given to him by some people was terrible.'

You state 'TERRIBLE' but you have not prescribed what you think is NOT terrible. You have made a passing reference to 'Homeopathy can very easily cure scabies, especially a fresh case, and the main anti-psorics including Sulph. are the primary remedies for this.' This is not a prescription that can possibly lead to a cure. This is just another pontification of your superiority complex which I consider is disgusting and even dangerous if you were treating a patient.

It is fortunate that the patient is not anymore on this thread but if he were still around and waiting for help you will realize that your bombastic attitude can even impel him to drastic action as 'I've been having suicidal thoughts in increasing frequency lately'.

I often wonder how you can treat your patients as a professional homeopath which as you are aware I am not. The difference between us both is that I care deeply for others even though at my advanced age of 81 years, I can well afford to be arrogant and supercilious in my general attitude to life and especially to the patients that consult me whom I treat free of any charge as it give me deep satisfaction to help anyone in distress and not to pontificate on the therapy used, as you do.

I do hope that you will take my advice seriously and NOT interfere with my therapy and the therapy of others who are equally qualified as you are in this science, but are still disposed to help suffering humanity, unlike you. You prefer to pontificate with your warped knowledge of homeopathy which does not seem to have been accepted by patients in the same grateful manner that my therapy and the therapy of other prescribers are accepted with outstanding records of success since this Forum was first founded in the early years of this century.

You are invited to read the post of a grateful member on the link below to read the gratitude that a member has recorded for the improvement of his condition after using my therapy for just a week, on his Fistula:


In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the recent encounter I had with another Homeopath whose name I shall not mention here as you are aware of his ID. He displayed a similar attitude to yours towards healing and was the person who first coined the term 'Joepathy' to derisively define my therapy which term seems to have stuck as Google has picked it up and now displays over 1000 hits pertaining to my choice cases. I was able to silence him in no uncertain manner after about 6 years of battling him for his daily criticism of my therapy. The amazing conclusion to this long episode is that we parted as friends and I hope that he will return to this Forum if he happens to read this post as he has publicly admitted that my 'this for that' therapy is as effective as the classically prescribed remedies which I have observed invariably do not work.

Remember that Homeopathy is a vocation that is best left to those who care for others and must never be used as an offensive weapon to show off your hyper classical knowledge of this science which is best used to heal and not to hurt.

Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
Joe De Livera last decade
To Sheetal

I do not agree with your considering Arnica as a Homeopathic Aspirin. It would be more correct to liken it to a filter of the blood which it does in a manner that no other remedy can equate. If you are interested to read my research on Arnica you can visit:


You can also visit:

This link has direct reference to your equating Arnica with Aspirin and I shall copy parts of the relevant material below:

Re: Dr George Vithoulkas on Arnica.
By: udaya kumar
March 27 2008
Why are we tempted to think that thinning of the blood do not improve the quality of the blood? It is an inherent quality of the blood to clot particularly so when it comes into contact with atmosphere. When we thin the blood this quality is enhanced and the blood shows its natural enhanced powerful qualities whether in flow or whether in clot.

Arnica is suggested by eminent practitioners all over the world as a medicine indispensable for surgery and of undisputed value.

Dr. Vithoulkas perception seems very shallow. The very fact that as he himself admits in his very first line 'The main theme of Arnica symptomology revolves around a deep traumatic experience upon the physical or emotional or mental body. A traumatic experience of the human organisam resulting from injuries, falls, blows, concussions, freight, fear, financial loss, etc.' Having said that, it should also follow that in an injury, a fall, blows, concussions ,cuts, bruises etc. the blood as everybody knows should be flowing out from them and Arnica being the accepted first-aid remedy for that is used for clotting the blood and repairing it. How can Arnica be used in an injury, concussion, blow etc when it is a blood thinner? It would then be promoting the blood flow than stopping it. But, every homeopath knows that Arnica is to be used there. Is this not a contradiction in itself ?

