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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hi Acne? Which medicene

Hi there

I have some acne, some spots that appear the odd once or twice a week, also have spots on me back which coem and go, and have oily skin on me nose, and me nose also goes red everytime for no reason.

While i was abroad i was given a set of homeopathic medicenes,

Bellandona 30
Sulphur 200
Kali Bromatum 30
Radium Bromatum 200

i was told to take 3 of them 3 times a day with a 10 Minute interval between each, so take 3 in the monring , 3 in the afternoon, and 3 at night. and then was told once in a week so lets say every friday to take the other one.

Mm well the thing is i forgot which was which, and i have these 5, outta which there was 4, 3 which are to be taken 3 times each day, and other one of the 2 left is to be taken once in a week..

mmm you know which is which??

  viper on 2003-05-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi there,
You need to find the one remedy that best matches your symptoms. For example, my daughter has mild forehead and cheek acne and we are trying Ledum first. If it doesn't help we will look for a better match. This web-site is useful, and you could buy a good basic homeopathy book or visit a homeopath. Mixing remedies is not a good idea and may confuse things even more. Also, you are supposed to take the one remedy and then see what happens. Try 2-3 doses ie. morning, afternoon, evening. Wait a few days to see if there is any improvement. If nothing happens, it's the wrong remedy. If things start to improve, stop taking the remedy--it's already doing its work.
Good luck!
Caithness 2 decades ago
You can use Arnica 30 for Acne or Pimples. Take 4 No 40 globules twice daily till they clear up and continue with 2 globules daily for a month.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Acne or Pimples affects almost everyone at some time in life, usually at puberty. If this condition is neglected, permanent scarring of the face can result.

I have treated this condition successfully with Arnica 30. You can take 4 No 40 globules twice daily for a week and reduce it to 3 twice daily for the following week and 2 daily in week 3 and gradually reduce taking the remedy down to 1 globule twice daily for about 3 months.

Chocolates are a known causative factor and it is recommended that the patient stops eating them till the condition is resolved.

Arnica is also very effective in the treatment of Stys which can be a serious problem in some cases when a sty in one eye is followed by another in the other eye. The same dosage as in the case of Acne can be followed.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Hi there thanxs alot for your replies :), i will have to try them out but wel i have found out that i was taking
Radium Bromatum 200 = once in a week on a particular day every week.

leaving me with:
Bellandona 30
Sulphur 200
Kali Bromatum 30

of which 3 were taken 3 times a day each day expect on the day i was taking rad brom 200.

well it helped alot but i stopped it to try a new medication as i was seeing a homeopath, but i will have to give the ones you lot have stated a go and see if it helps.

one more thing.. i did use the remedy finder on this site and found that wel it said taht Shulphur was the best match for me symptms, so i decided as i already had a bottle of shulpur 200 to take and see if it helps , i took it 1 - 3 times a day not sure as i haev bad memory hehe, but i took it for 3 days or so and noticed that my nose was going more red.. is that a good sign or a bad sign? i assumed it was bad and not working as it was making my nose more itchy and tingly so i stopped..

qamz 2 decades ago

See reply given to "aminil" today for ACNE >>>> in young age.

PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
take pulsatilla 200 if ur fair and moody

otherwise hepar sulphur 200 thrice a day along with berberis aquifolium Q 10 drops with a cup ofwater 4 times a day
munadoshi 2 decades ago
Hi There,
Self medication and taking medicine based on the disease name is extremely dangerous in Homeopathy. you may permamently lose a cure for your acne problem. Seek the help of a professional homeopath and follow his/her advice no matter how ridiculous what they say may seem. Homeopathy works contrary to all what we are used to, but it sure works like hell. Try posting your complete problem at this free online discussion forum.
[link removed by moderator: Please don't use these boards to publicise your own site.]

Good health,
PS: Immediately stop taking the 200 potencies...they are extremely dangerous/powerful. May permanently alter your mental make up.
shankar_rajeshwaran 2 decades ago
i'm 22 yrs old girl and i'm suffering from acne when i was 18 and still i'm facing it, with some of the medicines my acne control but it's my experience that acne is NOT CURABLE...
is it curable in homeopathy, i tried other homeopathy and for time being my acne clear but after few weeks it started again, and now i'm looking for its cure, i have acne, with brown and red spots, and i want a clean a clear skin, is it possible and if it is then how?
sonia 2 decades ago

Hello Sonia,
Whilst, analysing your constitutional symptoms will need a list of your detailed symptoms from you and analysis by us ....which is likely to take time....you can start with :

ECHINACEA Q ...Mother tincture 5 drops in some water , three times a day.

At the end of first week you will see a noticable improvement. In 3 to 4 weeks.... most of the acne will heal.

This medicine works for 95% of the cases.

There are other medicines to clear up the residual marks of acne on the skin. Get to the healing stage then post feed back for more info.

Avoid fried food, tea, coffee, chocolates, colas etc.

PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
sabra 2 decades ago
hi sonya. my girlfriend is 23. she found that her skin cleared up while she was taking echinacea/goldenseal for a cold. now she takes it regulary and her skin much clearer.

askjake 2 decades ago
EXCELLENT RESULTS-and no redness--the program Judith Leich advertises on TV---was VERY skeptical myself--AMAZINGLY IT WORKS---and GENTLY!!! best to you----LoveMyDog
LoveMyDog 2 decades ago
Try bellabonna 30 or silicea 30.
These are very effective during scars.
Dr Ali

37 Bradshaw St
kalibrom last decade
Hi, I tried many Homoeopathy medicines as well as other conventional medicines, but somehow I always ended up with more acne and pimples. Then during a search on the internet, I found about a Natural Mud Pack for Acne and Pimples, that too without medicines and thought it try it out. I emailed to them to courier me some. I have been using it since more than 6 months and feel more than 60% relief. some details are available on "www.naturalmudpack.com" and might me worth for yu for acne and pimples.

regards ... HA21

HA21 last decade

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