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enlarged prostrate vol 104 cm - dr kadwa, dr murthy etc Page 2 of 5

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Dear Dr Kadwa,

Vow !!! amazing ....

Today we are on the 2nd day of Cantharis 200 & Pulsatilla 200. 2 good things have happened on the day I took the medicines.
1. The pains in the penis glans have reduced drastically. There is a mild pain which is present. Also there is burning in the urethra.
2. I have come out from wearing the adult diaper. The past 2 days I have slept with out the diapers. Have not passed urine involuntarily. How ever I had to get up to pass urine couple of times in the night.

Another 5 days to go of Cantharis & Pulsatilla. We would need to look into the frequent urination. Also any idea if the prostate gland size has reduced.

Would really love to join my office before Diwali. Once my frequent urination problem is resolved, I would be able to join my office.

Please advise.

Many thanks once again.
God bless.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

In continuation of my earlier post (please read the earlier post also)

Firstly many many thanks for your continues support. Your guidance and advise is leading me to a recovery of my prostate problems as well as on the path to recovery and wellness.

Your continues efforts in prescribing the medicines has cleared of the major bottlenecks. This has lead me to a path of recovery.

I am nowadays (the last 3 days) not passing urine in the diaper. Have stopped putting on on the diaper. Today I would also remove the rubber sheet on which I am sleeping.

Also the unbearable pains have vanished. There is a slight mild burning pains.

The above 2 points are a good and positive sign. Now I feel a bit of happiness.

Once my overflow incontinence is regulated, I would be free of the illness.

Nowadays I am not able to pass urine freely. I need to squeeze and pull
to pass urine to satisfactory levels. I need to spend more time in the toilet to obtain satisfaction. Also I need to go very frequently to the toilet to pass urine in the day time.

In the night, I would be frequently passing urine with in a span of 30-45 minutes. Typically till 2-3 am I would be passing urine in the pot and I would be awake. By 3.30-4 am I go to sleep till around 6-6.30 am. Then I get an urge to pass urine. After passing, I sleep till 8 am. Hence my sleep is not refreshed.

Other than these there's no much problems.

The present medicines dose is up to Sunday. Will the present medicines (Cantharis & Pulsatilla) clear the problem. Once this problem is resolved, I would be rid of the urine overflow incontinence and I would be able to go to office after a long time.

Doctor, would I need to do a sonography before I start going to my office.
Please do review and advise. You have almost cleared me of my illness. Many many thanks once again to you.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Forgot to add in the previous post ....

The mild burning pains are in entire length of the penis ie at both ends. Probably the bladder and the penis end.

pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

In continuation to my earlier 3 post (Please check the earlier 3 post) I am providing below an update.

Yesterday night slept at around 1 am, and by 2 am got up as I felt very hot. Had to power on the AC and then in the next few minutes after 2 am the burning pains came back. Tried to bear the pains initially for couple of minutes, and as it did not subside had to take Tramadol 50 mg. After
10-15 minutes the pains subsided. However could not sleep till 4 am. Till then was getting up frequently to pass urine.

Doctor, another concern of mine is the medicines (Calutide 50 mg 1-0-1 & Urimax D 0-0-1. You could check on the details. The dosage is 1-0-1 and 0-0-1 resp)given by the Urologist. My PSA was 49.24 ng/ml and my prostate gland volume was 104 gms. He had prescribed the medicines for 30 days by then the prostate gland swelling would have reduced and he advised to go for surgery. I am scared because of this, and do not like the idea of going for the surgery and also do not have money for the operation and I do not have a medi-claim policy.

Do I need to continue the drugs especially the Calutide as it has itching and rash on the skin and sort of a breathlessness.

Doctor, I need you to take care of me. My condition is very precarious and have lots of liabilities to take care off.

Please look into my earlier 3 post and guide/advise me. I am leaving myself in your hands.

Many many thanks once again.

God bless you,

Thanks and Best Regards

pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

In continuation of my earlier 3 post ( Please go through my earlier 3-4 post)

Yesterday was the last day of Cantharis & Pulsatilla.

As of today, passing urine satisfactorily is a tedious task. The free flowing does not happen. I need to squeeze the penis and then urine flows in spurts.
There is mild burning pains at both the ends of the penis.

Please do review and advise.

Many many thanks for your continuous support.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please take Conium 200 and Staphysagria 200 twice a day for 7 days and see how that affects.

Please continue with your allopathic doctor's medication for the time being.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Dr,

Today is the 3rd day of taking Conium & Staphysagria.
I have done Sonography today.
The volume 73 cc (Initially it was 104)
Post void: 160 cc
3 CMs size exophytic cyst in right kidney.

Now there is not much change. I still need to squeeze and pull the penis to
attain satisfaction. Whenever feel like passing urine there is still burning pains

So far the free flowing satisfaction has not come.
Now it is much better from where we started.

Please review and advise.

Many thanks once again.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please take Conium 200, Staphysagria 200 and Pulsatilla 200 twice a day for 7 days.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

What is the 3 cm cyst on the kidney. Is it a concern?
Worried and afraid.

Thanks once again.

pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I am continuing Conium, Staphysagria & Pulsatilla. Any particular sequence to to be followed. Also what is the time gap between medicines.

Yesterday consulted my Urologist. He said the difference between the pre void and post void is only 50, which is worrisome. He says post void should be less tan 100. It means that urine retention in the bladder is high. Probably as my urine flow is restricted, there is retention in the bladder. I still need to pull or keep squeezing for urine to pass. After burning pains initially, then the urine passed and then depending on the pressure applied, then it's spurts out and then starts dribbling. Need to spend considerable time for passing urine.
Also the burning pains at both ends of the penis still exists.
Pre void - 210 cc
Post void - 160 cc

Also forgot to ask him about the 3 CMs cyst on the right kidney. Is the cyst some major concern ? He said that now he can go for surgery. Some how told him that would think about it after Diwali.

