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Adenoid in 3 year old Page 3 of 3
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itzadarsh 9 years ago
Yes, It may help too. Ars Alb helped him earlier so its better to stick with it.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
Hi Rishimba,
Gave him ars alb 4 doses on 13th. I am not seeing any improvement. Adenoid symptoms have increased. No discharge from the nose. But complete nose block. Breathing through mouth. And sleeping has become a big problem. The symptoms had completely reduced. Am not sure why it has come back again. May be weather change. Not sure.
Please advise.
Gave him ars alb 4 doses on 13th. I am not seeing any improvement. Adenoid symptoms have increased. No discharge from the nose. But complete nose block. Breathing through mouth. And sleeping has become a big problem. The symptoms had completely reduced. Am not sure why it has come back again. May be weather change. Not sure.
Please advise.
itzadarsh 9 years ago
If you want to give Agraphis, please check his modalities with that of the remedy.
Otherwise, we will find the second best remedy based on his present condition and modalities.
Otherwise, we will find the second best remedy based on his present condition and modalities.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
Hi Rishimba,
Please advise on what other remedy I can try based on his characteristics. I think the adenoids are getting aggravated due to weather change.
Please advise on what other remedy I can try based on his characteristics. I think the adenoids are getting aggravated due to weather change.
itzadarsh 9 years ago
Please describe what kind of weather aggravates the adenoids and the kind which ameliorates them.
Also, ask your child the exact sensation in his own words.
Also, ask your child the exact sensation in his own words.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
He says nose is blocked and he is not even able to talk. When he sleeps and tries to closes his mouth there is a kind of sound and suddenly he wakes and tries to adjusts his position. Right nose I thnk has the blockage. When he blows the nose there is no discharge. When we had gone to Coorg(hill station) and there were rains...that is when the adenoids got swollen and problem started. So I feel the sudden rains would trigger this condition.
itzadarsh 9 years ago
Please give him DULCAMARA 30C once every 4 hours for some 4 to 6 doses or as long as the nose block is there.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
Hi Rishimba,
I have given Adarsh 3 doses of Dulcamara from yesterday. The nose block is improved by 20-30%. Am not sure...last time ars alb had worked..he was alright for sometime and again when i gave ars did not help. Will there be permanent cure for this...or will it keep coming every few days. It is pathetic to see his condition when the adenoids gets he says he is not even able to talk.
Should I stop after maximum 6 doses and after that just observe or what needs to be done. Kindly advise.
I have given Adarsh 3 doses of Dulcamara from yesterday. The nose block is improved by 20-30%. Am not sure...last time ars alb had worked..he was alright for sometime and again when i gave ars did not help. Will there be permanent cure for this...or will it keep coming every few days. It is pathetic to see his condition when the adenoids gets he says he is not even able to talk.
Should I stop after maximum 6 doses and after that just observe or what needs to be done. Kindly advise.
itzadarsh 9 years ago
Stop after 6 doses maximum and let me know how long this potency holds. Based on your input, a sustained dosage can be thought of for long term improvement.
Gradually, you can go for higher potencies if the adenoids show up again. It is expected that one of the potencies will be the curing one.
Gradually, you can go for higher potencies if the adenoids show up again. It is expected that one of the potencies will be the curing one.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
Have given him 6 doses of Dulcamara. Condition was severe yesterday night. Will report back the status after observing for 2 days.
itzadarsh 9 years ago
Hi Rishimba,
It is raining here in Bangalore...and my son's condition has become really bad. Nose completely blocked. Not able to breathe. Dulcamara doesn't seem to have helped.
Please advise.
It is raining here in Bangalore...and my son's condition has become really bad. Nose completely blocked. Not able to breathe. Dulcamara doesn't seem to have helped.
Please advise.
itzadarsh 9 years ago
Hi Rishimba,
My son is hyperactive. Saw in one of your posts that calc phos would help. Should I try that or ARS ALB higher potency. Kindly advise.
My son is hyperactive. Saw in one of your posts that calc phos would help. Should I try that or ARS ALB higher potency. Kindly advise.
itzadarsh 9 years ago
If you son is hyperactive then CALC PHOS will definitely work on the adenoids.
Please give him first in 30C potency once in 4 to 6 hours for a day only.
If this potency doesn't create a response in two days, go for 200C potency giving the same dosing pattern.
Please give him first in 30C potency once in 4 to 6 hours for a day only.
If this potency doesn't create a response in two days, go for 200C potency giving the same dosing pattern.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
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