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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Autism apraxia of speech

Hi, I'm hoping to find a remedy to help my son. He's 3 1/2 no speech. He's has almost caught up in fine motor with therapy and seems to really enjoy tasks that use precision and fine motor though he doesn't use his vision as much as he should. He very loving and friendly but he seems anxious and has trouble sleeping. He has a history of seizures when he was very young but has been seizure free for 3 years and is medication free. He's on an organic and pristine diet. I think he was exposed to mold at a young age. Very stressful pregnancy and delivery but he was able to nurse immediately and still does nurse at night. He gets all the therapy and herbal treatment possible but we can't seem to help him connect to his mouth. And help would be immensely appreciated!!
  fierflie on 2017-03-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
nat mur 30 evening time for 7 days then weekly one dose for three month.baryta carb 30 weekly one dose to continue for three month.
akshaymohl 8 years ago

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