The ABC Homeopathy Forum
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Attn: Murthy Lichen Planus
Mr.Murthy, Thank you for looking into the case.I just noticed today. Tiny bumps are all over my inner hands.
[message edited by HelpwithLP on Fri, 21 Oct 2016 03:25:58 UTC]
HelpwithLP on 2016-10-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer in detail.
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in
your life around that time? What do you think
caused it?
3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking,
heat/cold, or anything else that you can think
of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the
worst? Specify an hour if you can.
5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany
the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)?
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?
9. Describe what your tongue looks like.
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with
11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom?
12. How easily do you cry? In what situations?
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?
14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry?
15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably?
16. What fears do you have?
17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope?
18. What are the greatest joys you have had in
your life?
19. What was your childhood like?
20. What bothers you most in other people? How,
if at all, do you express it?
21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?
22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about?
23. What would you need to feel happy?
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would
you like to do?
25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change?
26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for?
27. What would you like to change most about
28. How do you feel before, during and after
meals? How do you feel if you go without a
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did
not have to consider calories, fat, anything
you've read about the right way to eat)?
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
What foods do you react badly to, and in what
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include
sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and
alcoholic beverages as well as water. How
thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?
32. How is your sleep?
33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak,
laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.)
34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in?
35. Number of pregnancies, number of children,
number of miscarriages, number of abortions
36. At what age did your menses begin? If you
have gone through menopause, at what age?
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour,
time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots?
39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and
after menses?
40. What medications are you taking at present?
41. How frequently do you get colds and flus?
42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,
or in a very severe form, or after puberty?
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the
standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an
adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination?
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when?
45. Have you had at any time (mention year):
warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated?
46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,
vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency?
47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of
medications than most other people?
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others,
or have a hard time coming out of it?
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs
and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins?
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast,
dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?
48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes
and ages of deaths of father, mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth
on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas,
heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,
diseases or traumas your mother had while
being pregnant with you, family stress,
death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms
experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.
50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel?
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do?
52. How is your sexual energy?
53. How do you react to consolation
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.
55. What are your hobbies?
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in
your life around that time? What do you think
caused it?
3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking,
heat/cold, or anything else that you can think
of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the
worst? Specify an hour if you can.
5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany
the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)?
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?
9. Describe what your tongue looks like.
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with
11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom?
12. How easily do you cry? In what situations?
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?
14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry?
15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably?
16. What fears do you have?
17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope?
18. What are the greatest joys you have had in
your life?
19. What was your childhood like?
20. What bothers you most in other people? How,
if at all, do you express it?
21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?
22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about?
23. What would you need to feel happy?
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would
you like to do?
25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change?
26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for?
27. What would you like to change most about
28. How do you feel before, during and after
meals? How do you feel if you go without a
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did
not have to consider calories, fat, anything
you've read about the right way to eat)?
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
What foods do you react badly to, and in what
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include
sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and
alcoholic beverages as well as water. How
thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?
32. How is your sleep?
33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak,
laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.)
34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in?
35. Number of pregnancies, number of children,
number of miscarriages, number of abortions
36. At what age did your menses begin? If you
have gone through menopause, at what age?
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour,
time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots?
39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and
after menses?
40. What medications are you taking at present?
41. How frequently do you get colds and flus?
42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,
or in a very severe form, or after puberty?
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the
standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an
adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination?
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when?
45. Have you had at any time (mention year):
warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated?
46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,
vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency?
47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of
medications than most other people?
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others,
or have a hard time coming out of it?
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs
and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins?
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast,
dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?
48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes
and ages of deaths of father, mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth
on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas,
heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,
diseases or traumas your mother had while
being pregnant with you, family stress,
death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms
experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.
50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel?
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do?
52. How is your sexual energy?
53. How do you react to consolation
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.
55. What are your hobbies?
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Age: 35
Sex: F
Height: 5.4
Weight: 140lbs
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).
Recurrence of LP this time do so frequent 3 days of prednisone within 3-4 months didn't suppress the allergy. Just the spreading and itch is bothersome. It hasn’t effected anything else.
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in your life around that time? What do you think caused it?
