The ABC Homeopathy Forum
4 year old struggling with nasal environmental allergies
HiMy 4 year old son is suffering from severe nasal allergies to dust mites and pollen. He has significantly swollen turbinates as diagnosed by ENT consultant more on left than right side, struggles to breathe through his nose especially at night and generally has excess of mucus worse in mornings and generally only from right hand nostril. He has a sensitive tummy with most ailments affecting him there. He also suffers from chronic hoarseness aggravated in hayfever season. He also suffers from ezcema generally on top of his arms and legs. In general he is an active child who tries to push rules as much as he can at home but we are told v well behaved at school. As an infant he suffered from reflux, ezcema, right sided inguinal hernia and as a toddler recurrent tonsilitis which resulted in removal of tonsils and adenoids at which point the nasal allergies became strongly highlighted. To date we have tried many remedies with little effect, last remedy he had was calc carb 30c one week ago. Since then hoarseness has become much worse, mucus has increased again as has the struggle to breathe through his nose when sleeping. Any advice much appreciated as I'm desperate to give him some relief and a decent nights sleep! Thanks in advance
Karenio on 2016-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is the color of his tongue and nasal discharge?
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you for replying. His Tongue is generally coated in white especially in mornings. Discharge from nose in green/yellow in morning and lightens as well as lessens during the day
Karenio 8 years ago
Kalium sulphuricum 6x,3 tabs three times a day and feed back after 4 days .
I am not getting mails in my in box so if there is a delay in response kindly send me an E mail.
I am not getting mails in my in box so if there is a delay in response kindly send me an E mail.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
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