Please review and advise.

Many thanks for your continuous support once again.

God bless.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Further to my earlier post (please refer to the earlier post)

A friend of mine has suggested Himplasia and Chandraprabha Vati.
Would it help or compliment with Homeo medicines.

Doctor, please review and advise.

Wishing you a very Happy Diwali.

Many thanks once again.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please go ahead with Himplasia and Chandraprabha Vati. Homeopathic remedies to continue.
kadwa 7 years ago

What is the Dosage of Himplasia and Chandraprabha Vati ?
Any specific way in taking the medicines.

By the way, did you check on my earlier post.

Many thanks.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Wishing you and your family a very happy Diwali.

Tomorrow would be the last day of Conium, Staphysagria & Pulsatilla.
Have started taking Himplasia and Kottakal Arya Vaidyashala's Chandraprabha Vati from yesterday. Would it spoil the good effects which we have covered from homeopathy.

Yesterday the burning pains were severe after almost a week. Had to take a pain killer in the night. Sleeping was impossible without the painkiller.
Was it because of Himplasia & Chandraprabha Vati. The pains were along the length of the penis. Before micturition the pains were severe. And after some time the flow starts dribbling. After that the burning pains reduces. Today morning the pains have started.

Doctor, we need to address the enlarged prostate, burning pains & post void retention in the bladder.

Please review and advise.

Many thanks once again for the wonderful support.

God bless.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Wishing you and your family a very happy Diwali.

Further to my yesterday's post (please do look up on the previous post).

Today is the last day of Conium, Staphysagria & Pulsatilla.

Yesterday night also the pains along the penis during micturition and also otherwise was severe and unbearable. Had to take a pain killer in order to sleep. The pains are severe and unbearable in night. Day time it is manageable.

Yesterday the flow was better compared to other days. Only the burning was severe along the length of the penis while passing urine. After that urine trickles.

All other problems as per yesterday's post.

Please advise.

Thanks very much for your continuous support.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please continue with Conium, Staph and Pulsatilla.
Herbal remedies don't go well with some constitutions. You may reduce the quantity of herbal remedies.

Please take herbal remedies with some honey.
[Edited by kadwa on 2017-10-19 07:11:39]
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I take Himplasia and Chandraprabha Vati with milk.
Is it ok or should I powder both the tablets and mix with honey.
By the kottakal arya vaidyashala medicines are good or should I change to Dabur.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please take with honey. Powder the tablets, mix with honey and lick. All herbal companies are equally good.
[Edited by kadwa on 2017-10-19 08:05:34]
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Hope you had a wonderful Diwali.

As advised by you, taking both the Ayurvedic medicines by powdering them together and taking them in honey. There is a bitter taste in the mouth.

Much better now. The burning pains have reduced a bit and it is manageable. I don't have to take any pain killer now.

Till when do I need to take Conium, Staphysagria & Pulsatilla.

Please advise.

Many thanks once again for your continuous support and taking care of me.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
You should take Conium, Staph and Puls for another one month. Herbal remedies should also continue.
We have our calendar full of festivals. Christmas is not far away now. Life is festivity!!
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

In another weeks time, we would be completing one months medicines of Conium, Staphysagria & Pulsatilla. Also am continuing Himplasia and Chandraprabha Vati in honey 2 times.

Presently whenever there is an urge to urinate, the burning pain starts and continues till the urine is passed. Even after completion of urine, there is a bit of dripping and typically feel that the urine has not passed satisfactorily. As if the urine has completely not emptied.The burning pains also remains for some time.The pains are mild and toleable.

Another problem is there is a pain in both the nipples. Is it because of Conium.

Please review and advise.

Many thanks once again for your continous support.

Thanks and B Regards

pimathew 7 years ago
Please take Belladonna 200 and Causticum 200 twice a day for 10 days. Please stop other homeopathic remedies. Herbals to continue.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Have being continuing with Belladonna & Causticum and another 2 days to go.

There was no effect of the medicine the past 1 week. It was the same as before taking it. I didn't notice any change.

The burning pains which starts when you feel the pressure to urinate till the dripping at the end is the same. Pains at the beginning is there but then the burning while passing urine till the end is also present.

Probably the prostate gland size needs to reduce for the burning pains while passing urine to go.

Continuing Himplasia and Chandraprabha vati.

Most of our problems are healed except the mild burning pains. Once that clears it means that the prostrate gland size is back to normal. Also there is pains on the deltoid muscles of both the hands. Winter has set in. Pains in the both the nipples present.

Please do review and advise.

Thank you for your continuous support.

God bless.

Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
day 1 to day 3
Thuja 200 twice a day.

day 4 to day 10
Rhus Tox 200 twice a day.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

The Thuja and Rhus Tox finishes tomorrow.
After taking Rhus Tox, a boil in the rectum resurfaced after a long time. Besides none of the pain subsided and my sleep was also not very comfortable. Sort of not refreshed.

I had my sonography done on Saturday -
The prostate size is the same. No change. However the good news is the Prevoid was 106 and Post void was 7 cc. This was a good news.
Our only saddening part was the prostate size. I thought it would have reduced.

Doctor, can the prostate size come down. Please look into it.
Its one of the gravest concern. Really frightened that the prostate size did not come down.

Please review and advise.

Thanks very much for the continous support.

God Bless

pimathew 7 years ago
Please take Nux Vomica 200 and Silicea 200 twice a day for 5 days and report back.
kadwa 7 years ago

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