The allergy started around 10 years old and no dermatology could tell what it was back then. Some said its socks allergy, some said its due to dust. They put me on steroids, which made me struggle with obesity all my childhood.
3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking, heat/cold, or anything else that you can think of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?
I haven’t noticed any food or weather aggravating it. Water and coconut oil certainly helps reduce the itch temporarily. I use cold water after reading this forum and it felt better than using hot water. I couldn’t help from scratching few times on my shin and knees.
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the worst? Specify an hour if you can.
No particular time. I feel at night sometimes and during the day few times.
5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)? None.
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, air conditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
I was a chubby kid and used to sweat a lot. So always preferred cold weather. dislike hot wether because its sultry I don’t have any other discomfort from hot weather otherwise.
7. What position is most uncomfortable for you? I do not understand this question,
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?
I feel chilly at night sometimes when my husband doesn’t feel so bad. I used to perspire a lot as a kid when I was chubby. But I don’t sweat too much unless its too hot (armpits) No stains or a particular order for the sweat.
9. Describe what your tongue looks like.
Pale pink.
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with worries?
Usual domestic issues keep me worried. I fight with my husband sometimes, constantly replay the stuff happened till the worry fades off.
11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom? Very Clean Organized.
12. How easily do you cry? In what situations? Very easy. While arguing, while watching sad movies etc
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better? Being lied to or used or manipulated is upsetting. I stop talking to those ppl.
14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry? Being lied to or used or manipulated is upsetting. I stop talking to those ppl.
15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably? Anger and irritability.
16. What fears do you have? Domestic issues.
17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope? After the birth of my son, i had family issues till he was 15 months old. I argue, cry, pray.
18. What are the greatest joys you have had in your life? Parents, Brothers, Husband and my son.
19. What was your childhood like? Very happy. I am blessed to have such parents.
20. What bothers you most in other people? How, if at all, do you express it? Being lied to or used or manipulated is upsetting. I stop talking to those ppl.
21. What causes the most problems in your relationships? Lies, back-biting and manipulations
22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about? None.
23. What would you need to feel happy? Besides the family issues, I am blessed with everything else.
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would you like to do? Software professional. To learn more about bible.
25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change? Hunger.
26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? I am an introvert. So ppl perceive me as arrogant, moody.
Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for? Sincere. Hardworking
27. What would you like to change most about yourself? Not to be so sensitive and control anger, listen more than talk.
28. How do you feel before, during and after meals? How do you feel if you go without a meal?
I need to eat if hungry. Feel relaxed after meals.I get headache and develop gas if empty stomach for a long time.
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did not have to consider calories, fat, anything you've read about the right way to eat)?
Bread, Yogurt. I have read other forums that talk about gluten and diary the reasons for LP. But I didn’t give them up since I ate them since childhood and why is that an issue now.
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat? What foods do you react badly to, and in what way?
I don’t dislike any food but Yams made my skin itchy when I was 17 yrs old. I stopped eating ever since.
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and alcoholic beverages as well as water. How thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?
I have two cups of very hot Tea and 8 glasses of water (room temperature or slightly cold) a day. I tend to get thirsty more at nights.
32. How is your sleep?
Good. Sometimes due to my 20month old, not very good.
33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak, laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.)
I just say few words once a while.
34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in?
Nope, no issues. I need to sleep on my sides as I have slipped disc.
35. Number of pregnancies, number of children, number of miscarriages, number of abortions
One pregnancy.
36. At what age did your menses begin? If you have gone through menopause, at what age?
Age 16.
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
Every 28-32 days
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour, time of day when flow is greatest; any odour or clots?
5 days.More on 1st and 2nd days, dark red. No odour
39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and after menses? few days before the period starts, I either get very irritable or very very tired (happens only a day or two. During the period, one day the hunger will be at peak along with headaches sometimes and very very tired.
40. What medications are you taking at present? None
41. How frequently do you get colds and flus?Just once when its the season.
42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice, or in a very severe form, or after puberty? No
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination? I had rash with penicillin when I as a kid.
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when? Cysts removal when I was 22 yrs old.
45. Have you had at any time (mention year): warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated? None
46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal, vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency? white and sticky
47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of medications than most other people? No
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others, or have a hard time coming out of it? No
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins? no
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast, dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?No. Irritation in nose with glade sir freshener. Just that brand.
