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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sinusitis problem with some other issues.

In winter or rainy season, feel problem of cough and cold frequently.
Continue sneezing. Nasal discharge thin white transparent.
Restless sleeping in night due to cough.
Some times cough in throat and chest, during sleeping, feels uneasy.

Water from eye. Itching in eyelid. Specially facing lot problems in left eye.Restless sleeping due to eye itching.
Some times specially in evening, suffer from a great headache pain .
In winter, some itching in body specially in hand, stomach.
From 2-3 months, itching in neck back part too much.

Appeared few wart on face and also in right hand middle fingle near nail coner.
Big wart on the right chick which is from 4 months.
2 small wart on left chick and 2 wart on left portion of forehead, one in right side forehead.2 small wart in back neck.

Please help me to cure my disease.
[message edited by shivamyaadein09 on Mon, 07 Mar 2016 07:51:21 UTC]
  shivamyaadein09 on 2016-03-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Shivam,

I am taking up your case.

Start Nat Mur 6x, Nat Sulph 6x, Kali Phos 12x 1 tab each for 5 times a day.

Report progress after a week.

vk804 9 years ago

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