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Language delay/ possible autism
Hello.My daughter just turned two and is not speaking yet, lines things up, dosen't always respond to her name, dosent have great joint attention, stares at me and backs up to the wall when I motion for her to come to me or sometimes when music comes on. She has just started spinning on the ground some. She dosen't understand when I talk to her, other than comands with negative tone like no, or sit down. Dosent wave hello or bye or get mad or happy when we leave/arrive. Dosent give kisses. Although she once clinged to us when she noticed the babysitter was there. She is social, always has had great eye contact, babbles a lot, dosent hand flap, dosent toe walk any more than a normal toddler, not scared of loud noises, or busy places. very affectionate almost to the point of clinginess sometimes, loves water. Hit walking milestone no problem. Dosent play with our dog much, but does like to grab her fur sometimes. Has a facsination with markers/ tube s of paints, crayons, etc. Lines them up. She likes dirt, sand, rocks. Occasionally, not much, will 'peer' up at me. Seems to talk to herself in her own language with a different tone. Kind of sounds like gurggiling.
She was given hep b vaccine at birth. Only vaccine. I was on antiboiotics (doctor forgot to test me?) and magnesium sulfate? due to blood pressure spike. Undetected preclampsia, feet or hands never swollen. Organic diet through pregancy and her whole life. Although she has never been ofically diagnosed with anything, I suspect if she had autism it would be high functioning.
She really dosent get sick much, only once really as an infant. Has had a fever for every sickness. Really no physical problems at all. No rashes, jaundice, and learned to nursed well. Always looked at me while nursing. Always has slept well and went to bed easily, besides past month, (maybe healing crisis?) Has a hard time falling asleep now unless I let her stay up later.
She has been on a gluten, casien free, organic diet for about 2 months now.
Supplements: Holy basil, chlorella, wormwood, milk thistle, ocassionaly fish oil, MSM, probiotic (stopped about a week ago, have to porder more)...
I would like to order some homeopathic remidies and administer them myself.
Remidies she is prescribed now:
Baryta CarbD10, Belladonna D10, Cistus Can D10 Conium Mac D8, Merc Sol D12, Sasaparilla D8, Scrophularia D4. 5 drops a day. Nat Phos 6x, 10 drops a day.
She has had a lot of diet changes recently and some of the new things I am noticing is her stools went from mostly large and soft, to better formed and hard but not dry. The past week she has had rabbit pellet poop, lots of tiny small drops? Some of the somewhat hard and others soft, (bigger ones soft) I have given her prunes and cut out so many bananas, ( i always give them when they have brown spots though) and stopped her homeopathy for a couple days, her poop is well formed now. I resumed the homeopathy today.
Treatments I want to explore but am confused on dosing, and which sort of potency to use, as I want to stay away from the lactose in tablets if thats an issue?
on naturalpatners I have found tablets of
Nux Vomica
Arnica Montana
and Stramonium
on Helios I have found
Carcinosin and
Intend on mentioning reccomendations to my hompethic doctor since there is so much I have read are reccomended. I wanted to see if I could narrow top 3-4 reccomendations to mention to her. Or if she dosent want to use them, administer them myself.
[Edited by hellogoodbye1 on 2017-06-20 17:03:29]
hellogoodbye1 on 2017-06-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
She's never taken much medicine. When she was born, nurses were very adiment about me taking percocet to keep my blood pressure down. (?) I can't remember how many I took. Probably somewhere between 3-6.
Shes only been sick, maybe 4 times? Once as a young child I gave her a small amount of tylenol to break a fever.Ever since, I have been letting them break naturally by monitering them.
I am concened about the magnesium sulfate they had me on to make sure I didn't have a blood pressure related stroke while giving birth. I was on it for maybe 2 days and it was horrible horrible stuff.
She recieved the antibiotics from me at birth.
The only 'meds' shes on now is the homepathic remidies I mentioned.
[Edited by hellogoodbye1 on 2017-06-21 13:45:43]
Shes only been sick, maybe 4 times? Once as a young child I gave her a small amount of tylenol to break a fever.Ever since, I have been letting them break naturally by monitering them.
I am concened about the magnesium sulfate they had me on to make sure I didn't have a blood pressure related stroke while giving birth. I was on it for maybe 2 days and it was horrible horrible stuff.
She recieved the antibiotics from me at birth.
The only 'meds' shes on now is the homepathic remidies I mentioned.
[Edited by hellogoodbye1 on 2017-06-21 13:45:43]
hellogoodbye1 7 years ago
♡ akshaymohl 7 years ago
Baryta CarbD10, Belladonna D10, Cistus Can D10 Conium Mac D8, Merc Sol D12, Sasaparilla D8, Scrophularia D4. 5 drops a day of a mixture of these my homeopathic dr gave me
Nat Phos 6x, 10 drops a day. (5 drops, 2 times a day)
Honestly haven't seen any change. besides her poop becoming rabbit pellet like.
I will post supplement list dosage later.
Thank you.
Nat Phos 6x, 10 drops a day. (5 drops, 2 times a day)
Honestly haven't seen any change. besides her poop becoming rabbit pellet like.
I will post supplement list dosage later.
Thank you.
hellogoodbye1 7 years ago
♡ akshaymohl 7 years ago
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