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Muscle twitchings, jerks Page 3 of 6

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Doctor kulkarni,

Yes I gave him camphor to inhale and applied vicks on his body. More jerks after ignatia I reported right. The same effect little more jerks than twitching. He had developed cold and heared wheezing then it subsided on its own. I didn't give inhaler.
Earlier twitchings were more . Only 2,3 jerks will be seen but it got reversed now after ignatia. What to do now? Yesterday took him to the neurodoctor and he was asking whether he is doing on one side or both. If on one side it might be seizures but he is doing on both side of the body. Plz do something and get him out of this issue.

Whether camphor is aggraving him? i'm confused and literally collapsing day by day. Day by day my guilty feeling increases and feeling like I'm poisoned mmy child and wish to get rid of the world. Thinking about him after didnt allow me to do so.
[message edited by Harshini on Thu, 20 Oct 2016 13:27:53 UTC]
Harshini 8 years ago

I get confused by the way you write. Please report systematically, what is happening and after what. Give me comparative update.

"More jerks after ignatia" "Only 2,3 jerks will be seen but it got reversed now after ignatia."
What is the meaning of these sentences? They are contradictory statements.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr. Kulkarni,

Before administring ignatia he has less number of jerks but muscle twitchings were found and in the midnight after 1 we could see him doing for some time and in the early morning around 4-5 he will be doing it again.

After giving Ignatia his jerks increased , twitchings also increased and the duration also lengthened. I reported that to you and you said might be positive reaction. Then after applying camphor/ vicks yesterday the whole night he was having jerks alot and little muscle twitching. I wish to tell you one more thing , he uses restroom frequently. He poops several times ( morning itself before and after breakfast, before lunch snd sometimes in the evening too). Feels like simply has to empty his pee and poop. Yesterday and day before yesterday he was doing more jerks ,that was i meant to say earlier.
[message edited by Harshini on Thu, 20 Oct 2016 19:19:59 UTC]
[message edited by Harshini on Fri, 21 Oct 2016 01:06:32 UTC]
Harshini 8 years ago
You mean even after camphor his jerks are more? Actually, that is an antidote.

He appears to be oversensitive to all medicines. In such case, it makes the job still more difficult. Most importantly, you should stop expecting a magic soon after giving a dose. Most "CURES" are not smooth and instant. Patients have to go through some hardship before they get well. That's unfortunate but true. I have seen many cases being spoiled because of overanxious and impatient relatives of the patients.

You need to keep some cool till he gets well.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago

Take a short video of his jerks and send it to Dr.K. Click his username for email address.

gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Dr. kulkarni,

I didn't expect fast cure. I was reporting what are the things happening after the medicine intake. I 'm noticing him doing this all through the night. Felt like if I give these inputs it will be helpful for you to comeup with solutions. Please Doctor ,dont take me wrong. I could wait patiently until he gets cured .

Now by 1.57 a.m, he found to have more jerks but twotchings are not seen as before. Mostly I could see the leftarm, leftleg pull and right shoulder jerk. Little teeth grinding. What you want be to do by this time doctor.

I will take a video as mr. gavinmuthy said so thatyou could see what is happening.
[message edited by Harshini on Fri, 21 Oct 2016 07:13:01 UTC]
Harshini 8 years ago

I have nux vomica30c can we give him that and watch. I dont know to prepare antidote if you instruct me I will do. If you dont want to then let me know what to do.
After Ignatia the jerks are more.. Whether it is a concern or it is positive effect . Waiting for your thoughts.
Harshini 8 years ago
Give him just one dose of Nux vomica 30C. Let me know changes after 48 hours.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr. kulkarni,

One dose means how many pills need to give? In wet form or normal pills? No need to prepare as you said for camphor right?
Harshini 8 years ago
5 pills directly.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Ok doctor. Will do.
Harshini 8 years ago
Dr. Kulkarni you asked some questions regarding his health , inthat u asked did he had any skin condition other than chickenpox? Earlier I said no. Today my sister told me that when I was away from him for a month in India that time in school he got hives . This one they didn't tell me. This happened last year and they gave anyihistamine and it all gone itseems.

Today he got stomach pain at school and said after eating he frlt better. He started to wheeze after returning from school. Still I didnt give nux vomica let me know whether I can proceed or not.
[message edited by Harshini on Fri, 21 Oct 2016 23:44:14 UTC]
Harshini 8 years ago
Please, mention about his jerks in your posts. If you tell one or two new symptoms I won't be able to decide on anything.

Waiting is the best option at this moment.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Waiting in the sense you are asking me not to give nux vomica sir? This stomach pain and regurtitation started when the first time i started seeing his twitchings and the wheezing was tjere earlier and it got stop now again it is showing up. Thats why I wrote everything.
[message edited by Harshini on Sat, 22 Oct 2016 14:19:16 UTC]
Harshini 8 years ago
At present everything is messed up. I find it difficult to assess. Whether he is improving or not improving you have to wait for a week at least without doing anything.

