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chronic Sinus with no nasal discharge Page 2 of 4

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My emotions are a bit better now so i don't feel as bad as last week
In terms of sinus, i have stopped Dulcamara on Sunday as you have advised
from this morning i am feeling a bit heaviness in head and around eyes area, eyes getting watery
I am not sure if all my sinus symptoms are going to return in next few days.
could you please advise if i should be taking any medicine to cure sinus
Sunshine22 7 years ago

Please take Pulsatilla 200C in case symptoms returns.
Also try to answer the following questions. This form will help me to get complete information about your health.


1. Describe your main and associated complaints in details. What things aggravate your complaints and things that ameliorate them? How frequently does each complaints occur?
2. Describe the events before the complaints started. The events can be related to mental or emotional state or it can be any physical event.
3. How exactly it started?
4. How do u manage your daily routine with these complaints? How this complaint does concerns you? And what comes to your mind when you think about it?
5. Have you taken any treatment or medication for it? List them.
6. Do you have any family history of similar complaints? List them.
7. Describe any life event that has made major impact on you. What are the issues in your life that's bothering you? Kindly describe the mental or emotional state in detail.
8. Describe you behavior, your mental state with your family members, and outside the family. (anger, irritability, anxiety, fears etc) Explain how you react to these behaviors. If possible provide some examples to get clear idea of your mental state.
9. How do you feel about your friends and family?
10. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
11. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
12) How do you react when you get angry?
13) Does empathy or sympathy affects you? How?
14) How do you overcome your mental stress?
15) How do you react if someone dominates you? What are your exact feelings at that time?
16) Describe your sleep, dreams, appetite and general energy level.
17) What kind of weather suits you the best or u like the most?
Please answer these questions in as much details as possible.
Thank You.
homeodr 7 years ago

I have copied each questions answer next to it.
1. Describe your main and associated complaints in details. What things aggravate your complaints and things that ameliorate them? How frequently does each complaints occur? Answer- chronic sinus with heaviness in head with heat sensation, heaviness and pain in the facial bones, swelling in the eyelids and the tissues around the eyes, fever, face appear swollen with a heat sensation, worsening of pain with motion, tiredness, feels chilly and very sensitive to cold air, suppressed nasal discharge, discharge drops back into the throat despite coming out of the nose, constant pressure above eyelid and forehead and around cheekbones.
2. Describe the events before the complaints started. The events can be related to mental or emotional state or it can be any physical event. Answer – migrated from a hot to a cold country where sudden change in weather is quite common. I guess since my body wasn’t used to of a sudden change in temperature with chill wind and rain in winter, may have triggered this.

3. How exactly it started? Answer– same answer as number 2

4. How do u manage your daily routine with these complaints? How this complaint does concerns you? And what comes to your mind when you think about it? Answer- wrapping up warmly, use steam inhalation with eucalyptus and tea tree oil in it.

5. Have you taken any treatment or medication for it? List them.Answer – I have not had any treatment for this. Just couple of times taken Aconite 200C for 3 days and then discontinued.

6. Do you have any family history of similar complaints? List them. Answer –No family history

7. Describe any life event that has made major impact on you. What are the issues in your life that's bothering you? Kindly describe the mental or emotional state in detail. Answer– the biggest one was when I was going thro’ a divorce in year 2000. That was the time I went through severe depression. Had taken some homeopathy remedies but do not know which ones as I used to go to a homeopath back then who gave me medicines so never was told what kind of medicine was given to me.

8. Describe you behavior, your mental state with your family members, and outside the family. (anger, irritability, anxiety, fears etc) Explain how you react to these behaviors. If possible provide some examples to get clear idea of your mental state.Answer- I was getting irritated/angry easily with my family members if I had to repeat the same thing to them or if was I asked same question over and over, basically if they try to extract out any information from me and if they don’t get a clear answer so they keep asking more and more question and since I am an introvert by nature that behavior had irritated me. I often lied to close the discussion or if I didn’t want to lie I would tell them “look, I could lie but since I choose not to, I am going to be honest and say that I don’t like you asking me this”!

