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enlarged prostrate vol 104 cm - dr kadwa, dr murthy etc Page 3 of 5

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Please take Nux Vomica 200 and Silicea 200 twice a day for 5 days and report back.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Continuing Himplasia and Chandraprabha Vati.
Completed a week of Nux Vomica & Silicea. The boil at the rectum cleared. No more pains there.

The burning pains in the penis at both the ends have reduced a little bit. The prostate glands need to reduce. The urine flw has increased slightly. Inspite of this the prostate gland size is the same. No changes the past 2 months. Most of the problems 2 months back has cleared. The initial teething problems were severe.

The pains at deltoid muscle on both arm persists. Movement or jerks give a shooting pain at both hands. Applying soap while bathing is a tedious task. There is also pain in the hollow of right knee. My left jaw and ear also pains. When ever I munch on the left jaw it pains as well as inside the ear.

Doctor, please review and advise.

Many thanks once again for your continuous support

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please take Causticum 200 and Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 7 days and report back.
kadwa 7 years ago
Good Morning Doctor,

Forgot to add that caught a cold, and there is cough and need to continuously hawk and clear the throat. Loose white phlegm. Not thick and a little bit of wheezing.

Would Causticum & Nux Vomica clear it ?

Many thanks.

Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Yes, the remedies should help for cold too.
kadwa 7 years ago
Good Morning Doctor,

The 7 days of Causticum & Nux Vomica would be over by today morning.
Still continuing Himplasia and Chandraprabha Vati.

The burning pain along the penis still continues. Though ithe pains are a bit mild. It is only during passing of urine.
The cough and phlegm which was troubling me has cleared. Occassional cough is there.
The swelling with pains at both the nipples is still present.
The pains at both the arms still persists.
The pain in the knees still continues. Its a task to get up from the indian closet.
Forgot to add - I have the habit of sleeping with my palm under my head and after some time there is severe cramps in the palm. Because of this my sleep gets disturbed.

My problems seems to be increasing now. Probably old age with winter. Some have surfaced now. Managing all this. Still I get up at 6 am and by 6.30am I go for a walk in the morning for 40 mins.

Some problems got cleared. Some got added.

Please help and support me to retain my health. Need to carry forward.

Please review and advise.

God Bless you.

Thanks and Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
day 1 to day 3
Lycopodium 200 twice a day.

day 4 to day 10
Pulsatilla 200 twice a day.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Wish you a very Happy & Prosperous New Year.

I was away for Christmas and New Year. Just happened to come in
a few days back.

I have taken Lycopodium for 2 days twice and Pulsatilla for 7 days twice. Also continuing Himplasia and Chandraprabha Vati.

There is no major changes to my problem from my last post.

The hot burning pains while passing urine along the penis still persist. We will need to focus on reducing the prostrate gland. We need to get it to around 30cc from 71cc. We already brought it to 70cc from 104. The urine retention problem is also not there now.
Also the pains on both the nipple and inside the knees of both legs persist along with the pains on both arms deltoid muscle.

Please review the problem of prostrate along with the pains.
Primarily we need to attend the prostrate problem which is more critical.

Thank you for your continuous support.

God Bless.

pimathew 7 years ago
Thank you for your good wishes!!

May the new year bless you and yours with health and happiness!!

Please take the following remedies twice a day for 10 days.

Thuja 200
Sulphur 200
Nux Vomica 200
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Than you for your good wishes.

The Thuja, Sulphur and Nux Vomica regime did not clear any of the problems. It only aggravated all the problems including bloating of my stomach.

Please review and advise.

Thanks very much and God Bless.

pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

The 10 days of Thuja, Sulphur & Nux Vomica got over yesterday.
No much difference from the earlier post.
Burning pains along the penis continues while passing urine. There is an increased frequency in passing urine during the day.Is it bcoz am consuming water very frequently during the day.
The cramps in the palm of both hand continues. Left palm is more often.
Pain in deltoid muscles of both arms persists. The orthopaedic Doctor advised that it is the pain on both shoulders and neck which radiated to the arms. Pains on both nipples continues and also the pain on the inside of the knees.

Doctor, do I need to take any remedy on long term to address the prostrate gland. I would be going for my sonography next weekend.

The above few problems other than the prostrate gland is being with me for some time.

Please do review and advice.

Thanks very much for your continuous support.

God Bless

pimathew 7 years ago
Please take

Causticum 200 in morning and evening
Cuprum Met 30 at bed time

for 10 days and report back.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

The 10 days of Causticum & Cuprum Met got over.
Continuing with Himplasia and Chandraprabha vati.

No improvement to any of the problems.
The pain along the penis still continues.
The pain around the nipples still present.
Cramps in the left palm continues through out. day and night.
Pains in the hollow of both knees.

One thing I noticed these days is that I have to get up 2/3 times in the night to pass urine. Also in the morning after I get up I have to frequently pass urine. Unable to control the urge. In case I delay, there is a severe burning pains while passing urine or urine drips out.

