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enlarged prostrate vol 104 cm - dr kadwa, dr murthy etc

Hi Doctor,

The last week have been suffering from severe paints.
I am a 60 years old male.

Was not able to pass urine in the night. Went to the Doctor past midnight at 3.30AM. He put in a cathetor and drained the complete urine. Once that done, he advised a sonography test.
In the test it came out that the prostrate was enlarged to 104cm volume.

After showing the report to the Urologist, he said that as the prostrate volume is 104 cm. He would primarily focus on reducing the swelling. It would take a few days ie 30 days, after that he would need to operate.

I have roughly around 25 days for the process.

Dr Kadwa, would you please help me out of this problem.
I need your blessings.

Please advise how to go about it. I would like it to be cured by homeopathy. I am 60 years male and hate going to a hospital or under the knife.

Thanks & B Regards

  pimathew on 2017-08-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Thuja 200 and Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 10 days and report back. One dose means 2 pills or drops of each remedy at a time.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dr Kadwa....

Very Sorry I missed out on your reply.

I have posted a new topic URINE OVERFLOW INCONTINENCE.
Should I go ahead with Thuja & Nux Vomica or wait for your reply.

Thanks very much.

Best Regards


for your reference am copy the new post below

Hello Doctors,

The last few days were really painful and worrisome for me. Everthing came tumbling down.

I am seeking help from all the Doctors in the forum who have been contributing to the wellness of all the forum members. The Doctors have been advising/suggesting help/medicine to all who seek help in this forum. They have been promoting Homeopathy in their own way and helping all who needs help. Because of this my faith and trust in homeopathy still lives.

I am 59 years old male living in India. I have been diagnosed for Enlarged Prostrate. The first sonography of the prostrate showed a volume size of 104 gms. I was put on a catheter as I could not pass urine and given medication to reduce the prostrate. The Urologist suggested operating the prostrate once the swelling reduces. He has given medicines for a month. A few days later he suggested as a trial to remove the catheter and check whether I was able to pass urine. I have been on leave from 13th August. I was able to pass urine after drinking a few litres of water in the hospital.

Then the pains started and it was very severe and very frequently had to pass urine. Every minute or so had to run to the toilet. The volume of the urine was also not much.

For the past one week I am not on a catheter. The pains have become bearable, however the overflow incontinence continues.

I am worried of going under the knife. Besides I do not have any mediclaim policy. With all the liabilities and expenses could not save to take a mediclaim policy.

I am sure that homeopathy can cure my prostrate enlargement as well as my Urine overflow incontinence. I still trust homeopathy.

I would be really grateful to all the Doctors on this forum to help me out in this crisis. I would requested you all to hold my hands and guide me to my wellness.

Looking forward to all your suggestions and advises. I am sure that I would receive quality help from all the Doctors who are religiously contributing to the forum. In case any further details are required, do let me know.

God Bless you all.

Best Regards

pimathew 7 years ago
I request Dr Kadwa to kindly guide him and I presume you are the best for him.Regards.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Thank you so much Dr Mohla for your kind words.

It is quite obvious in homeopathy that different physicians will come out with different suggestions.

i do think that Thuja and Nux Vomica will work in this case.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thank you Dr Mohala and Dr Kadwa.

I have started taking Thuja and Nux Vomica for the past 4 days.
Slight relief in the pain and the flow of urine has slightly increased
However I need to pass urine frequently and not controllable.
At night I put on an adult diaper which helps me to sleep. Other wise
the urine flows consistently and wets the bed and my dress.
Dr Kadwa do advise and help me.
Many thanks for your support.

God bless you.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please continue for another 3 days. If there is no relief please take Pulsatilla 200 twice a day for 7 days. If you take Puls please stop nux and thuj.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thank you Dr Kadwa. I'll keep you updated.
Many thanks once again.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Dr Kadwa,

I am on Pulsatilla 200 the past 3 days. Today afternoon after a few days, there is pains in the glands. I have to pass urine every 15-20 min early morning after 4 am. Till 4 am had a good sleep however my diaper was wet when I woke up at 4 am. Also I find that my bladder is full through out. In the day time I need to typically pass urine within a span of 15-30 min. Night time frequency is more compared to the day time. One good thing is that the flow of urine is much better. Only thing is the overflow incontinence which needs to be addressed.

The positive part is I am much better after about 10 days ie after taking Thuja & Nux Vomica for 7 days and taking Pulsatilla these past 3 days. Need to take Pulsatilla for another 4 days as advised by you.
Before that it was a total mess.

You have guided me and advised me. You are holding my hands towards recovery.

Please do advise and help me.
Many many thanks for your support.
I have been on leave for the past 1 month.

God Bless you.

Thanks & B Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dr. Kadwa,
Thuja alternated with Medhorinum helps to wake them up when needed and eliminate diaper altogether. Please consider Medhorinum.
Reva V 7 years ago
Dear Mathews,

When you are done with Pulsatilla doses.

Please take the remedies as follows and report back...

day 1
Medorrhinum 200 in evening

day 2 to day 7
Thuja 200 and Belladonna 200 twice a day.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thank you Dr Reva and Dr Kadwa for sharing your expertise and
thoughts/suggestions. It is really great and really appreciate from
the bottom of my heart.

Dr Kadwa,
Today would be the last day of Pulsatilla.
Yesterday after a long time had a good night of sleep.
I slept around 12 am after passing my urine and a gulp of water.
I directly woke up at 5am with a pressure to pass urine and also
observed that my diaper was wet. After that had to pass urine after
every 15-20 minutes. Of and on there is a severe pain in the front gland
and it becomes unbearable. It typically comes in the night and I need
to take a pain killer (Tramadol 50mg). After some time I am able to sleep.

