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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

What potency and when?

I've just started studying Homeopathy and am wondering when certain potencies are used. In particular 6x, 200c and 10M. Could someone shine some light on this and possibly give examples of when they should be given, why and frequency etc. Is there a book that goes into more detail so I can find out about prescribing? thanks
  puttster on 2006-02-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Potency is a vexed question and there is a lot of views.

Mine ---
&x is "low" and can be used as much as twice a day for a short
- 5 -10 days.
It is "broad band " and can be used for a wide range of things that are covered by other remedies.

200c is medium high and I tend to avoid it - because , in my view it often causes over reactions - but this is my view taken from some of the old boys. I use 150c.

10m is high - low end - and you need to match the person to the remedy. Can be hard work , but rewarding.
For instance Sulfur is hot ,untidy , hot feet out of bed, has an early morning bowel motion, very little breakfast but hungry at noon.Quick short temper soon over.
Arsenic on the other hand is very very tidy - to the extent of being , or verging on, a control freak. Likes bodt warm and head cool in bed. Drinkd only small mouthfuls.

The study of Prof J T Kents "Lectures on the Materia Medica " is rewarding .
walkin last decade
Sorry forgot dosage
200 one dose or - thre at 24 hour intervals

10M ... ONE dose and WAIT.
walkin last decade

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