9. How do you feel about your friends and family? Answer– I am not sure what do you mean by this question.

10. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly? Answer – I can’t recall any repetitive dream. I used to have fear of being alone when I felt depressed (while gone through depression).

11. How do you think you are different from others, if at all? Answer– I am a different person compared to others in family/friends as I am generally very quiet, introvert person, I can ben left alone as I don’t always feel a need of company. I like my own company i.e spending time with myself, do not like to discuss my personal matters to others including family/friends.

12) How do you react when you get angry? Answer– In past reacted to a situation when I was angry but have learnt to respond (only when and if required) than react. No matter how angry I could be I have full control over my behavior and things I may say or do. I chose what and how much to talk back when angry or not say anything.

13) Does empathy or sympathy affects you? How? Answer- not really.

14) How do you overcome your mental stress? Answer - self counseling and meditations with optimistic self-talk

15) How do you react if someone dominates you? What are your exact feelings at that time? Answer – this depends if at work or in personal life – in personal life it doesn’t bother me so much unless I have been taken advantage of (and that, to a point). If I feel that in workplace, I put up with it for a few times before I stand up for myself. This behavior is a drastic change in me after I had overcome depression. In past, I wouldn’t speak up or stand up for me but rather put up with it and then get stressed. Not anymore, I always make efforts not to either get stressed and/or keep on my mind for too long.

16) Describe your sleep, dreams, appetite and general energy level. Answer – lately, in last a month or so, sleep has changed and not able to get sound sleep. I wake a couple of times at night and then not able to get back to sleep. Appetite is normal. Energy level has gone down so much in last 2-3 months.

17) What kind of weather suits you the best or u like the most? Answer– I prefer just right warm temperature like between 20-25 degrees.

Couple of things i remembered to let you know as well;
- generally air from weather or from fan or aircon if directly facing my face my eyes get watery and I find it hard to see clearly due to sinus congestion around eyes, cheekbones, forehead..
- in past i have a history of hormonal dis-balance that happens on average, i would say, once a year. I am 43 years of age and my monthly cycles have changed so much in last one year, may be due to pre-menopausal. Every time my hormones are dis-balanced first symptoms i experience is severe and sudden hair fall. my previous homeopahtic doctor had given me some medication to balance hormones and to cure hairfall. I do not remember names of all the medicines but some of them that i had been often given were - Sepia, Aloes, Nat Mur (Nat Mur had made my hairfall and then worse and almost uncureable)
- I have low ferritin history which sometimes shows improvement upon taking Ferrum Met Zero upon 3 and Zero upon 6 potency- one dose only per month. i feel low energy level due to this as well. At times, i feel extremely tired
[message edited by Sunshine22 on Wed, 15 Mar 2017 22:58:20 UTC]
Sunshine22 7 years ago
Thanks for answering the questions..Just few more questions for clarification -

1) how old are you?
2) What is your occupation?
3) How do you manage your family and your personal life due to sinus problem?
4) What is your hobby? What would you prefer to do during your spare time?
5) Are you suffering from other health problems?
homeodr 7 years ago

1) how old are you? Answer- 43 years female
2) What is your occupation? - office work/adminstration
3) How do you manage your family and your personal life due to sinus problem? Answer- i always manage despite the sinus problem like general house work and outside house. i try to tolerate sinus pain, head & facial pain, pressure in head due to heaviness
4) What is your hobby? What would you prefer to do during your spare time? Answer - I often like to sit in quiet moments when i get time at the end of the day. other hobbies are music, learning new things i.e. expanding my knowledge in any area that i feel i need to
5) Are you suffering from other health problems? Answer- i have updated my earlier post to add other things that i should make you aware of. one of the biggest ones are low ferritin history & hair fall issues quite often.
[message edited by Sunshine22 on Thu, 16 Mar 2017 19:15:02 UTC]
Sunshine22 7 years ago
Can you pls clarify how many doses of natrum mur, and sepia have you taken and what was the potency?