48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes and ages of deaths of father, mother, sisters, brothers and grandparents on both sides. Mom has Diabetes, High BP, Kidney issues.Dad had Asthma. Maternal Grandmom died of Gangrene. Paternal Grandmother and both grandfathers died of age related issues. Not very sure.
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events (emotional and physical traumas, heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events, diseases or traumas your mother had while being pregnant with you, family stress, death in the family or of friends, disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms experienced at those moments or which you can date to those traumas. Had a good childhood. Mom was in good health when pregnant with me. Usual family issues were at its peak after the birth of my son.
50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel? I am impatient if I have to be at another place imp. Else, I don’t mind to wait.
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do? Grandma was sick with gangrene but I was in US then.
52. How is your sexual energy? Normal
53. How do you react to consolation? Normal.
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with? After the birth of my son due to family issues.
55. What are your hobbies? None really. I like crossword puzzles.
Sex: F
Height: 5.4
Weight: 140lbs
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).
Recurrence of LP this time do so frequent 3 days of prednisone within 3-4 months didn't suppress the allergy. Just the spreading and itch is bothersome. It hasn’t effected anything else.
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in your life around that time? What do you think caused it?
The allergy started around 10 years old and no dermatology could tell what it was back then. Some said its socks allergy, some said its due to dust. They put me on steroids, which made me struggle with obesity all my childhood.
3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking, heat/cold, or anything else that you can think of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?
I haven’t noticed any food or weather aggravating it. Water and coconut oil certainly helps reduce the itch temporarily. I use cold water after reading this forum and it felt better than using hot water. I couldn’t help from scratching few times on my shin and knees.
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the worst? Specify an hour if you can.
No particular time. I feel at night sometimes and during the day few times.
5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)? None.
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, air conditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
I was a chubby kid and used to sweat a lot. So always preferred cold weather. dislike hot wether because its sultry I don’t have any other discomfort from hot weather otherwise.
7. What position is most uncomfortable for you? I do not understand this question,
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?
I feel chilly at night sometimes when my husband doesn’t feel so bad. I used to perspire a lot as a kid when I was chubby. But I don’t sweat too much unless its too hot (armpits) No stains or a particular order for the sweat.
9. Describe what your tongue looks like.
Pale pink.
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with worries?
Usual domestic issues keep me worried. I fight with my husband sometimes, constantly replay the stuff happened till the worry fades off.
11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom? Very Clean Organized.
12. How easily do you cry? In what situations? Very easy. While arguing, while watching sad movies etc
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better? Being lied to or used or manipulated is upsetting. I stop talking to those ppl.
14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry? Being lied to or used or manipulated is upsetting. I stop talking to those ppl.
15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably? Anger and irritability.
16. What fears do you have? Domestic issues.
17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope? After the birth of my son, i had family issues till he was 15 months old. I argue, cry, pray.
18. What are the greatest joys you have had in your life? Parents, Brothers, Husband and my son.
19. What was your childhood like? Very happy. I am blessed to have such parents.
20. What bothers you most in other people? How, if at all, do you express it? Being lied to or used or manipulated is upsetting. I stop talking to those ppl.
21. What causes the most problems in your relationships? Lies, back-biting and manipulations
22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about? None.
23. What would you need to feel happy? Besides the family issues, I am blessed with everything else.
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would you like to do? Software professional. To learn more about bible.
25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change? Hunger.
26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? I am an introvert. So ppl perceive me as arrogant, moody.
Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for? Sincere. Hardworking
27. What would you like to change most about yourself? Not to be so sensitive and control anger, listen more than talk.
28. How do you feel before, during and after meals? How do you feel if you go without a meal?
I need to eat if hungry. Feel relaxed after meals.I get headache and develop gas if empty stomach for a long time.
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did not have to consider calories, fat, anything you've read about the right way to eat)?
Bread, Yogurt. I have read other forums that talk about gluten and diary the reasons for LP. But I didn’t give them up since I ate them since childhood and why is that an issue now.
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat? What foods do you react badly to, and in what way?
I don’t dislike any food but Yams made my skin itchy when I was 17 yrs old. I stopped eating ever since.
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and alcoholic beverages as well as water. How thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?
I have two cups of very hot Tea and 8 glasses of water (room temperature or slightly cold) a day. I tend to get thirsty more at nights.