In all kinds of accidents, and falls and blows etc. the dominent factor is fear. Adrinals being the shock absorbers of the body, and fear being the dominent emotion in any trauma, it is the Adrinals which is affected and Arnica Montana without doubt is directly RECHARGING THE ADRINALS AND ITS FIELD OF FUNCTION IN THE BODY IS WITH THE MOST OBSCURE OF ALL ENDOCRINE GLANDS IN THE BODY I.E. THE ADRINALS. In other words, Arnica is our corticosteriod and more minus the ill effects of steroids. I said Adrinals is obscure because,not much is known to the scientific or medical world about the complete function of the endocrine glands in human beings and in particular the Adrinals. And we rarely come across good medicines aimed at improving the function of this vital endocrine gland. These being energy centres, and power houses of the body, it obviously need a third eye to understand their mystry fully.

The fear of death, the fear itself are all indicative of weak adrinals. And that is what Arnica cures. Again the fear is cause for stress and stiffness of the body, and since Arnica acts right on Adrinals, it is our best remedy for stress, stiff back, lumbago and consequent sciatica and other back problems. Excessive use of cortico steroid damages the adrinals, one important side effect we can see on the street is young persons losing all hair on their heads including mustaches and eyebrows after using cortico steroids. A pitiable sight. Arnica's promoting the growth of abundant hair is certainly and indicator towards how the adrinals are replenished and natural production of cortico steroids by adrinals are promoted by use of Arnica. A great remedy indeed.

Your perception ' believe that he failed to address his mind to the fact that Arnica has been accepted and remains the first remedy to heal open wounds, surgical or otherwise', is fully endorsed. I think Dr. Vithoulkas will certainly acknowledge that in all his magnanimity.
Joe De Livera last decade
Please do not comment on Respected George Vithoulkas. He has revived the Homeopathy again back in 70s. I hope you go through his Materia Medica Viva and see what this guy has before commenting on him.

Blood thinning is one part of the action of the remedy. A remedy just not only acts on a particular organ system but does have dynamic effect meaning it will act in other areas too that covers injuries, wounds etc.
SheetalJain last decade
hello sir, i am 22yrs old female. my hair was never very much thick since birth only. so i went to a dermatologist, he asked me to do low level laser therapy 2months back, and since then im losing my hair like anything after 5sittings in 5weeks. first i went to doctor p.banerjee, a very famous person in homeopathy. he gave me chelidonium30 twice everyday. there was not a single percent result even after 25days. then i went to some other doctor he gave me arnica montana 200 and asked me to consume it after every alternate day. there was only 2-3% improvement and dat continued for 15days. then i went to alopathy, the doctor gave me folihair tablets today is 8th day and i didnt find any single percent result. wat to do now. im shaving my scalp after 2days due to my mom's request, but i know dats not going to help. please suggest me something. and therez no one bald in my family.
sara123 last decade
To Sara

I am concerned to learn that at your age of 22 years you are losing hair and that the therapy you have been subjected to by your dermatologist has contributed towards increasing your loss.

I shall copy my default instructions below for Hair Loss and it is understood that if you wish to use it you will STOP all other therapy and drugs you may be using.

About 20years ago I discovered that I too was losing hair at an alarming rate daily. I was 60 years old at that time and I started experimenting with various Homeopathic remedies and have finally evolved what I feel is the best therapy to help with the Loss of Hair.

The following ingredients are required:

Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 30ml bottle
Olive Oil 200 ml
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
500ml bottle of Spring water or Bottled water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.


Pour 80ml Olive oil into a bottle and mix it with 20ml Arnica Q. Shake the bottle and the Arnica will form an emulsion with the Olive Oil.

Wet the finger tips with the emulsion and part your hair and apply the oil on the roots of the hair and spend some time in massaging it into the scalp which should show an oily shine. This is done daily for best results after a shower.

Make a Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:

Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.

Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.

Avoid harsh shampoos. Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo instead.

Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.

Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.

Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.

In my case I still have a good head of grey hair at age 82 although it has thinned down to about half the hair I had 40 years ago.
[message edited by Joe De Livera on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 12:11:11 BST]
Joe De Livera last decade

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