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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Involuntary Urination

My father aged 87 years a case of old AWMI taking cardiac medicines regularly such as .1.Atrovastin 10mg,2.Clopitogril 75mg 3.Ivabrid 5mg 4.Eltroxin 125mg 5.Eptus 25 mg and Urimax D for his prostate problem.Now he has developed incontienence in urine unable to control while getting up also urine is dribbling .We have given Causticum 200 thrice daily in addition to it Sabal Sarlatta Q thrice daily.Urine analysis suggests more pus cells.Please suggest some remedies.
  ISHA9 on 2016-05-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is the present status of urination.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago

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