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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. HealthyWorld

Dear Dr. Healthy World
I am a 58-year-old woman. My height is 166 cm and my weight is 68 kg. I have mild overweight, which I have been trying to get rid of for several years. I have three adult children. I have been married to the same man for 38 years. I was 16 years old when we started dating.

As a child (under 10 years old), I had mumps, chickenpox, and several urinary infections. At the age of 15, I had several ear infections, and my eardrum had to be punctured due to pus. Now, as an adult, I have been diagnosed with scarring on the eardrum of my other ear.

When the children were small, I didnt really fear anything. I was very brave and always thought that I could handle everything. I had thyroid inflammation at around 30 years old. I wasnt worried about that either. I just thought that I would recover from it. At first, the symptoms were hyperthyroidism and then hypothyroidism. I had my thyroid levels checked for several years until they were completely stopped because the values were always within the normal range. As medication in the early stages of the inflammation, Tyrox (?) was used. It was discontinued about a month after the symptoms ceased.

My back was often painful after my first childbirth. I have had all my children weighing over 4 kg at birth. During my third pregnancy, I had a glucose tolerance test, which was normal. On my husbands side, everyone has given birth to large babies, so I wasnt the only one. At times, my back was so painful that I couldnt lift the children. Eventually, when I was about 35 years old, I had an MRI, and I was diagnosed with spinal degeneration. Nowadays, my back doesnt bother me. After receiving the results of the MRI, I am still not worried about it. I thought that we can get through this.

The first fear came when I took the PAPA test (cervical biopsies). I was found to have inflammation and was classified as II (I-IV). So, nothing indicating malignancy. This happened when I was under 40 years old. I had these inflammations in almost every other test. Eventually, I developed endometritis, and I had to go through several courses of medication. The fear was now immense. The fear of serious.

Then I started to fear everything. I constantly checked my own body. Is that mole normal, has a new mole appeared there, is this discharge normal, what is this lump, ... etc. Then I also started doing it to my husband and children. The fear of melanoma was immense.

Eight years ago, my uterus was removed because there were many fibroid tumors. The ovaries were left intact because they were healthy.

I have always been active in sports. About six years ago, I started a new hobby, pull-ups. My body wasnt ready for such a demanding activity, and I started to feel strange sensations in my head after doing pull-ups, and eventually, I had to quit the hobby. Unfortunately, I developed tinnitus (a ringing sound in the back of my head). At the same time, I was taking care of my father, grandmother, and mother. Life was really tough. My blood pressure rose, and I was even in the hospital because of it. My weight went from 62 kg to 70 kg. High pressure. I exercised more and more to lose weight, but it didnt help.

I have always been very hardworking. I am constantly doing something during the day; I do not allow myself to rest. Even though I stay up all night, I do not sleep during the day.

I am extremely fast at tasks, in everything. I get easily frustrated with my husband because he is much slower than I am. I try to do everything myself because I cannot stand delays.

Dont get nervous around strangers. I am friendly and helpful. I have been a computer trainer and I experienced burnout. I tried to be perfect.

I am kind and happy to help people. If I say NO, people get angry with me. Everyone is used to me always helping, without any payment. No one even asks me what my help costs. I am very skilled in the IT field and have completed several trainings. Unfortunately, people take advantage of me and do not pay me anything when I offer my skills for their use. This applies not only to close ones but also to strangers.

I am kind and conscientious. I always want to help everyone and I am happy to take a stand on many issues. This means that I talk a lot about the worlds problems with my husband. I am curious, and when I investigate things, I get to the bottom of them.

I believe in a higher power, and when things get really tough, I pray.

My father died of coronary artery disease, and my mother also suffers from the same illness. My mother is still alive, but I am not in contact with her. My mother took advantage of me financially, and I did not accept that. When I told her about it, she cut off our relationship. After the separation, she sent me several nasty messages. Both my mother and father are alcoholics. My father was aggressive and jealous when he drank alcohol.
Once, after my mother and father had an argument, I intervened in the fight and almost lost my life when my father got angry with me. I was 15 years old at the time.

There were three of us siblings, all girls. When I was 12 years old, a brother was born to us. Dad said that girls would never have been made if a boy had been born first. That was the first time I thought that I would die. I was not accepted. Maybe I could have become nice then. I was constantly seeking approval. I got it best by being nice.

Nowadays, I often cry when Im in pain. Whenever I get sick, I get depressed. It feels like life is flying by. I need to be strong, not sick. I know that inside me is the strong person I used to be, but it is hidden under all the sadness and fear.

Today, blood pressure is good, but stress and worries raise it. A few years ago I had slightly elevated kidney values. They got better when I was rehydrated.

I have had the corona virus twice. The first time, a year and a half ago, the symptoms were vomiting, muscle pain and fatigue. Most recently, in October 2024, the same symptoms, but milder. I havent had the vaccine.

Currently I have the following problems:
Tinnitus (machine rumbling, sometimes like drumming). When the tinnitus is at its worst, the ears are blocked and the neck is stiff. Also, dizziness. Exercise makes it easier. Meeting people makes it worse. Especially if I talk a lot.

Itching of the anus. It starts in the evenings. Sometimes it itches so much that I have to rub with paper and then I get sores. Now I have lubricated Silice with 6x cream and it seems to help the matter.

Fear. Fear of getting sick. Illness of loved ones. Getting sick myself.

The skin is dry.
Visio IS often blurred.

There are cracking sounds in the neck and knee.

I like sweets a lot. I usually eat them when Im in a good mood. Now I have been taking Kali Mur 6x and Nat Phos 6x to ease my sweet cravings. If there is sadness and fear, I cannot eat anything.
When Im alone at home, I think about a lot of things. I feel better when I leave the house, even for a drive.

I eat normal home food. I eat vegetables and fruits every day. The meat doesnt taste much, but I eat it. I use alcohol about 2-3 times a year. I drink one or two glasses of red wine. Today, alcohol doesnt taste good. Must be really good company to take it. When I drink alcohol, my cheeks turn red. Even after the sauna, the cheeks are red.

I sleep badly at night. Im looking for a position and thinking about everything. The days events are on the mind. Sometimes, even years of encounters run through the mind

I like snow and rain and Windy weather.In The Summer, a certain kind of sunny weather makes me sad.
  Taryu on 2025-01-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Today I have had a great fear of getting sick since morning. I am very anxious. I have cried many times because of fear. Im afraid of the phone ringing, because Im afraid that someone close to me will call and tell me that theyre sick.

This fear came when I saw simone717s message that Anuj has had bypass surgery.

The right heel has had such a buzzing/vibrating sound for about two weeks. Not visible. I thought it started around the same time I got Dr. Anuj Lachesis 200 instructions. I took Lachesis three times. I finally stopped it because I got bad heartburn.

Yesterday I thought that the ringing in the heel was caused by Laches and I took the antidote Arsenicum Album 30. Today, however, the ringing has continued and it has also appeared on the sole of the left foot.

A week ago I fell on the ski slope and have been taking Arnica for the pain. The pain has subsided a little, but it still persists. The pain is in the coccyx and buttocks. Sitting on something soft is good, but anything hard hurts. Getting up from a sitting position hurts, as does bending over. Warmth is good.

A little about myself. I hate swimming. Or actually cold water hitting my back.
When I wash my face or hands, I pour water from the tub until it is warm.
Taryu last month

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