I guess neither natrum mur or sepia helped your condition in the past..
[message edited by homeodr on Thu, 16 Mar 2017 23:53:36 UTC]
homeodr 7 years ago

I don't remember the dosage or potency of any of them.
with nat mur though i can say that even with lowest potency and with only one dose it causes severe hair fall that is almost unstoppable.
i may have been given other remedies than just Sepia, nat mur etc but honestly, i won't have a clue as when i visited homeopaths they had given me in little container so not sure what was put in it.
i think i was given pulsatilla at some stage when i experienced hormonal imbalance.
one other thing i remembered just now to let you know is that i have had iron infusion done once (in early 2013)and i had a bad reaction to it. within 24 hours of infusion i had 106 fever but doctors didn't treat me by saying this reaction wasn't from iron infusion. I was left without any treatment for over a month and have had all the diff blood test done which came out all normal. i would feel fever, cold with shivers all the time (it was summmer then) and had to stay in bed and keep me warm.
After about 3-4 months of this infusion i developed severe heat and sun allergy. i was extremely sensitive to heat and sun that even staying inside the house still burnt my skin. couldn't do cooking as well.
Again, i managed this by some herbal treatments like aloe vera gel and used sunblock ever 2-3 hours.
i could not work as couldn't leave house.
eventually in late 2014 i decided to go out to work thinking i can't stay like this rest of my life.
In the beginning it was very hard for me to cope in outside weather and in sun, regardless summer or winter but i think my body healed most of this over the time.
I do feel my skin gets red only when i feel so much heat in my body.
I have not taken any conventional medicine for this sun/heat allergy.
Sunshine22 7 years ago
You may take Sepia 200c only ONE dose. Add 2-3 drops or 5 pills in 100ml of water and take 2 spoons out of that.
Keep the remaining solution in the refrigerator.

- Avoid using eucalyptus oil or any herbal medication if possible.
- Take steam 1-2 times a day.

Update me in 7 days.

Let me know if you have any questions.
homeodr 7 years ago
Would sepia be helping me in sinus?
Also, what should I do with the left over sepia mixture.
Lately u have put on weight ( in last 1 year) may be due to premenopause as my eating and lifestyle hasn't changed much. So, would sepia be make me put on weight ? I actually want to lose weight than out on especially from hips, thighs & lower belly
I willl need to order this remedy as I don't have it. One more thing, I don't remember whether sepia was given to me or was replaced by ignatia instaed
I am vegetarian so was wondering if there is a substitute to this remedy
What about tissue salts. Should I continue them?
[message edited by Sunshine22 on Sat, 18 Mar 2017 20:41:11 UTC]
Sunshine22 7 years ago
1.do you have regular stool? constipation or frequent stool after eating?

2.headache more when stooping and better by pressure?

3.dryness anywhere in your body ? either internal or external?

4.do you have pain before or during menses?

5.leucorrhea or white discharge before after menses?

6.sinus more on sun heat or travelling or jarr?

7.do you feel better by taking rest and agg by motion during complaint?

8.do you think headache and all better by sleep?

9.any stommach complaints ? gas trouble?mouth ulcer?nausea and vomiting etc.?
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Sepia will help with the sinus problem and will keep you overall healthy. Also it should not cause any weight gain, keep exercising and eat healthy food , will help to lose the weight.

There is no alternative for Sepia. Natrum mur can be taken but since you have history of great sensitivity towards it , I did not prescribe that.

