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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Attn : HealthyWorld

I am deeply interested in homeopathy and have attended private classes and seminars and have gained some knowledge.
I want to know more in the area of dosages. I request you to clarify me on following:

Some Homeopaths recommend drop dose and the dosage is 5 drops morning and evening for 2 days. And they call it as "drop dose".
What is meant by drop dose? Is it a pure medicine? Or is it mixed with water?
If it is mixed with water, how to prepare it? (ratio of water and medicine)
Thank you.
[message edited by ramakrishnan on Mon, 27 Mar 2017 11:54:55 UTC]
  ramakrishnan on 2017-02-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi , in a glass of water , put 5 drops of the medicine if liquid , five globules if globules . In case of globules , throw the water after one day
[message edited by Drquest on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 14:57:14 UTC]
Drquest 8 years ago

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