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Homeopathic Remedies - J

To purchase any of these homeopathic medicines online or to view information on the remedy, please click on the remedy name.


📖 - Materia Medica information available
📷 - We have an original photo
in remedy finder - Used in the remedy finder

All Available Single Remedies - J

Jaborandi (Pilocarpus) Available
  Class: Chlorides
  AKA: Pilocarpus, Jaborandi, Pilocarpinum Hydrochloricum, Pilocarpinum 📖 used in remedy finder

Jacaranda Caroba - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Jacaranda Gualandai - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Jalapa Available
  Class: Herbal based remedies
  AKA: Jalap, Exogonium Purga 📖 used in remedy finder

Jasminum Officinale - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Jaspe vert Available
  Class: Herbal based remedies
  AKA: Green Jasper

Jateorhiza palmata - not available. No information listed

Jatropha Curcas - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Jatropha Urens - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Jequirity - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Jonesia Asoca - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Juglans Cinerea Available
  Class: Nuts
  AKA: Butternut 📖 used in remedy finder

Juglans Regia Available
  Class: Nuts
  AKA: Walnut 📖 used in remedy finder

Juncus Effusus - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Juniperus Communis Available
  Class: Herbal based remedies 📖 📷

Juniperus Virginiana Available
  Class: Trees
  AKA: Juniperus Virginianus, Red Cedar 📖 used in remedy finder

Justicia Adhatoda Available
  Class: Herbal based remedies
  AKA: Justicia, Adhatoda vasica 📖








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As a gesture of goodwill to all our customers from the past 20+ years, we'll keep the site live for the time being but it is no longer viable to run the store.