Next time onwards when you report please follow the following protocol:

1. Jerks: Better% / Worse%. Explain observations.
2. Behaviour/emotions: mention and explainchanges.
3. Asthma/cough/cold: Better% / Worse%. Explain observations.
4. Any other symptom that is better than before.
5. Any other symptom that is owrse than before.
6. Any old symptom reccured.
7. Any new symptom (never seen before in him).

Give referance of the date/day for each event.
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Sun, 23 Oct 2016 04:35:02 UTC]
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
I didn't give nux vomica and was observing him for past 2 daysas you said found that jerks had decreased a lot , muscle twitching like hand movements and leg movements Are there. I will wait for 1-2 days and report you as you mentioned.

He is crying for everything. If Something he doesn't like he will argue first but nowadays he is crying. I think mentally he is weak. I'm feeling like he is stressing himself. He starts worrying in the morning for the class he used to go in the evening as an adult. Whether we need to take him to any therapist to make him mentally strong? Please give me suggestions.
[message edited by Harshini on Mon, 24 Oct 2016 14:33:49 UTC]
[message edited by Harshini on Mon, 24 Oct 2016 14:36:31 UTC]
Harshini 8 years ago
Ok. So, you realise patience favors. His crying is not that serious a matter, I feel.
Any medical therapy for his mind can be detrimental. Mere counseling is ok, if at all you want. However, I feel, in due course of time he would be alright.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr. Kulkarni,

Yes. All these agitations are because of my health condition. I was comparing mine with him and got worried since his symptoms are neurological and I google it and found so many names that scared me a lot.

Doctor, what will be the cause for his iron deficiency? And how could I increase? If it is of H. pylori whether the medicine he took will eradicate it or need to be treated. He feels weak and says yawning all the time at school. He hates himself saying I dont like my tummy it is big, I'm not discipline, perfect and not good enough in studies etc. He shows stubborness in everything otherwise what we say he will do.

Now started with new complain about knee pain. Dr. kulkarni plz do something for his stomach. Daily very pity to see him hiding and releasing gas and says he gets belching also. Please tell me what to do.
Harshini 8 years ago
I have already answered most of your queries earlier.

If you want to keep treating every symptom that comes up then you will never let him get well in his life.

I have already cautioned you about this. you both will have to go through these annoying moments till he is well. Unfortunately, 'CURES' are not as smooth as they are expected to be.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr. kulkarni,

The symptom remains the same. Jerkings reduced . Gas formation is maintaining the same level. Too much gas moves down and little belching. Still you want me to watch for a while?

I didnt get what you meant earlier. Is it if I go with his symptom we cant treat him? His mental status is like that or his body is like that? I will wait today and give you the results in %.
Harshini 8 years ago
Give me his present mental and physical symptoms in detail.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr. kulkarni,

His mental behaviour is normal. He says he is getting better in studies and being proud about what he does. He is not irritated and upset. He argues usual , i'm not trying to cry for all the things.

His muscle jerkings are as before. All over the body muscle twitchings are there and jerking are there too . Mostly muscle twitchings happening . Whereever if i try to touch i feel the twitchings and the body shakesdue to multiple spot switchjngs. Right hand , then left and leg like that. Gas complaints are there . He feels hungry and want to eat but couldn't take it. This complaint is not regular once in a while it happens. But muscle twitching and jerkings stays the same . Kulkarni sir, the homeopathy doctor emailed me after this issue last week and was asking why dont to give BUFO RANA. I was like why he wants me to give that ? I didn't answer the mail since when the things are going bad here he ignored me . Do you get any reason why he wants to give that?
[message edited by Harshini on Sun, 30 Oct 2016 13:01:44 UTC]
[message edited by Harshini on Sun, 30 Oct 2016 13:03:24 UTC]
[message edited by Harshini on Sun, 30 Oct 2016 13:04:59 UTC]
Harshini 8 years ago
Bufo Rana is for jerks but your son's other symptoms don't match with it.

However, you need to wait.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr. Kulkarni,

You want me to observe him for more days? Doctor what is his main problem? Is there any name for the condition he is having now? It was getting better but again twitchings are happening more now. I'm 100% depended on you sir. Hoping for best to happen.
Harshini 8 years ago
The symptoms are mixture of his original problem and of several medicines. There will be some ups and downs like this depending on what medicines effects are weaning and persisting.
There is no better way than waiting till his symptoms settle at a level after which his case can be reviewed and treated accordingly.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Sir I gave only pelvorin/ hypericum. I didnt give more medicines. Pelvorin was a combination pill with( kreosotum, sepia, pulsatella, alumina , calciumovaesta, everything with 6x and 3x dose). Then I followed the nuxvomica, cina then ignatia. To overcome the effect camphor( vicks) was applied on the body.

Pelvorin dose was max 6x only. Whether that will take long to wean? Do you think it will persist ? Because of me he is suffering. Gods sake please please kulkarni sir restore him. How long do you think it may take to subside. It is almost 2 months now. I'm unstable now. Please help.
Harshini 8 years ago

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