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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

1 year Old Sleep Issues

My Daughter wakes up crying every night. It has increased lately not sure if it is coz of teething but otherwise also she was not a good/sound sleeper

• Cries and sit or stand up on crib Crying.
• When taken on shoulder sleeps but for some time keeps moaning.
• keep sobbing/moaning in sleep and Some time goes back to sleep when I pat or say mama-mama or give pacifier but some days it doesn’t work and cries louder.
• Even sleeps very lightly when napping and wakes half way through crying.
• In night too much rolling all over the bed. Gets up and sleep back on different side or different place/location. Sleeps there for 1-2 minutes and then again gets up and changes location
• When is light sleep, Hates to have his blanket on her.
• Sleeps when I pat and say mama – mama or swing the crib slowly.
• Sleeps every night while having milk. Sleeps nicely of first 1-2 hours and then the problem starts.

Please Helo
  tulika22 on 2015-06-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Tulika,

Get hold of the following medicine in Liquid dilution.

1)Chamomilla 30c.

Two doses for a single day. Keep eight hours time gap in between two doses.

Add 3 drops of medicine in 20 ml mineral water and stir with spoon to mix it....This makes one dose.

Don,t eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.

Keep me updated.

Be Blessed,
Nikkie 9 years ago
Thanks a lot nikkie..some one suggested Passiflora Incarnata MT 5 drops daily and calcaria carb 5 pills just 1 night to my husband...do u think we sud give these or just chamomilla 30 c will serve the purpose.

Please advise..thanks a lot
tulika22 9 years ago
Dear Tulika,

You can start with Chamomilla 30c if your husband agrees to it. I cannot make out on what bases the Pass Inc & Calc is evaluated i have my own evaluation process :)

Be Blessed,
Nikkie 9 years ago
Hi NiKkie,

My daughter in not taking the liquid form of the medicine due to strong smell i guess. She is not drinking the water inspite of our endless trial.

Could you please suggest something else like pills or something.

tulika22 9 years ago
Dear Tulika,

You can add 2 drops of Chamomilla 30c Medicine in half cup mineral water. Take one teaspoon of medicine from this cup and give to your baby, hope she wont ignore this time.

Keep me updated.

Be Blessed,
Nikkie 9 years ago

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