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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

semen analysis report

respected members of this forum kindly see my report below:
total sperm concentration 120 million/ml
percentage motility 50%
grade a 40%- progressive motile
grade b 10% - non progressive motile
grade c- 50% immotile
agglutination positive
morphology - 90%
abnormal morphology 10%
ph 8.0

kindly inform whether my report is normal or not, if not what is the problem. please also suggest medicines i should take and other useful tips.

i will be very thankful to you kindly help sir. i request all members of this forum to kindly help me

thank you.
  rk193105 on 2015-05-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
report is not good it should be 60% to 80 % motility...

for that you have to take the folloiwng medicine..

Damiana Q 10 drops thrice in aday

dr deoshlok sharma
deoshlok 9 years ago
thank you Dr deoshlok sir i will start taking this medicine from tomorrow. I visited my nearest store he asked whether Germany or Indian medicine is required. kindly inform.

Sir as per my understanding of the report my sperm motility is 50% is it very bad ? how long I should take this medicine?
Can a person with this motility make a girl pregnant or not ?

Kindly reply sir I am very worried. I will be very thankful to you

Thank you sir.
rk193105 9 years ago
respected doctors/members of this forum kindly help me. please provide answer to my questions.

thank you all
rk193105 9 years ago
Is there somebody who can help me. I see there are thousands of posts and able doctors/members of this forum.

Somebody please help me and advise. I will be very thankful to you for your kind cooperation.

Thank you
rk193105 9 years ago
inspite of my repeated requests there is no one who can help me.
it is regretting.

thanks mr. deoshlok sharma and others i do not need your advice. good bye
rk193105 9 years ago

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