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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Old Head Injury with autism traits

I have a 17 year old son who is autistic... A little history. I was bed written in the hospital for 3 months because my water bag had ruptured and I remember given this medication to stop the contractions that made me feel like I was on fire. My son was also 3 months premature and had to stay in the hospital after birth another 45 days. I can also remember that he would often times get ear infection, colds and fevers, for the first year and half of his little life. Additionally once he was given his immunization shots around that time he seem sad and withdrawn when he was around other children.
His speech was delayed, he was and still is hard to communicate with, he often has a fog look on his face,  he leaves words out of a sentence so therefore you are at a lost of what he is trying to say to you, he gets very frustrated when he is trying to communicate on any subject on any level, its even hard for him to repeat what was just said to him, he has short term memory lost, he repeats the tv shows that he watches to himself and out loud, and I also noticed he has a curious appetite for sexual things.

As I mention earlier he is 17 years old now and about a month ago, I was just recently informed of some very extremely disturbing information. The couple that was babysitting my son (When he was 2-3 years of age) did a horrible job of babysitting him, he rolled off of their very high bed, he jumped off the 2nd floor balcony of their apartment not only once BUT twice I believe looking for me after I would drop him off in the mornings headed to work.

What has angered me the most is to my understanding this may have happened more times. (That’s what I was told by their now, grown children. I don’t know if that is a true number of times or not). At any rate I am concerned that he will never be able to function on his own as an independent adult, get a job, keep a job, or live a normal life.
  Helpless2 on 2017-01-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1 and day 2
Natrum Sulph 200 twice a day.

day 3 to day 15
Baryta Sulph 30 twice a day.

One dose means 2 pills.
kadwa 8 years ago
Thank you so very much. I can't seem to locate and purchase Baryta Sulph 30 ?
[message edited by Helpless2 on Thu, 26 Jan 2017 20:35:04 UTC]
Helpless2 8 years ago
Oh, I forgot to mention that I give him Bacopa and Gotu Kola. Would it still be ok to continue giving him these herbs OR would I need to stop?
[message edited by Helpless2 on Thu, 26 Jan 2017 20:35:33 UTC]
Helpless2 8 years ago
Hello, is there anyone who can help me?
Helpless2 8 years ago
Please give Baryta Carb 30 instead of Baryta Sulph 30. You may continue with herbs that you have been giving.
kadwa 8 years ago
I recently received the remedies. I gave the Natrum Sulph 200CK to my son 3/7 & 3/8/2017 and currently on day day 7 of the Baryta Carb...I haven't seen any major change but I will continue till day 15
Helpless2 7 years ago

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