If you cannot take Sepia then you may take kali carb 30c single dose. Stop cell salts for now... You may continue cell salts with a gap of 1 week.
Report back in 5 days..
homeodr 7 years ago
My sinus symptoms are making my daily routine hard now symptoms have returned since last 2-3 days when heaviness in forehead, under eyes and around cheekbones with sweeping and feverish sensations. I feel like sleeping all day and night and don't feel any energy/strength to get out of bed.
I feel like not bothered doing routing work and not even talking as can't be bothered.
Sunshine22 7 years ago
Hello drthoufeequebhms,

1.do you have regular stool? constipation or frequent stool after eating?
Answer- I don't have any gut issues or constipation
2.headache more when stooping and better by pressure?
Answer- headache when stooping and I feel only temporary relief by pressure

3.dryness anywhere in your body ? either internal or external?
Answer- lately my feet, soul get very dry. I never had this problem before 6 months ago

4.do you have pain before or during menses?
Answer- used to have very bad period pain but haven't experienced it in last 6 months

5.leucorrhea or white discharge before after menses?
Answer- none

6.sinus more on sun heat or travelling or jarr?
Answer- travelling, cool wet weather with cool breeze or chill winds worsen it.

7.do you feel better by taking rest and agg by motion during complaint?
Answer- better when taking rest but as soon as I come out of it symptoms reappears. Motion aggravates it to extreme

8.do you think headache and all better by sleep?
Answer- not always

9.any stommach complaints ? gas trouble?mouth ulcer?nausea and vomiting etc.?
Answer- nothing
Sunshine22 7 years ago
i think bryonia 200 can help you ..have you taken bryonia?

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Hello homeodr -i have taken a dose of sepia as advised. it's been 5 days since it was taken. I have noticed that my hair started falling a lot now since last 2-3 days
could you please explain if this is due to Sepia.
i have not noticed any improvement in any of my sinus symptoms.

Hello drthoufeequebhms - i am not sure if in past i was given bryonia but name sounds very familiar to me.
Could you explain what will this bryonia help with and the dosage guide including frequncy?
i have had one dose of Sepia 200C as per "homeodr" advise however i have developed a new symptoms like excess hair fall.

Sunshine22 7 years ago
After sepia ... How do you feel for your sinus and nose complaints? Better?

[message edited by drthoufeequebhms on Tue, 28 Mar 2017 01:56:10 UTC]
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Hello drthoufeequebhms

I don't feel much of the difference in sinus. i still have same headache, swelling on face, around eyes, watery eyes etc. Rather, i have noticed hair fall in last 2-3 days which is like loosing a lot of hair.
I am not sure if this is due to Sepia.
Sunshine22 7 years ago
You can take bryonia 200 3pills as one dose and wait.

Report changes over days...

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Hello drthoufeequebhms,

Could you please advise how bryonia 200C can help me.
What should be done regarding a new symptom of hair fall that has been developed since taking Sepia.
Sunshine22 7 years ago
Bryonia will help sinus and nose problem..after clearing it..let us see on hair fall..

[message edited by drthoufeequebhms on Wed, 29 Mar 2017 01:12:21 UTC]
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Since Byronia is known for it's strong laxative effects would it affect me in that way.
I do not experience constipation what so ever.
Also, i hope it does not trigger any new symptoms like i have with Sepia
Sunshine22 7 years ago
no..bryonia is a polychrest remedy.it has wide range of action,not only for nconstipation.it will affect only the places where it is derranged..dont worry.

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Have you taken Bryonia?
Let me know how you feel now..

After studying the symptoms I strongly felt Natrum Mur and Sepia. I was expecting some positive effect from Sepia , but it doesn't seem like helped you at all. I hope hair fall has stopped now. Kindly let me know about your hair fall as well.
homeodr 7 years ago

Since last couple of days I feel a slight improvement in sinus symptoms. About 1-2% improvement.
There is no improvement in hair fall but rather it is worsening day by day. This is making me worry
Also, I feel mentally very tires and so sleepy all the time as well
I haven't yet taken Bryonia as I need to order it
Please advise what to do
[message edited by Sunshine22 on Sun, 02 Apr 2017 11:12:18 UTC]
Sunshine22 7 years ago

could you advise what to do next regarding sepia since my last updates to you couple of days ago.
Sunshine22 7 years ago
Couple of days back you mentioned slight improvement, is the condition still improving or the same?
How is your hairfall - is it still the same, better or worse?
How are you feeling mentally?
homeodr 7 years ago

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