Tomorrow I'll start with Medorhinum and the following day would take
Thuja and Belladonna. I'll keep you updated.

Once again thank you very much.
God bless you.

Thanks & B Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I need an advise on the below
I was advised physiotherapy for a week aand 2 medicines for my left arm Brachial Nuralgia. Yesterday the physiotherapist applied some gel which had menthol
Does the gel which has menthol antidote the Medorhinum which I have taken.
and today I would be continuing Thuja and Belladonna.
Can I go ahead with Physiotherapy for the week or put it on hold for some
time. I need to go today afternoon for the session.

Please advise.
Many thanks once again for taking care of me.
God bless you.
Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Physiotherapy or menthol won't do any harm.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Dr Kadwa,

Have been continuing with Thuja and Belladonna. Today I woke up early and took Thuja on an empty stomach. Later on had chest congestion and to top it had severe pain in the glands. After an hour I took Belladonna and then got a relief. passing urine after a few hours there is pain which comes on. Drank water and the pain subsided. Even though I took Tramadol 50 mg, the pain could not be controlled.

As of today there is no change in the overflow incontinence. I will continue with Thuja and Belladonna for the remaining few days.

I do hope that we would completely treat this problem. Your continued support will guide me to the path of recovery.

Thank you once again.
God bless you.

Thanks & B Regards
pimathew 7 years ago

Forgot to add...in the previous post...

At times to get to a satisfactory point of having passed the urine, sometimes I need to pull or intermittently press or apply a bit of pressure on the penis glands and spurts of urine passes. This is the way I get a complete satisfaction of having passed urine.
Today I had to pass urine frequently and also there was shooting pains inspire of having taken both the medicines. So far the prostrate problems are not yet controlled.

Please do advise.
Thank you very much.

Thanks & Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Dr Kadwa,

Adding a few problems to the above 2 post. Please refer all the 3 posts....

For the past couple of days, have had these severe pains in the penis glans.(The front part of the penis) Even after taking Thuja, Belladonna & a pain killer (Tramazac 50 mg) the pain is not controlled. It's sort of shooting burning pain. besides I feel that my bladder also is not emptying. The reason being that the overflow incontinence continues. It's almost 3 weeks since we started with the medicines, yet we are nowhere. One good thing is the flow of urine is much better since we started. Any idea how long it would take to regularise and get back to normal. Almost 2 months am at home and getting bored with nothing to do.

Please do advise.

Many thanks once again.
God bless.

Thanks & B Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please take 15 drops of Prostonum Dilution by SBL thrice a day and see how that affects over a week.

Please stop all other homeopathic remedies.

kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Dr Kadwa,

Many thanks for the reply. It's just that things have become unbearable. Yesterday could no sleep till almost 4 am as every 20-30 minutes had to get up to pass urine. After that I slept for a while. Today morning was diaper was not heavy as in the earlier days. I have passed less urine after 4 am.

As soon as I was diagnosed for enlarged prostate, I checked on internet and found of Reckeweg R25. Could you please check if it matches with SBL. The place where I live other than SBL, he has almost all other brands. He is the largest homeopathic medicines distributor.

Pls confirm if Reckeweg's R25 will do, else I will try to find SBL's medicine.

Many thanks once again.
God bless.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Yes, you can have R 25. It is equally good.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thank you Doctor for the prompt reply.

Reckeweg's R25 is available. 15 drops x 3 times for a day.
I'll keep you updated.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Dr Kadwa,

Have got hold of Prostonum Dilution. Should I continue with Reckeweg's
R25 or go ahead with Prostonum.

Please advise.

Many thanks once again.
God bless.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I started with Prostonum yesterday after using R25 for 3 days.

I am posting this at 1.45 am on 2nd October with severe burning pains in the glans of the penis. The pain is unbearable in spite of having taken a pain killer. I am unable to sleep because of the pain.
Yesterday was the 4th day (3 days of R25 and 1 day of Prostonum) and Tramadol 50 mg is also not able to control the pain. Probably would have to go for Tramadol 100 mg. Another 3 days left as per your advise.

The unbearable burning pain in the penis glans and the frequent urination and the sleepless nights for past couple of days is taking a severe toll on me.
What do we do now?

Please review and advise.

Many thanks once again.
God bless you.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please take Cantharis 200 and Pulsatilla 200 twice a day for a week. You may stop Prostonum if it is not helping at all.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks Doctor,

Prostonum did not help at all. Today morning I did not take R25 nor Prostonum. Let me check Cantharis and Pulsatilla and will revert back.
Today I could sleep at 3 am only till then I was awake and passing urine very frequently. Have passed less urine during the last 2 days. Daily till 1 or 2 am I am awake and would keep on passing urine till I am asleep.

Thank you very much.
God bless.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Dr Kadwa,

Vow !!! amazing ....

Today we are on the 2nd day of Cantharis 200 & Pulsatilla 200. 2 good things have happened on the day I took the medicines.
1. The pains in the penis glans have reduced drastically. There is a mild pain which is present. Also there is burning in the urethra.
2. I have come out from wearing the adult diaper. The past 2 days I have slept with out the diapers. Have not passed urine involuntarily. How ever I had to get up to pass urine couple of times in the night.

Another 5 days to go of Cantharis & Pulsatilla. We would need to look into the frequent urination. Also any idea if the prostate gland size has reduced.

Would really love to join my office before Diwali. Once my frequent urination problem is resolved, I would be able to join my office.

Please advise.

Many thanks once again.
God bless.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago

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