32. How is your sleep?
Good. Sometimes due to my 20month old, not very good.
33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak, laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.)
I just say few words once a while.
34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in?
Nope, no issues. I need to sleep on my sides as I have slipped disc.
35. Number of pregnancies, number of children, number of miscarriages, number of abortions
One pregnancy.
36. At what age did your menses begin? If you have gone through menopause, at what age?
Age 16.
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
Every 28-32 days
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour, time of day when flow is greatest; any odour or clots?
5 days.More on 1st and 2nd days, dark red. No odour
39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and after menses? few days before the period starts, I either get very irritable or very very tired (happens only a day or two. During the period, one day the hunger will be at peak along with headaches sometimes and very very tired.
40. What medications are you taking at present? None
41. How frequently do you get colds and flus?Just once when its the season.
42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice, or in a very severe form, or after puberty? No
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination? I had rash with penicillin when I as a kid.
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when? Cysts removal when I was 22 yrs old.
45. Have you had at any time (mention year): warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated? None
46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal, vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency? white and sticky
47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of medications than most other people? No
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others, or have a hard time coming out of it? No
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins? no
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast, dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?No. Irritation in nose with glade sir freshener. Just that brand.
48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes and ages of deaths of father, mother, sisters, brothers and grandparents on both sides. Mom has Diabetes, High BP, Kidney issues.Dad had Asthma. Maternal Grandmom died of Gangrene. Paternal Grandmother and both grandfathers died of age related issues. Not very sure.
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events (emotional and physical traumas, heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events, diseases or traumas your mother had while being pregnant with you, family stress, death in the family or of friends, disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms experienced at those moments or which you can date to those traumas. Had a good childhood. Mom was in good health when pregnant with me. Usual family issues were at its peak after the birth of my son.
50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel? I am impatient if I have to be at another place imp. Else, I don’t mind to wait.
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do? Grandma was sick with gangrene but I was in US then.
52. How is your sexual energy? Normal
53. How do you react to consolation? Normal.
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with? After the birth of my son due to family issues.
55. What are your hobbies? None really. I like crossword puzzles.
HelpwithLP 8 years ago
Dear helpwith lp
Your condition indicates excess
Pitta dosha (fire) in you.
Extended steroids are never good for the body.
Ayurveda can help heal you completely not only from lichen planus but whatever else afflicts you physically and emotionally.
I will prescribe if you want. First check your prakriti at holisticonline.Com under ayurveda section.
Excess pitta means you are angry and irritable and seek cold food and drinks.
Your condition indicates excess
Pitta dosha (fire) in you.
Extended steroids are never good for the body.
Ayurveda can help heal you completely not only from lichen planus but whatever else afflicts you physically and emotionally.
I will prescribe if you want. First check your prakriti at holisticonline.Com under ayurveda section.
Excess pitta means you are angry and irritable and seek cold food and drinks.
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
Sorry, I have tried Ayurveda for 2 years before but with no results. I wanted to follow homeopathy 100% this time. It's my last resort. Thank you for your concern.
[message edited by HelpwithLP on Mon, 24 Oct 2016 03:43:23 UTC]
[message edited by HelpwithLP on Mon, 24 Oct 2016 03:43:23 UTC]
HelpwithLP 8 years ago
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Take sulphur 200c..4 pills as one dose in the morning, for 3 days only.
Make sure that there are no odors on you (perfumes etc), around you (room fresheners/Dhoom sticks/ camphor fumes etc), and in your mouth while taking the medicine.
Use for three days after a week. You will need Calc.carb 200c, lycopodium 200c for later use. If it is convenient, you can order the three medicines together.
Don't use any product containing camphor. Read labels. Use coconut oil extensively on affected areas. No other medicines whatsoever, during the treatment.
Upload photos every week to my mail address. It takes time to see changes. You have to be patient.
Make sure that there are no odors on you (perfumes etc), around you (room fresheners/Dhoom sticks/ camphor fumes etc), and in your mouth while taking the medicine.
Use for three days after a week. You will need Calc.carb 200c, lycopodium 200c for later use. If it is convenient, you can order the three medicines together.
Don't use any product containing camphor. Read labels. Use coconut oil extensively on affected areas. No other medicines whatsoever, during the treatment.