Please do review and advise.

Thanks very much.

Best regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Hi Doctor,

Further to my previous post, am Posting an update.

I have done my Sonography today.Am giving below details of the same.

Prostrate size is 64 cc (come down from 74 cc)
Prevoid - 240cc Post void - 24cc

Long way to go. In 2 months the size has come down by 10 cc.
It would take us another 6 months to get back to normal.
At least we are on the right track. All the credit goes to you. You have been regularly focusing on my illness and advising medicines for me.

Now, on a long term basis we would need to focus on reducing the size of the prostrate gland. Please help me to get back to normal.

Thank you a lot.

God Bless and regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please take Selenium 200 and Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 10 days and report back.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Please refer to my earlier 2 post.

pimathew 7 years ago
Yes sir, i always go through your posts and suggest remedies on that basis.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

No offences meant. Its just that I missed your post.

Have completed 10 days of Selenium & Nux Vomica. Continuing the allopathy meds along with Himplasia & Chandraprabha vati.

Doctor, one thing I noticed is that there is 10% urine retention in the bladder which is continuing for almost 4-5 months. The retention has not reduced.

The burning pains along the penis still continues. Have to get up almost twice in the night to pass urine. Also there is a constant urge to pass urine through out. In the day time typically in the morning session I consume 5 glasses of water.

The cramps in the palms and fingers still persists. Whether am walking or sitting or doing anything. There is constant cramps through out.

The right shoulder joint along with the arms of both hands still pains. While riding a 2 wheeler with the vibration the pains on both the arms along with joint pains.

A slight touch almost pains on the nipples of both the breast.

That's it, have to bear the pains as you age.

Please review and advise.

Thanks very much for your continous support.

Best regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please take Conium 200, Pulsatilla 200 and Bryonia 200 twice a day for 10 days and report back.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Have completed 10 days of Conium, Pulsatilla and Bryonia. No relief to any of the persistent pains.

The pains and swelling around both the nipples continues. It typically looks like a breast of a girl. Also the pains along both arms.There is still pains along the penis. The past 2 days occasionally I feel a slight pain at the tip (inside)

That’s it. Not much.

Another thing- my wife has been diagnosed with prolapse of the uterus. The Gynec informed that her pelvic muscles have become week bcoz of her age. She is 54. The gynec said there is no medicines now. If it protrudes too much out, then you would need to undergo surgery. She had abdominal pains and vertigo. The Doctors gave her medicines for it.

Please review and advise.

Thanks very much.
Regards and God Bless
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Please refer to my earlier post also. This post is of today's.

Due to applying sudden brake on my 2 wheeler, it skidded and I fell down. Nothing major. I fell flat on my knees. Just a bit of scratch on the left knee. Applied SBL's Calendula ointment on the bruised part. Now a bit of pains on my both knees. On my way I bought Arnica 200 but not taken as I am not sure how it would affect with the existing medicines which I have taken.

Please advise.

Thanks very much for your continuous support.

Best regards.
pimathew 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Had to take Arnica 200 as the pains became unbearable and not able to bend my knee. Now it is much better. There is swelling on both the knee caps.

Please advise.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards
pimathew 7 years ago
Please take Conium 200 and causticum 200 twice a day for 10 days and report back.
kadwa 7 years ago
Please give your wife sepia 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that goes over 10 days.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Have completed the 10 days of Conium & Causticum.

There is a mild pain in the penis glans while passing urine as well as shooting pains at times even when not passing urine.Also there is a feeling of urine held up. It like after passing urine, after some time a few drops jets out when pressure applied or drips.

The pain around the nipples slightly reduced. Have a feeling that the swelling has come down. However at the nipples and around the nipples there is pain when touched or rubbed.

The cramps and numbness along the left palm still persists. The cramps are there on both the palms but on the left palm it is severe.

The complaints have reduced drastically. The Prostrate needs to reduce further. A long way to go.

Doctor, came across a medicine for prostrate. https://www.alchemlife.com/in/prostaquil/. (ProstaQuilTM harnesses the synergistic power of Pygeum extract, Pumpkin seed oil, Saw palmetto oil & Zinc oxide) Don't know how effective it is. Please have a look and advise if it is worth.
I am still continuing Himplasia and Chandraprabha vati.

Please review and advise.

Doctor, by the way, my wife took Sepia 200 twice for 3 days, keeps complaining of abdomen pains. The Gynec had prescribed a painkiller to be used when the pains are very severe when she went for a check up when he diagnosed as uterus prolapse. At times she bends over with pains.

Please advise.

Thanks very much for your never ending support.

God Bless

pimathew 6 years ago
Please take Conium 200, Causticum 200 and Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 10 days and report back.

Please continue with your existing herbal remedies for the time being.
kadwa 6 years ago

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