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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Teeth Problem

Teeth Problem,
I am 36 years Old,
My working in I.T Dept

Actually my teeth roots are not stronger I Brush my teeth daily, but cavity is still getting stronger and also my teeth is breaks into pieces, four main chewing teeth are already root canal by the dentist.
And some main chewing teeth are still weakening.

My Lab test of 25 Proxy Vitamin D 8.5 ng/ml

And also have Back problem
  asim_ashoo on 2015-10-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
First you take a dose of Thuja 1M, & after 3 days you start Calc phos 6x, 4 tab, 3 times a day. And use homeodent tooth paste. Report me after a week
Nishat Parveen 9 years ago
If Thuja 1m is in liquid dilution then what will the dose and how many drop to take
asim_ashoo 9 years ago
Take 1 drop of Thuja 1M in 1/4th cup of water
Nishat Parveen 9 years ago
Much better from previous situation, i feel hot and on my two jaw, one upper left jaw in middle and second lower right jaw at end. and i am using homeodent tooth paste.
Kindly update what to do now?
[message edited by asim_ashoo on Fri, 25 Dec 2015 19:24:34 UTC]
asim_ashoo 9 years ago

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