Upload photos every week to my mail address. It takes time to see changes. You have to be patient.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
HelpwithLP 8 years ago
Dear Mr. Murthy, today is the day 7 after taking Sulphur for 3 days. I have tiny bumps covered the entire area of the inner arms. Bumps at my lower back above the hips, abdomen, thighs knees and shin area. Bumps on abdomen are bit itchy. But too much itch on the shin of both the legs. Emailed a few pics but unable to get all the bumps covered in the pictures. Please advise the next step to be taken.
HelpwithLP 8 years ago
I didn't get the email. Please resend the pictures.
Did you find any difference? If so, what is it?
Whenever you report, please mention the difference you feel.
Did you find any difference? If so, what is it?
Whenever you report, please mention the difference you feel.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Plz confirm if you got the pics now. I emailed them. The first three days while taking the course itching wasn't bad. But last 4-5 days itching was so bad esp shin area. I have marks left from scratching and new dark bumps in the shin. Dark flat bumps are seen on knees and back of knees. Applied coconut oil twice a day and whenever there is itching.
HelpwithLP 8 years ago
I got the mail.
Repeat sulphur ..only one dose..wait for a week.
Apply coconut oil daily, even if there is no itch.
Report after a week.
Repeat sulphur ..only one dose..wait for a week.
Apply coconut oil daily, even if there is no itch.
Report after a week.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Took the dose Sir. Bumps increased more this week. Itching is not bad as before but still there a little bit. Bumps on the lower back at the hips, on and behind knees are turning black. I feel worried will the number of bumps on my body. Please advise.
HelpwithLP 8 years ago
These skin problems, which were there since a long time, take time to get cured. A rough estimate is one month of treatment for every year, you had the problem..some times even more.
So, you have to be patient.
What improvements did you find with sulphur so far?
Any aggravation ( increase of symptoms) you felt, after taking the medicine?
Did you get any troublesome new symptoms?
Did any of your problems come back?
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Mon, 14 Nov 2016 00:13:13 UTC]
So, you have to be patient.
What improvements did you find with sulphur so far?
Any aggravation ( increase of symptoms) you felt, after taking the medicine?
Did you get any troublesome new symptoms?
Did any of your problems come back?
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Mon, 14 Nov 2016 00:13:13 UTC]
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
No new Symptoms. Itch increased. More bumps. Too many appeared the last two weeks. No other problems have come back.
HelpwithLP 8 years ago
We have to wait for one more week to see if it is medicinal aggravation.
In homeopathy, the symptoms are likely to be aggravated at first, which is a good sign.
Please wait for one more week, without any medicine.
Report after a week.
In homeopathy, the symptoms are likely to be aggravated at first, which is a good sign.
Please wait for one more week, without any medicine.
Report after a week.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Dear Mr Murthy,
Well the itching is not bad except on cold days and when skin is dry. Bumps are every where- lower back, abdomen, naval, inner arms. They appeared in big number 2-3 days after the dose. After that appeArance of new bumps slowed down, with few new ones everyday.
No other problems came back
I will mail pics soon. Please advise. Thank you
[message edited by HelpwithLP on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 22:12:28 UTC]
Well the itching is not bad except on cold days and when skin is dry. Bumps are every where- lower back, abdomen, naval, inner arms. They appeared in big number 2-3 days after the dose. After that appeArance of new bumps slowed down, with few new ones everyday.
No other problems came back
I will mail pics soon. Please advise. Thank you
[message edited by HelpwithLP on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 22:12:28 UTC]
HelpwithLP 8 years ago
HelpwithLP 8 years ago
Do you have these tiny bumps earlier too? It seems to me the worst patches have reduced..and these bumps look prominent now.
Give your assessment honestly.
Did you find any improvement overall? Tell in terms of percentage.
How is the itch now? Again give how much less in terms of percentage.
How is your confidence level? Do you feel this treatment is helping?
Honest feedback is important. Don't hesitate to let your true inner feelings come out.
Give your assessment honestly.
Did you find any improvement overall? Tell in terms of percentage.
How is the itch now? Again give how much less in terms of percentage.
How is your confidence level? Do you feel this treatment is helping?
Honest feedback is important. Don't hesitate to let your true inner feelings come out.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
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