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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe heel pain for my wife - Urgent: help needed

Homeopathic doctors please suggest on below problem -

My wife, age 40 years is suffering from severe heel pain in both legs since last 2 days. Pain is continuous in nature and is worse during standing and walking when complete body weight comes on heels. When she is lying down with legs straight such that heels do not touch the mattress pain is less compared to when she is standing or walking. But while lying down if she bends her feet and such that heels touch the mattress again pain increases. Pain is only limited to heel area only. She did not have any injury to heels in past. Pain felt is very severe.

Also she has developed spurs on both legs soles due to strap of her slipper protruding. Spurs feel are like tissue outgrowth and swellings. Position of these spurs in right side of the sole for left leg and left side of the sole for right leg, which means spurs are in inner boundary of the soles. Spurs are observed at the same points on the sole where protruding part of slippers straps touches her sole. She is in habit of wearing slippers at home continuously while moving about and doing her daily work.Also I have observed that end portion of her home slippers (where the soles rest and get support) has become pressed inside.

So far I have tried RhusTox 30 (2 doses) and Ledum Pal 30 (1 dose) but no improvement is seen.
  vjhos on 2017-07-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Plz get cal.Phos 6x Biochem. She can have 4tabs three time a day after 6hr interval. Continue for a weeks time and do update me.

With Blessing,
Nikkie 7 years ago
Hi Nikkie,

Thanks for the reply. I have one point to highlight regarding Calc Phos 6x. My wife is also having piles/anal fissure problem which is not severe right now but it gets aggravated sometimes. In past she had experience that after taking Calc Phos 6x piles suddenly got aggravated and it started paining and burning a lot. Another experience with Calc Phos 6x she had was that after taking it her periods(menstrual cycle) started early just after around 2 days of taking Calc Phos 6x.

So now when you have suggested this remedy I am fearful that it may happen again.Can you please give your suggestion on this as to whether these things are likely to happen with this remedy ?

Please note this is not to cross question your remedy but it is just to highlight past experience with the remedy to avoid problems.
vjhos 7 years ago
Thanks for the valid pointers. Plz replace calc phos. With calc carb 6x hope this will help your wife's pain.

Be Blessed ,
Nikkie 7 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I have calc carb 6c with me. Can that work too or only calc phos 6X is required ?
vjhos 7 years ago
Plz get calc. Carb 6x ..... Nikkie
Nikkie 7 years ago

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