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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

2 month old Teething

My son is 2 months and two weeks old, and last week he started seeming just off. Grumpy and impatient, and wanting to nurse every 1-2 hours. He is generally a very happy and talkative baby- he makes various sounds and coos, and smiles often.
I thought he was just fighting a bug since there is a flu going around, but he hasn't developed any symptoms that would indicate that.
He has however, been drooling excessively, making strange movements with his tongue and chewing/licking on his fists like mad. He's also become extremely fussy while nursing. He squirms and pulls away and then wants it back. He cries and whimpers while nursing and kicks his legs.
He wants to be held and kept moving, but it doesn't seem to help.
He's worse in the evening, but since last week it's gotten worse to where he's just grumpy all the time.
His stools are very liquidy and green.
His day-time naps are very short and light, and it is difficult to get him to sleep. He wakes up if I put him down.
He seems to like it when I massage his gums, he was not impressed with a cold washcloth in his mouth.

Last night I tried pulsatilla 30c and it seemed to calm him down considerably for the next nursing session--he did not squirm at all, and then he took a nap for about a half hour. When he woke up he was happy for about 15 minutes but quickly went downhill. The next nursing session was back to squirming and fussing. Two hours later at bedtime he was screaming in pain and would not nurse until after much convincing. I tried another dose of Puls 30c and it didn't seem to do anything, but he did finally go to sleep.
This morning I tried Chamomilla 30c and I can't say it did anything. He's back to wanting to nurse frequently, not AS squirmy while eating, but still whimpers. He fell asleep to me massaging his gums just now.

Is there something else or anything else I should/could be doing for him? Thank you in advance.


I forgot to mention, he also has been grabbing at his ear, and his nose. And he wants to smash and rub his face into things.
[message edited by rom109 on Fri, 15 Jan 2016 21:57:33 UTC]
[message edited by rom109 on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 01:18:00 UTC]
  rom109 on 2016-01-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
So after my initial post, he had woken up from his 45 minute nap and was pretty fussy and crying- he wanted to nurse again. He was only slightly fussy at first, and after which he fell back to sleep and slept for an amazing 3 hours. That's the longest nap he's taken in a few weeks.
When he woke from that he was almost instantly screaming. He nursed again, this time no squirming at all. He fell back to sleep but woke up maybe 10 minutes later in a much happier mood. He smiled and did some cooing and grunting; had a BM which was SLIGHTLY less green, and then he was happy for maybe 10 minutes. Cried, nursed, passed out.

Another noteworthy change, his drooling has almost completely stopped, and he's not trying to put his fists in his mouth quite so much.

Does this sound like Chamomilla is working??
When should I redose?
rom109 9 years ago
you seem to be doing things worse, there is nothing wrong in your baby.
All you described is nornal.
Stop giving medicines and start caring.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Are you joking? Wow you're a jerk.
If I didn't care I would just let my baby scream instead of trying to find something to alleviate his pain.
Tooth pain is the worst- I know from experience.
It's only natural for me to want to find some relief for him.l and I know homeopathy can help.

Seriously you deserve to be slapped in the face right now.
rom109 9 years ago
then go to a child specialist to find out the exact problem, why wasting your time here ??
2 month old baby is being experimented with homeopathic remedies is it not joke ??
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Don't respond to me anymore. You obviously know nothing whatsoever.
rom109 9 years ago

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