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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic sleep problem

I'm 59 yeard old man.
I have severe sleeping disorder for 6 months. It's difficult to fall asleep and get awake too(*sleep hours: 2-4, not deep sleep at all).
I tried homeopathy regimen as instructed.
Nux Vom 200
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. dont repeat.

Sulphur 200,5 pills early morning empty stomachones in three days.From day 2.

Ferrum Phos 6x,5 tabs at night from day 2 onward.

5 Km walk and Bhramri Pranayam every day.

Feed back every three days.

Now today is 11th day since homepathic treatment but sleep has been improved only 20-30%(sleep hours: still 2-4 hours). Do I have to continue to take this regimen(Ferrum Phos).

In addition, I have irritable bowel syndrome. frequent abdominal bloating before meal and intermittent(every 3-7days) abdominal cramping with diarrhea right after meal.

*The bottom line:
1) difficult fall asleep and inadequate poor-quality sleep. early waking and difficult to returning to sleep
2) typical irritable bowel syndrome, cramping pain with diarrhea.

Please help me.
Thank you.
  hrlee3196 on 2016-09-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Stop all medicines and wait for one day.
Then take Sulphur one dose in the morning. Do not repeat.
Do not eat or drink sour things. They will antidote sulphur.
Update after 3 days.
telescope 8 years ago
Thank u for your rec.
Today I will stop all medication.

Question: after take sulfur tmr morning, do I have to take ferrum phos every night again?
hrlee3196 8 years ago
No. No other medicine is to be taken.
telescope 8 years ago

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