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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

not to sleep

hello my baby is 43 days old i dnt know whats The problem stops her to sleep deeply and properly not sleeping deeply and often having loose stool, making voice but not cry,fights every time,awake 5to 6 times during night specially during 6-9am. I was recomended the chamomillia 30 drops...is it be a good medicine for my baby's problems.kindly help and guide me well.thanks
  Fyzi on 2017-06-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Fyzi,

It is good for baby, please use it for 3 days and see the result.
HealthyWorld 7 years ago
Hello Dr Healthy world,
Sorry to write here or sorry for invading. I have created a post as well. Kindly advise if you could take my case below. I am really in need of your help.

Age: 41
Height: 5'
Body/Built: slim
Country: USA
Problem: anxiety and depression

Apatite: low
Thirst: low

Weather: likes warm (neither hot not cold). Chills with even a little cold wind.

Feels good: Like to go out in fresh air than staying home. Like to travel and eat out.

Food: likes salty than sweet., don't like soup, juice, likes dry food, likes chicken, like fried food.

Kids: has an 8 yrs old daughter.

Mental state: have stress, anxiety and depression for the last 25 years. But taking homeopathic medicines for 5 years now. Don't want to hear any death news, or news about any closed one is dying, get upset by the news related to sickness or mental problems. Cannot see any sufferer and helpless person. I put myself in their shoes and start suffering mentally. I panic if I hear my father, mother or daughter are in need of help or if they are suffering from anything.

Fear of failure, can't stand failure. Have a superiority as well as inferiority complexes. Easily offended, humiliated, hatred, extreme anger. Suffocate when feel controlled. Take revenge or try to punish people by not talking to them( just like my mom does)

Too shy to talk to people. Don't like crowd.
Don't talk much because of the fear of getting humiliated or offended.

Physical complaints : headache and head burning. Burning soles, Easily feel cold even if there is a little wind. Often have itchy skin. Skin: dry.

Like to make daughter happy.

Weird thing about me: can't stand people who has less knowledge or not intellectual or don't have common sense or use their common sense on little things. Can't forgive people who humiliated me or dominated me, even if they apologize. Usually i am quiet but has extreme anger and frustration inside.
I talk to any person one day and I act like a stranger the other day. People may think I am weird. I look too sad. I never smile. I blame others for any bad things happen to me.

Financial condition: poor and don't get help from husband or anybody. Struggling all alone in the US for the last 5 years. Try to manage everything regarding Home, work, child .
I was able to do all these because of the great help from homeopathy.

I have a great hope towards you. Please help this sick mother so I can have a happy life too. I don't trust any allopathic medicine will cure me. The only possible cure is homeopathic treatment, i have a strong faith in homeopathy.

What I believe is, if I am mentally strong then I can fight with any odds in the world. So I was trying to get help for myself first in oder to help others. I can't run away from the relationship or problems around me. I have to tackle and solve them with wisdom. If I feel healthy I can try to correct or solve any other outside problems. I don't want to feel weak.
I need your help to calm down my nerves so I can see the correct picture of the situation. The problem is with me right now. I want to be positive and see the positivity on everything instead of negativity. I know everything has positive and negative versions. I am just seeing negativity now which I am trying to control or correct. There may be positive side on the things too. I don't wanna quit trying.

Current problems:

1. I have extreme anger towards my husband because of his procrastination and irresponsible behavior. He is a lazy person. Has low confidence and makes so many excuses. I do not have any secured future from him. I want to like him and love him but because of his stupid behaviors I just get irritated all the time. He boasts a lot and humiliates people. He has low confidence but just to hide this flaw, he says that he can do this and that and he acts like a king. He says he can rule the world. He's too rude to people.

2. My aunt is in a hospital for her treatment but doctors said its too late now she's is the last stage of a very dreadful disease I am so much upset after hearing this bad news. I couldn't sleep. Even if I sleep, I wake up suddenly and in fearful manner. I am too tensed. I know I can't save her but my mind is not able to accept that she's gonna go far away from us forever. I am scared than sad. It's really scary for me to think if someone close to me is suffering or dying. My mind is so upset. This news is haunting me that's why I feel so restless and suffocated if I stay alone in house.
My head is congested, burning and achy.
I feel anxious.

I have been taking Kali Phos 6X lately whenever I feel stressed out and tensed. It's helping me only a bit.

Please help me.

Furthermore for your information,

I have following remedies handy with me:

Lac Canninum 200 ck
Ars Alb 200ck and 1m
Nux Vomica 200
Stramonium 200
Staphysagria 200
Belladonna 200
Pulsatilla 200
Colocynthis 200
Nat Mur 200 ck
Bryonia 200 ck
Thuja Occidentalis 200ck
Gelsemium 200 ck
Anacardium ORientale 200 ck
Calc Carbonica 200 ck
Sepia 200ck
ARnica montana 200 ck
Rus Tox 200
Aconite 200 ck and 1m
Phosphoric Acid 200
Lycopodium 200
Argentum Nitricum 200
Calc Phos 200
Cammomila 200
Ruta Galv 200
Lithium Carb 200
Mag phos 200
Aurum Mat 200
Ignatia Amara 200
Kali Phos 6x
Kali Brom 200 ck
Nat Mur 1m
Colocynthis 1m
Lithium Carb 1m

I would appreciate if you could prescribe any from this list as I can have my remedy at my hand for my current problem.

Thanking you.
mentally upset 7 years ago
Requested to consult Dr Kadwa, Mohila, Antivirus, thoufeeque, homeo helper etc.

They are more suitable for this case.
HealthyWorld 7 years ago

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