Cucurbita Pepo Semen
Pumpkin Seed, Curcurbita Pepo, Cucurbita pepo semen, Cucurbita pepo, Curc-p-s.Have you ever used Cucurbita Pepo Semen? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Cucurbita Pepo Semen in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Intense nausea immediately after eating. Vomiting of pregnancy. Seasickness. One of the most efficient and least harmful of teniafuge.
Tincture. The seeds are a valuable remedy for tape-worm. Scald the seeds and peel off the outer skins when softened, the green inner pulp being the part used. Dose: two ounces of seed, yielding one of pulp. May be mixed with cream and taken like porridge.
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Compare: Filix; Cuprum Metallicum Cuprum Ox id. nig.
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Coloc > relationships
Compare Bry. (nearest analogue), Elater., Cucurbita pepo. Diosc. (griping, tearing, cutting, spasmodic pains in body, but amel. stretching body and motion); Dig. (paraphimosis); Caust. (Joint rheumatism; follows Coloc. in colic); eyes feel hard, Can. ind.; Canth., Cham., Chel.; Chi. (beer intoxicates easily); Coccul., Gamb., Lyc., Merc.; Nux; Plumb. (inclination to assume strange attitudes in bed). Staph. (anger with vexation, abdominal pains, neuralgia)